Monday, March 26, 2012

Kinds of Bird Photography

Kinds of Bird Photography

"Although I deeply enjoy birding, I still consider myself first and foremost a photographer. As a birder, I want to find and enjoy new birds, observe their behavior, and document what I see on As a photographer, I want to find the birds in good light and a pleasing background, and above all I want to come home with good photographs. At the same time, I've noticed that the more I've come to enjoy birding, my photographic goals have changed and expanded as well. In a very real sense, the more I know about birds and birding, the more challenging and rewarding photography has become for me. I'm no longer fully satisfied if I come home with pretty pictures of pretty birds. Of course, I want that, but now I want more too. I want to come home with photos of birds that express something about who they are and how they behave. I want my photographs to be interpretive of the birds, their behavior and their environment. So I'm now convinced that the more I become skilled as a birder, I will also become a better photographer of birds. I now take photos of birds for four different purposes. I think of them as levels of photographs; there's a great deal of overlap here, and in fact it would be good to think of this as a continuum, and higher levels may include everything in the levels below them."

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