Les Campbell is recovering from a recent serious operation. He has been at both a local hospital and also in a nearby rehabilitation facility and back to the hospital. As of this moment, I do not know exactly where he is being treated but I do know that a lot of get-well cards would go a long way in cheering Les up. An operation at his age (86) can take a lot out of you and Les will need time to recouperate. Last I had heard, he was not allowed visitors except family. Since I do not have his current location, I would suggest that any of you who have enjoyed a day at Les's wonderful home at Sky Meadow should send him a get-well card and address it to his PO Box in Belchertown, MA. His son David picks up Les's mail for him on a daily basis so your cards will get to Les quickly, no matter which medical facility he is in.
If you wish to send a card to Les, here is his address:
Les Campbell
PO Box 1065
Belchertown, MA 01007-1065
Welcome! This is a place where I (Lisa) can pass along information about photography -- photo ops, new products, reviews, workshops, articles, exhibitions, etc. etc. Enjoy!
Monday, October 31, 2011
How To: Take Better Fashion Photos
How To: Take Better Fashion Photos
A photographer explains how she found her inner Avedon
By Laurence Chen
It’s easy to see a fashion photo as being all about sartorial style, but equally important is how a picture’s mood can sell that style. Lighting and gesture work together to pull it off. Dallas-based fashion photographer Heather Key explains that mood is the beginning of everything, and that there’s no secret, really: It all starts with the people you’re working with.
A photographer explains how she found her inner Avedon
By Laurence Chen
It’s easy to see a fashion photo as being all about sartorial style, but equally important is how a picture’s mood can sell that style. Lighting and gesture work together to pull it off. Dallas-based fashion photographer Heather Key explains that mood is the beginning of everything, and that there’s no secret, really: It all starts with the people you’re working with.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
How To: Shoot a Restaurant's Entire Menu in One Day
How To: Shoot a Restaurant's Entire Menu in One Day
Food photographer Steve Anderson successfully photographed 40 dishes in one sitting, here's how he did it
By Laurence Chen
1For Los Angeles food photographer Steve Anderson, a new Scottsdale, AZ restaurant’s need for images of its complete menu offered him a challenge he couldn’t pass up. Why photograph every menu item? Because customers of the restaurant who would first be attending films at a neighboring theater would also be ordering dishes on iPad menus with choices beamed wirelessly beamed to its kitchen, and making their selections based on Anderson’s images. For Anderson, the creative challenges were both logistic and aesthetic.
Food photographer Steve Anderson successfully photographed 40 dishes in one sitting, here's how he did it
By Laurence Chen
1For Los Angeles food photographer Steve Anderson, a new Scottsdale, AZ restaurant’s need for images of its complete menu offered him a challenge he couldn’t pass up. Why photograph every menu item? Because customers of the restaurant who would first be attending films at a neighboring theater would also be ordering dishes on iPad menus with choices beamed wirelessly beamed to its kitchen, and making their selections based on Anderson’s images. For Anderson, the creative challenges were both logistic and aesthetic.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thanks Gary for passing this great series of articles along!
What we want in a macro shot - POV and special scenes
Erez Marom elborates about point of view in a macro shot, as well as the importance of finding and shooting special scenes.
What we want in a macro shot – Background
In this article Erez Marom demonstrates the important role the background plays in creating a successful macro photograph. Learn how to take control of this image-defining element.
What we want in a macro shot - Detail
In this article Erez Marom explains how lighting and depth of field can make or break a great macro photograph.
The what and why of wildlife macro photography
I this first part of a series on macro photography nature photographer Erez Marom explains what macro photography means to him and what rules he follows when

Erez Marom is a nature photographer based in Israel and a regular contributor to Composition magazine. You can see more of his work at http://www.erezmarom.com/ and follow him on his Facebook page.
What we want in a macro shot - POV and special scenes
Erez Marom elborates about point of view in a macro shot, as well as the importance of finding and shooting special scenes.
What we want in a macro shot – Background
In this article Erez Marom demonstrates the important role the background plays in creating a successful macro photograph. Learn how to take control of this image-defining element.
What we want in a macro shot - Detail
In this article Erez Marom explains how lighting and depth of field can make or break a great macro photograph.
The what and why of wildlife macro photography
I this first part of a series on macro photography nature photographer Erez Marom explains what macro photography means to him and what rules he follows when

Erez Marom is a nature photographer based in Israel and a regular contributor to Composition magazine. You can see more of his work at http://www.erezmarom.com/ and follow him on his Facebook page.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Article: Auroral photography - A guide to capturing the Northern Lights
From dpreview
Article: Auroral photography - A guide to capturing the Northern Lights
Wilderness photographer Ben Hattenbach advises on how to capture images of the Northern Lights. In this article he explains how to find an aurora and how to equip yourself to photograph it. He also gives advice on camera settings and composition. Article: Auroral photography - A guide to capturing the Northern Lights
Article: Auroral photography - A guide to capturing the Northern Lights
Wilderness photographer Ben Hattenbach advises on how to capture images of the Northern Lights. In this article he explains how to find an aurora and how to equip yourself to photograph it. He also gives advice on camera settings and composition. Article: Auroral photography - A guide to capturing the Northern Lights
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Ask Tim Grey - JPEG Quality Paradox
Ask Tim Grey - JPEG Quality Paradox
Today's Question: I saw an article today that indicates the quality of a JPEG image saved in Photoshop at Quality setting 7 is actually worse than if you used Quality setting 6. Do you know if this is true? And is it a significant issue?
Tim's Answer: Yes, this is true, but I really don't consider it a significant issue all things considered. As a matter of course I suggest saving with a Quality setting of 8 under most circumstances. If file size is a significant concern to the extent that you want to reduce the Quality setting below that, I do suggest opting for a setting of 6 rather than 7. The two files (saved at Quality settings of 6 and 7) will be about the same file size, but the quality of the image saved at a Quality setting of 6 will be slightly better.
When it comes to quality in a JPEG image, what we generally mean by lower quality is an image with less detail (think of relatively smooth areas taking on an extremely smooth appearance, with virtually no texture) and artifacts (random pixels that don't seem to fit in to their surroundings very well). The differences from one setting to the next are actually quite minor, all things considered. By virtue of the nature of JPEG images (which are always compressed, and thus always involve a compromise in terms of image quality), you're losing some quality from the start. You'll actually have a difficult time seeing a clear difference between images saved at a JPEG Quality setting that is only one value apart, unless you zoom in to the pixel level, at which point you could argue that you're over-scrutinizing a JPEG image. The whole point of this file format is to reduce file size by reducing image quality.
It is worth noting, by the way, that going from a Quality setting of 10 up to 11 or 12 will have a significant impact on file size (especially for 12) without a visible improvement in image quality.
And for those who are interested, the issue of a Quality setting of 6 resulting in a higher quality image than with a Quality setting of 7 has to do with the way compression is applied. In short, up to and including a Quality setting of 6, color values are adjusted to achieve compression. Above that Quality setting, only luminance is adjusted. That would normally result in a larger file size, so to reduce file size adequately the compression must be more extreme, thus resulting in a situation where a Quality setting of 6 results in a slightly higher image quality than with a Quality setting of 7.
But again, this really isn't a big issue, so I don't recommend making dramatic changes to your workflow as a result. Think of it instead as an interesting bit of digital imaging trivia.
Upcoming Events
My calendar is looking pretty full with quite a few great events you may want to participate in. For the latest schedule of workshops, seminars, presentations, and other events I'll be attending, visit my website here:
Tell a Friend!
Do your photography friends a favor: Tell them about the free Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
You already know that the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is a great way to gain knowledge on all aspects of digital photography and imaging. Your friends might be missing out. Why not forward this email to them and suggest that they sign up using the box on my home page at www.timgrey.com? I'll bet they'll thank you! (And so will I).
Today's Question: I saw an article today that indicates the quality of a JPEG image saved in Photoshop at Quality setting 7 is actually worse than if you used Quality setting 6. Do you know if this is true? And is it a significant issue?
Tim's Answer: Yes, this is true, but I really don't consider it a significant issue all things considered. As a matter of course I suggest saving with a Quality setting of 8 under most circumstances. If file size is a significant concern to the extent that you want to reduce the Quality setting below that, I do suggest opting for a setting of 6 rather than 7. The two files (saved at Quality settings of 6 and 7) will be about the same file size, but the quality of the image saved at a Quality setting of 6 will be slightly better.
When it comes to quality in a JPEG image, what we generally mean by lower quality is an image with less detail (think of relatively smooth areas taking on an extremely smooth appearance, with virtually no texture) and artifacts (random pixels that don't seem to fit in to their surroundings very well). The differences from one setting to the next are actually quite minor, all things considered. By virtue of the nature of JPEG images (which are always compressed, and thus always involve a compromise in terms of image quality), you're losing some quality from the start. You'll actually have a difficult time seeing a clear difference between images saved at a JPEG Quality setting that is only one value apart, unless you zoom in to the pixel level, at which point you could argue that you're over-scrutinizing a JPEG image. The whole point of this file format is to reduce file size by reducing image quality.
It is worth noting, by the way, that going from a Quality setting of 10 up to 11 or 12 will have a significant impact on file size (especially for 12) without a visible improvement in image quality.
And for those who are interested, the issue of a Quality setting of 6 resulting in a higher quality image than with a Quality setting of 7 has to do with the way compression is applied. In short, up to and including a Quality setting of 6, color values are adjusted to achieve compression. Above that Quality setting, only luminance is adjusted. That would normally result in a larger file size, so to reduce file size adequately the compression must be more extreme, thus resulting in a situation where a Quality setting of 6 results in a slightly higher image quality than with a Quality setting of 7.
But again, this really isn't a big issue, so I don't recommend making dramatic changes to your workflow as a result. Think of it instead as an interesting bit of digital imaging trivia.
Upcoming Events
My calendar is looking pretty full with quite a few great events you may want to participate in. For the latest schedule of workshops, seminars, presentations, and other events I'll be attending, visit my website here:
Tell a Friend!
Do your photography friends a favor: Tell them about the free Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
You already know that the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is a great way to gain knowledge on all aspects of digital photography and imaging. Your friends might be missing out. Why not forward this email to them and suggest that they sign up using the box on my home page at www.timgrey.com? I'll bet they'll thank you! (And so will I).
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Nov 5th CAP Fall Seminars Registration Deadline Oct 29th
Connecticut Association of Photographers, Inc.
Fall Seminars
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Holiday Inn, 201 Washington Ave., North Haven, CT
Expand Your Photographic Knowledge!
Photoshop Elements; Photoshop CS4/5; Lightroom
• These are Lectures, NOT Hands-On Workshops
• You can choose one session or two different topics; $25 per session
• If you attend a morning AND afternoon session (total of $50) you will receive a complimentary lunch.
• If you wish to attend one session only, optional lunch is $12
• Each session is limited to 15 attendees, so sign up early!
• Morning session 9:00 - 11:45; Afternoon session 1:15 - 4:00; Lunch 12:00-1:00
Send Reservations and Check to: Tom Cuchara, 60 Braeside Drive, Hamden, CT 06514
Questions? Contact Tom at CapinCTfall2011@gmail.com
Each seminar is $25 for CAP members. Registration Deadline October 29, 2011.
Morning Seminar Choices (Circle One) $25
Photoshop Elements Photoshop CS4/5 Lightroom $_______
Afternoon Seminar Choices (Circle One) $25
Photoshop Elements Photoshop CS4/5 Lightroom $_______
Lunch with Two Seminars $ FREE!
Lunch with One Seminar $12 $_______
Name ________________________________ Phone Number _________________
E-mail Address _______________________________________________________
Photoshop Elements 9 presented by Hazel Meredith, MNEC
You've bought your first copy of Adobe's Photoshop Elements. Now what do you do with it? This seminar will review the basic functions of the program and help you organize, find, and edit your images. Hazel will be demonstrating using version 9, but the techniques apply to most versions of Elements.
She will begin with downloading your photos from your memory card to the Organizer in Elements. She will review the workflow of your image, beginning with Layers - why they are important and what they do. Next, she will demonstrate basic editing techniques - cropping, resizing, straightening; fixing color and lighting; fixing "problem" areas (reducing wrinkles, zapping blemishes, enhancing eyes); a few basic filters; and finally, sharpening. In the afternoon she will move in to some of the more "creative" techniques -- combining photos (changing the sky or background); frames; adding type; using masks (new in Elements 9) and more.
Photoshop CS4/CS5 presented by Lisa Cuchara, MNEC
Lisa will discuss the use of Photoshop as a tool in the “digital darkroom”. She will demonstrate “non-destructive” editing techniques. She will walk you thru layers and adjustment layers (levels, hue/saturation, color balance, black & white, etc.) and demonstrate some popular editing tools (such as crop, clone, patch, heal, content aware fill, sharpen). In addition, she will show you how to apply an effect to a selected area of your photograph. She will introduce you to masking via a simple approach of learning how to make a black and white and color image. The morning session will cover layers and siome of the basic editing tools while the afternoon will explore selective editing and masks. Once you learn how to mask your post-processing will be taken to a whole new dimension! You can sign up for BOTH sessions
Please note that this is NOT a hands on workshop, you do NOT need to own a laptop in order to attend. It is designed to inspire and motivate and teach. You may choose to bring your own laptop pre-loaded with Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5, but there are NOT helpers there to help you if you get stuck. Images will be given to the attendees if you wish to follow along and/or practice later. This workshop assumes that you have basic computer skills and know how to navigate around your computer, how to open and save files, minimize, etc. You may choose to share your computer with a spouse or friend.
Lightroom Workflow Strategy presented by William Barnett, MPSA, AFIAP
This course is for photographers with some experience with Lightroom 3, but who don’t feel comfortable using it to its fullest. To sign up for this course you should own Lightroom 3, have it installed on your computer, and have used it, even if only briefly. The course will consist of a combination of lecture, discussion and demonstration.
The course will emphasize workflow strategy for using Lightroom to organize and improve your photographs. The emphasis will be on what Lightroom can do for you rather than a detailed discussion of specific controls which are better learned from an online video course or a book. We will also discuss in some detail image organization and backup, topics not strictly about Lightroom, but necessary to use Lightroom to its fullest.
To get the most out of the course you should spend some time working with the Lightroom 3 installation on your own computer before attending. Be sure to bring a notebook and pens to take notes during the course. Come prepared to discuss a variety of topics including: do you shoot JPEG or raw and why? How do you name and organize your images? How to you backup your images? How do you deal with your images when traveling? There will be lots of opportunities for questions related to Lightroom during the course so be sure to write down questions you want to discuss and bring them with you.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wacom Tablets for Photographers - Sponsored by Hunt's Photo & Video
Wacom Tablets for Photographers - Sponsored by Hunt's Photo & Video
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Wacom Tablets for Photographers - Sponsored by Hunt’s Photo & Video
After the shutter clicks, if you find yourself enhancing your images in creative applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc., then you need a Wacom pen tablet!
In this fun and informative webinar, Wes Maggio, Application Specialist at Wacom, an avid shooter and all around tablet guru will show you how a pen tablet can help you bring out the true potential in your images. Whether you make the most subtle changes to your photos, or combine multiple images to create a stylized look, a pen tablet can give you a level of control that no other method can. Selectively apply adjustments, filters and effects with precision and control. Remove unwanted elements and retouch like a pro!
Join Wes as he gives you a down-and-dirty understanding of what a tablet is, how it works, and why you should care. After a few “tablet basics”, he will show you the essential tips and techniques used by creative professionals and enthusiasts alike to bring out the inner beauty in your photos. He will introduce you to the capabilities of the tablet control panel; the key to increasing your efficiency in any application. Finally, and perhaps best of all, Wes will leave plenty of time to answer your questions, LIVE!
To register for this webinar, follow the link below:
Date / Time: Tuesday, October 25th 2:00-3:00pm EST
Registration Link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/384113318
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Wacom Tablets for Photographers - Sponsored by Hunt’s Photo & Video
After the shutter clicks, if you find yourself enhancing your images in creative applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc., then you need a Wacom pen tablet!
In this fun and informative webinar, Wes Maggio, Application Specialist at Wacom, an avid shooter and all around tablet guru will show you how a pen tablet can help you bring out the true potential in your images. Whether you make the most subtle changes to your photos, or combine multiple images to create a stylized look, a pen tablet can give you a level of control that no other method can. Selectively apply adjustments, filters and effects with precision and control. Remove unwanted elements and retouch like a pro!
Join Wes as he gives you a down-and-dirty understanding of what a tablet is, how it works, and why you should care. After a few “tablet basics”, he will show you the essential tips and techniques used by creative professionals and enthusiasts alike to bring out the inner beauty in your photos. He will introduce you to the capabilities of the tablet control panel; the key to increasing your efficiency in any application. Finally, and perhaps best of all, Wes will leave plenty of time to answer your questions, LIVE!
To register for this webinar, follow the link below:
Date / Time: Tuesday, October 25th 2:00-3:00pm EST
Registration Link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/384113318
20 Incredible Photos Captured Through a Microscope
20 Incredible Photos Captured Through a Microscope
Every year, Nikon's Small World competition puts a call out to photomicrographers, asking for their best ultra-magnified images. The following photos were all captured using microscopes. The subjects are incredibly small, the capture process is extremely complex and the results are nothing short of incredible. These 20 are the best, as picked by a panel of expert judges. Nikon has left the public vote portion of the contest open, so you can still go and check out some of the other entries.
1st Place
Photo: Dr. Igor Siwanowicz
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Martinsried, Germany
Portrait of a Chrysopa sp. (green lacewing) larva (20x) Confocal
Every year, Nikon's Small World competition puts a call out to photomicrographers, asking for their best ultra-magnified images. The following photos were all captured using microscopes. The subjects are incredibly small, the capture process is extremely complex and the results are nothing short of incredible. These 20 are the best, as picked by a panel of expert judges. Nikon has left the public vote portion of the contest open, so you can still go and check out some of the other entries.
1st Place
Photo: Dr. Igor Siwanowicz
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Martinsried, Germany
Portrait of a Chrysopa sp. (green lacewing) larva (20x) Confocal
Sunday, October 23, 2011
How To: Photograph Food Like a Professional
How To: Photograph Food Like a Professional
Food photographer and chef Francesco Tonelli breaks it down
By Peter Kolonia
Are you crazy about food? If you appreciate its color and visual qualities as much as its taste, you have an excellent chance for success in culinary photography. It’s exactly what catapulted Francesco Tonelli of Union City, NJ, into a flourishing career. The photo above exemplifies his passion. “I bought this wedge of Valdéon to enjoy with dinner,”he says. “But after I sliced through it, I was captivated by its color, texture, and translucent quality. I had to photograph it—immediately.”
Food photographer and chef Francesco Tonelli breaks it down
By Peter Kolonia
Are you crazy about food? If you appreciate its color and visual qualities as much as its taste, you have an excellent chance for success in culinary photography. It’s exactly what catapulted Francesco Tonelli of Union City, NJ, into a flourishing career. The photo above exemplifies his passion. “I bought this wedge of Valdéon to enjoy with dinner,”he says. “But after I sliced through it, I was captivated by its color, texture, and translucent quality. I had to photograph it—immediately.”
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Advanced Open Studio - Photography & Encaustics
# Saturday-Tuesday, November 5-8
Advanced Open Studio - Photography & Encaustics
CPW and R&F Handmade Paints are excited to offer this 4-day advanced workshop. This session is intended for artists who are experienced with photography and encaustic, but seek to take things to the next level.
Participants will work intensively within a small group of peers, enhancing their technical knowledge and benefiting from the guidance of two accomplished instructors. The first two days will be spent utilizing the traditional and digital darkroom facilities at CPW, with unlimited access to print, scan and prepare photographic works to be combined with the encaustic process. The following two days will be spent in the studio at R&F, with access to the complete range of encaustic paints and tools. This creative atmosphere will be the perfect place to bring your individual projects to fruition, while fueling exciting discussions, critiques and demonstrations.
Participants will have access to state- of-the-art photographic equipment including large-format printers, scanners and SLR cameras. Participants can choose to go on location if they are interested in photographing and printing a body of work. The workshop will include class critiques and discussion about projects so that participants can bounce ideas off of one another, helping them to find direction for their work. Instructors Fawn Potash and Danielle Correia will be there as moderators, assisting participants with their projects, guiding them through the processes, and allowing for spontaneity and creative expression.
To learn more about this workshops, click here.
Advanced Open Studio - Photography & Encaustics
CPW and R&F Handmade Paints are excited to offer this 4-day advanced workshop. This session is intended for artists who are experienced with photography and encaustic, but seek to take things to the next level.
Participants will work intensively within a small group of peers, enhancing their technical knowledge and benefiting from the guidance of two accomplished instructors. The first two days will be spent utilizing the traditional and digital darkroom facilities at CPW, with unlimited access to print, scan and prepare photographic works to be combined with the encaustic process. The following two days will be spent in the studio at R&F, with access to the complete range of encaustic paints and tools. This creative atmosphere will be the perfect place to bring your individual projects to fruition, while fueling exciting discussions, critiques and demonstrations.
Participants will have access to state- of-the-art photographic equipment including large-format printers, scanners and SLR cameras. Participants can choose to go on location if they are interested in photographing and printing a body of work. The workshop will include class critiques and discussion about projects so that participants can bounce ideas off of one another, helping them to find direction for their work. Instructors Fawn Potash and Danielle Correia will be there as moderators, assisting participants with their projects, guiding them through the processes, and allowing for spontaneity and creative expression.
To learn more about this workshops, click here.
Canon planning October 26 announcement for EOS system, PIXMA printers
Canon planning October 26 announcement for EOS system, PIXMA printers
An invitation being sent by Canon USA to technology journalists today hints at upcoming announcements in both the EOS camera and PIXMA printer lineups. Recipients are asked to set aside the evening of October 26, 2011 to attend an event in New York. FULL STORY
An invitation being sent by Canon USA to technology journalists today hints at upcoming announcements in both the EOS camera and PIXMA printer lineups. Recipients are asked to set aside the evening of October 26, 2011 to attend an event in New York. FULL STORY
A Great Tip from Wildlife Photography Specialist Juan Pons
A Great Tip from Wildlife Photography Specialist Juan Pons
Connecting with your subject
The most compelling photos are those that create a connection between your subject and your viewer. This not only applies to wildlife photography, but just about every other type, such as portrait, wedding, human interest, travel, Photojournalism, etc. As the old cliché goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”, so make sure your viewer connects with your image right from the get go. The most effective way to create that connection is...
read the rest here
Connecting with your subject
The most compelling photos are those that create a connection between your subject and your viewer. This not only applies to wildlife photography, but just about every other type, such as portrait, wedding, human interest, travel, Photojournalism, etc. As the old cliché goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”, so make sure your viewer connects with your image right from the get go. The most effective way to create that connection is...
read the rest here
Friday, October 21, 2011
How To: Use Backlighting for More Dramatic Still Lifes
How To: Use Backlighting for More Dramatic Still Lifes
Bring out those translucent hues the natural way, with light.
By Peter Kolonia
1Last time around, we showed how backlighting can define the shape of a portrait subject —or any opaque object—by etching a bright white highlight, called a rimlight, around its outer edges. But it has other uses, too, as Christoph Seiler, 37, a research scientist from Philadelphia, discovered when he tried it out with translucent subjects.
Bring out those translucent hues the natural way, with light.
By Peter Kolonia
1Last time around, we showed how backlighting can define the shape of a portrait subject —or any opaque object—by etching a bright white highlight, called a rimlight, around its outer edges. But it has other uses, too, as Christoph Seiler, 37, a research scientist from Philadelphia, discovered when he tried it out with translucent subjects.
Understanding Fair Use
Understanding Fair Use
November 15, 2011
1:00pm - 2:00pm ET
Click Register Now! Space is limited!
Upon completion of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email from Copyright Clearance Center. The day before the event you will receive an email with log-in instructions for the audio and visual portions of the online seminar.
Need more information:
OnCopyright Education
1-800-982-3887 x2808
November 15, 2011
1:00pm - 2:00pm ET
Click Register Now! Space is limited!
Upon completion of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email from Copyright Clearance Center. The day before the event you will receive an email with log-in instructions for the audio and visual portions of the online seminar.
Need more information:
OnCopyright Education
1-800-982-3887 x2808
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Canon U.S.A. Introduces The New Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR Camera, Re-Designed From The Inside Out
Canon U.S.A. Introduces The New Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR Camera, Re-Designed From The Inside Out
Featuring a Completely New 61-Point Autofocus, Fast Shooting up to 12 fps, 18-Megapixel Full-Frame CMOS Sensor, Full HD Video Recording and Much More
The EOS-1D X is the first EOS Digital SLR to feature Multiple Exposure capability and can create IN CAMERA HDR images.

LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., October 18, 2011 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging, is proud to introduce a completely revolutionized EOS-1D series camera, the Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR camera.* As the new leader in Canon's arsenal of professional DSLRs, the EOS-1D X will be a high-speed multimedia juggernaut replacing both the EOS-1Ds Mark III and EOS-1D Mark IV models in Canon's lineup. Enhancing the revolutionary image quality of the EOS-1Ds and speed capabilities of the EOS-1D series, the EOS-1D X DSLR features an 18-megapixel full-frame Canon CMOS sensor, Dual DIGIC 5+ Imaging Processors, 14-bit A/D data conversion and capable of shooting an incredible 12 frames-per-second (fps). Canon's EOS DSLR cameras and accessories have a long-standing legacy of providing high-quality results to professionals in a wide range of markets, including sports, nature, cinematography, wedding and commercial studios. The addition of this new model will help take this tradition to a whole new level.
The EOS-1D X announcement comes on the heels of Canon's recent manufacturing milestone with the production of the Company's 50-millionth EOS-series SLR camera in September of 2011. Furthermore, Canon will achieve yet another milestone at the end of this month producing the 70-millionth EF lens.
"The EOS-1D X represents the re-invention of the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D series, combining new proprietary Canon technologies with the culmination of customer feedback and requests from the field. We are proud to introduce this camera to the worldwide community of professional photographers and cinematographers with the features and capabilities they need to capture the great moments that display their talent," stated Yuichi Ishizuka, executive vice president and general manager, Imaging Technologies and Communications Group, Canon U.S.A.
The Camera With Three Brains
The EOS-1D X features three DIGIC processors, including Dual DIGIC 5+ image processors capable of delivering approximately 17 times more processing speed than DIGIC 4, and a dedicated DIGIC 4 for metering and AF control. In conjunction with the newly developed high-performance 18-megapixel full-frame Canon CMOS image sensor, the Dual DIGIC 5+ processors provide high-speed continuous shooting, lower noise, and a significant increase in data processing speed than previous EOS-1D models. This new level of data processing speed allows the EOS-1D X to perform many functions including chromatic aberration correction for various Canon EF lenses in-camera instead of through post-production software. The DIGIC 4 processor utilizes a new 100,000-pixel RGB Metering Sensor for enhanced exposure accuracy with color and face detection, and works together with the camera's new EOS iTR (Intelligent Tracking and Recognition) AF.
The EOS-1D X employs a completely new imaging sensor, producing the lowest noise of any EOS digital camera to date for stunning portraiture and studio work. The new 18-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor utilizes large pixels - 1.25 microns larger than those in the EOS-1D Mark IV sensor and .55 microns larger than those in the EOS 5D Mark II sensor - together with gapless microlenses to achieve enhanced light gathering efficiency, higher sensitivity and less noise at the pixel level. The new sensor has improved on the already very high signal-to-noise ratio of sensor output of earlier EOS models for outstanding image quality, even in extremely low light. When combined with the Dual DIGIC 5+ imaging processors the results are stunning. The images produced with the EOS-1D X camera's new sensor are so clean that files can easily be up-sized if necessary for even the most demanding high-resolution commercial applications. The EOS-1D X will also feature new Ultrasonic Wave Motion Cleaning (UWMC), Canon's second generation self-cleaning sensor unit, which utilizes carrier wave technology to remove smaller dust particles from the sensor and it includes a new fluorine coating on the infrared absorption glass to help repel dust.
The low-light capability of the EOS-1D X is evident in its incredible ISO range and ability to photograph in extremely low-light conditions. Adjustable from ISO 100 to 51,200 within its standard range, the new model offers a low ISO 50 setting for studio and landscape photography and two high settings of 102,400 at H1 and 204,800 at H2, ideal for law enforcement, government or forensic field applications.
New 61-Point High Density Reticular AF
The EOS-1D X includes a brand new 61-Point High Density Reticular AF, the most sophisticated DSLR AF system Canon has ever released. The 21 focusing points in the central area are standard precision cross-type and effective with maximum apertures as small as f/5.6, depending on the lens in use. The center five points are also high-precision diagonal cross-type points for maximum apertures as small as f/2.8. All 61 points are sensitive to horizontal contrast with maximum apertures as small as f/5.6 and 20 of the outer focusing points function as cross-type points with maximum apertures as small as f/4.0. Other innovations of the new 61-point High Density Reticular AF include expanded AF coverage area, superior focusing precision and low light sensitivity, and greater low-contrast subject detection capability compared to earlier EOS AF systems.
All AF functions now have their own menu tab for quick and easy access (formerly AF custom functions in previous EOS models). A new AF Configuration Tool allows for customized setting of tracking sensitivity, the acceleration and deceleration of tracking subjects, and AF point auto switching, all of which are easily accessed and adjusted via the new AF menu tab. A built-in Feature Guide advises photographers on which settings to use according to subject matter.
Similar to the AF point selection options offered in the EOS 7D Digital SLR camera, the EOS-1D X offers six AF point selection modes: Spot, Single Point, Single Point with surrounding four points, Single Point with surrounding eight points, Zone selection and Automatic AF point selection. (See image below AF point selection options.)
EOS iTR AF: Intelligent Tracking and Recognition Enhances AF Performance
The Canon EOS-1D X features incredible new EOS iTR (Intelligent Tracking and Recognition) AF options ideal for wedding and event photography as well as sports and photojournalism. The default AF mode for the EOS-1D X uses phase detection AF information, while a new second option uses Face Detection technology to track recognized faces in addition to color information, ideal when shooting events such as tennis or dancing where facial recognition of the original subject will help keep that person in focus throughout the scene.
Exposure Control
For the first time in a Canon DSLR camera, a DIGIC processor is used exclusively with the metering sensor for fast, accurate exposure control. The Canon DIGIC 4 processor takes advantage of the EOS-1D X's 100,000-pixel RGB Metering Sensor and utilizes 252 zones for general metering or 35 zones for low-light metering to help ensure accurate evaluative ambient or flash exposure. The new subject recognition capabilities enhance nearly all of the camera's automatic functions, helping to adjust exposure, autofocus, Auto Lighting Optimizer and Automatic Picture Style to the scene being captured for enhanced image quality.
Multiple Exposure Modes
The EOS-1D X is the first EOS Digital SLR to feature Multiple Exposure capability. The camera can combine up to nine individual images into a single composite image, with no need for post-processing in a computer. Four different compositing methods are provided for maximum creative control, including Additive, Average, Bright and Dark. Compositing results can be viewed in real time on the camera's LCD monitor, and there is a one-step Undo command that allows photographers to delete an image and try again if desired. The EOS-1D X's Multiple Exposure mode even allows photographers to specify a previously captured RAW image as the starting point for a new Multiple Exposure composite image.
Super High Speed Mode
The Canon EOS-1D X camera breaks new ground in the world of digital SLRs, offering a Super High Speed Mode which increases shooting speeds up to 14 fps at full 18-megapixel resolution in JPEG modei. The new camera is also capable of shooting RAW, JPEG, or RAW+JPEG at speeds up to 12 fps in One Shot AF or AI Servo AF for enhanced performance in sports photography and other applications requiring high-speed digital capture. This new level of performance is made possible by the combination of the EOS-1D X's 16-channel readout CMOS sensor, Dual DIGIC 5+ image processors, and a completely new reflex mirror mechanism that has been engineered by Canon to combine high-performance with exceptional precision and reliability.
Enhanced EOS HD Video - New Compressions, Longer Recording
Centered around an all-new full-frame CMOS sensor with larger pixels than those found on the EOS 5D Mark II image sensor, the EOS-1D X utilizes new HD video formats to simplify and speed up post-production work. The two new compression formats offered on the EOS-1D X include intraframe (ALL-i ) compression for an editing-friendly format and interframe (IPB) compression for superior data compression, giving professionals the options they need for their ideal workflow. Answering the requests of cinematographers and filmmakers, the EOS-1D X includes two methods of SMPTE-compliant timecode embedding, Rec Run and Free Run, allowing multiple cameras or separate sound recording to be synced together in post production.
Canon's all new full-frame CMOS sensor ensures that video footage captured on the EOS-1D X will exhibit less moiré than any previous Canon model, resulting in a significant improvement in HD video quality. A desired feature for many documentary filmmakers using Canon DSLRs was to enable recording beyond the four gigabyte (GB) file capacity and the EOS-1D X is the answer. The new camera features automatic splitting of movie files when a single file exceeds 4GB. The new file splitting function allows for continuous video recording up to 29 minutes and 59 seconds across multiple 4GB files; no frames are dropped and the multiple files can be seamlessly connected in post production, providing filmmakers the recording time they want in the same convenient DSLR form factor. The camera records Full HD at 1920 x 1080 in selectable frame rates of 24p (23.976), 25p, or 30p (29.97); and 720p HD or SD video recording at either 50p or 60p (59.94). SD video can be recorded in either NTSC or PAL standards.
The Canon EOS-1D X also includes manual audio level control, adjustable both before and during movie recording, an automatic setting, or it can be turned off entirely. A wind filter is also included. Sound can be recorded either through the internal monaural microphone or via an optional external microphone through the stereo mic input.
Enhanced Ergonomics & Optimized Design
Photographers familiar with Canon's EOS 1D-series of cameras will notice the control configuration of the EOS-1D X takes a different approach to button placement. The re-designed exterior and ergonomic button configuration feels comfortable in your right hand, allowing seamless navigation through menu options.The Live View Button has been conveniently placed near the user's thumb for one-touch switching between Live View and Viewfinder shooting. The Quick Control Button and menu navigation controls will allow users to change camera settings using only their right hand, for fast, simple one-handed control using their thumb on the scroll wheel. The new multi-controller is positioned by the right hand thumb when the camera is held for vertical shooting and enables the same level of control to camera operators when shooting vertically as they have when shooting horizontally. On the front of the camera are four user assignable function buttons, two for vertical shooting and two for horizontal shooting, allowing customizable button control when shooting in either position. The camera also features a level of weather resistance equivalent to earlier professional models such as the EOS-1D Mark IV.
Canon has answered the request of many professional EOS photographers and incorporated Dual Card Slots into the new EOS-1D X DSLR camera. The dual CF card slots will allow photographers to carry only one memory card format and still achieve instant image back-ups and enhanced storage capacity.
This camera also features a new shutter design with even greater durability and precision. Rated to 400,000 cycles, the new carbon fiber shutter blades are more lightweight and durable, allowing the EOS-1D X to achieve over 100,000 cycles more than the shutter of the EOS-1D Mark IV. A new shutter motion and new motor help further reduce vibration in the camera. The EOS-1D X also features an electronic first curtain, new to the EOS-1D series DSLRs, for minimal in-camera vibration during image capture.
For professional photographers who prefer a wired workflow and transfer system, Canon has included a built-in LAN connection in the EOS-1D X DSLR. The built-in LAN connection features a gigabit Ethernet Jack capable of 1000BASE-T transmission speeds, offering photographers a stable wired connection for ultra-fast data transmission. If the network were to go down, the camera will attempt to resend images until the files are sent. The EOS-1D X also features a direct image transfer function whereby images can be selected for transfer, and only sent once a LAN or USB connection is established.
Designed exclusively for the EOS-1D X, the new Canon WFT-E6A Wireless File Transmitter* features wireless LAN support for 802.11n network transfer rates providing users with increased communication speed when compared to previous models. With this new dust and weather resistant model, professionals can synchronize clocks on multiple cameras and use the unit to support linked shooting when utilizing multiple cameras. In addition, Bluetooth-compatible equipment can be easily linked to the device as well.
The EOS-1D X also offers an optional Canon GP-E1 GPS Receiver*, which can be easily integrated into the camera's body. Powered by the camera, this GPS receiver provides the same weatherproof resistance as the EOS-1D X, even at the connector. With an electronic compass on-board, the GP-E1 will log movement - latitude, longitude, elevation, and the Universal Time Code - and allow viewing of camera movement on a PC after shooting. The receiver will also record camera direction when shooting, even when shooting vertically.
Pricing and Availability
The Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR camera is scheduled for March 2012 availability and will be sold in a body-only configuration at an estimated retail price of $6,800.00. The compact, lightweight WFT-E6A Wireless File Transmitter is scheduled to be available in March 2012 and have an estimated retail price of $600. Availability for the GP-E1 GPS receiver is expected in April 2012 with an estimated retail price of $300.
About Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Canon U.S.A., Inc., is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions. Its parent company, Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ), a top patent holder of technology, ranked fourth overall in the U.S. in 2010†, with global revenues of more than US $45 billion and is listed as number five in the computer industry on Fortune Magazine's World’s Most Admired Companies 2011 list. Canon U.S.A. is committed to the highest levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the products it distributes. At Canon, we care because caring is essential to living together in harmony. Founded upon a corporate philosophy of Kyosei – "all people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future" – Canon U.S.A. supports a number of social, youth, educational and other programs, including environmental and recycling initiatives. Additional information about these programs can be found at www.usa.canon.com/kyosei. To keep apprised of the latest news from Canon U.S.A., sign up for the Company's RSS news feed by visiting www.usa.canon.com/rss
* This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
† Based on weekly patent counts issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Specifications, price and availability are subject to change without notice.
All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners.
i Super High Speed Continuous shooting at 14 fps requires mirror lock and JPEG mode at ISO speeds less than 32000.
Featuring a Completely New 61-Point Autofocus, Fast Shooting up to 12 fps, 18-Megapixel Full-Frame CMOS Sensor, Full HD Video Recording and Much More
The EOS-1D X is the first EOS Digital SLR to feature Multiple Exposure capability and can create IN CAMERA HDR images.

LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., October 18, 2011 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging, is proud to introduce a completely revolutionized EOS-1D series camera, the Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR camera.* As the new leader in Canon's arsenal of professional DSLRs, the EOS-1D X will be a high-speed multimedia juggernaut replacing both the EOS-1Ds Mark III and EOS-1D Mark IV models in Canon's lineup. Enhancing the revolutionary image quality of the EOS-1Ds and speed capabilities of the EOS-1D series, the EOS-1D X DSLR features an 18-megapixel full-frame Canon CMOS sensor, Dual DIGIC 5+ Imaging Processors, 14-bit A/D data conversion and capable of shooting an incredible 12 frames-per-second (fps). Canon's EOS DSLR cameras and accessories have a long-standing legacy of providing high-quality results to professionals in a wide range of markets, including sports, nature, cinematography, wedding and commercial studios. The addition of this new model will help take this tradition to a whole new level.
The EOS-1D X announcement comes on the heels of Canon's recent manufacturing milestone with the production of the Company's 50-millionth EOS-series SLR camera in September of 2011. Furthermore, Canon will achieve yet another milestone at the end of this month producing the 70-millionth EF lens.
"The EOS-1D X represents the re-invention of the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D series, combining new proprietary Canon technologies with the culmination of customer feedback and requests from the field. We are proud to introduce this camera to the worldwide community of professional photographers and cinematographers with the features and capabilities they need to capture the great moments that display their talent," stated Yuichi Ishizuka, executive vice president and general manager, Imaging Technologies and Communications Group, Canon U.S.A.
The Camera With Three Brains
The EOS-1D X features three DIGIC processors, including Dual DIGIC 5+ image processors capable of delivering approximately 17 times more processing speed than DIGIC 4, and a dedicated DIGIC 4 for metering and AF control. In conjunction with the newly developed high-performance 18-megapixel full-frame Canon CMOS image sensor, the Dual DIGIC 5+ processors provide high-speed continuous shooting, lower noise, and a significant increase in data processing speed than previous EOS-1D models. This new level of data processing speed allows the EOS-1D X to perform many functions including chromatic aberration correction for various Canon EF lenses in-camera instead of through post-production software. The DIGIC 4 processor utilizes a new 100,000-pixel RGB Metering Sensor for enhanced exposure accuracy with color and face detection, and works together with the camera's new EOS iTR (Intelligent Tracking and Recognition) AF.
The EOS-1D X employs a completely new imaging sensor, producing the lowest noise of any EOS digital camera to date for stunning portraiture and studio work. The new 18-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor utilizes large pixels - 1.25 microns larger than those in the EOS-1D Mark IV sensor and .55 microns larger than those in the EOS 5D Mark II sensor - together with gapless microlenses to achieve enhanced light gathering efficiency, higher sensitivity and less noise at the pixel level. The new sensor has improved on the already very high signal-to-noise ratio of sensor output of earlier EOS models for outstanding image quality, even in extremely low light. When combined with the Dual DIGIC 5+ imaging processors the results are stunning. The images produced with the EOS-1D X camera's new sensor are so clean that files can easily be up-sized if necessary for even the most demanding high-resolution commercial applications. The EOS-1D X will also feature new Ultrasonic Wave Motion Cleaning (UWMC), Canon's second generation self-cleaning sensor unit, which utilizes carrier wave technology to remove smaller dust particles from the sensor and it includes a new fluorine coating on the infrared absorption glass to help repel dust.
The low-light capability of the EOS-1D X is evident in its incredible ISO range and ability to photograph in extremely low-light conditions. Adjustable from ISO 100 to 51,200 within its standard range, the new model offers a low ISO 50 setting for studio and landscape photography and two high settings of 102,400 at H1 and 204,800 at H2, ideal for law enforcement, government or forensic field applications.
New 61-Point High Density Reticular AF
The EOS-1D X includes a brand new 61-Point High Density Reticular AF, the most sophisticated DSLR AF system Canon has ever released. The 21 focusing points in the central area are standard precision cross-type and effective with maximum apertures as small as f/5.6, depending on the lens in use. The center five points are also high-precision diagonal cross-type points for maximum apertures as small as f/2.8. All 61 points are sensitive to horizontal contrast with maximum apertures as small as f/5.6 and 20 of the outer focusing points function as cross-type points with maximum apertures as small as f/4.0. Other innovations of the new 61-point High Density Reticular AF include expanded AF coverage area, superior focusing precision and low light sensitivity, and greater low-contrast subject detection capability compared to earlier EOS AF systems.
All AF functions now have their own menu tab for quick and easy access (formerly AF custom functions in previous EOS models). A new AF Configuration Tool allows for customized setting of tracking sensitivity, the acceleration and deceleration of tracking subjects, and AF point auto switching, all of which are easily accessed and adjusted via the new AF menu tab. A built-in Feature Guide advises photographers on which settings to use according to subject matter.
Similar to the AF point selection options offered in the EOS 7D Digital SLR camera, the EOS-1D X offers six AF point selection modes: Spot, Single Point, Single Point with surrounding four points, Single Point with surrounding eight points, Zone selection and Automatic AF point selection. (See image below AF point selection options.)
EOS iTR AF: Intelligent Tracking and Recognition Enhances AF Performance
The Canon EOS-1D X features incredible new EOS iTR (Intelligent Tracking and Recognition) AF options ideal for wedding and event photography as well as sports and photojournalism. The default AF mode for the EOS-1D X uses phase detection AF information, while a new second option uses Face Detection technology to track recognized faces in addition to color information, ideal when shooting events such as tennis or dancing where facial recognition of the original subject will help keep that person in focus throughout the scene.
Exposure Control
For the first time in a Canon DSLR camera, a DIGIC processor is used exclusively with the metering sensor for fast, accurate exposure control. The Canon DIGIC 4 processor takes advantage of the EOS-1D X's 100,000-pixel RGB Metering Sensor and utilizes 252 zones for general metering or 35 zones for low-light metering to help ensure accurate evaluative ambient or flash exposure. The new subject recognition capabilities enhance nearly all of the camera's automatic functions, helping to adjust exposure, autofocus, Auto Lighting Optimizer and Automatic Picture Style to the scene being captured for enhanced image quality.
Multiple Exposure Modes
The EOS-1D X is the first EOS Digital SLR to feature Multiple Exposure capability. The camera can combine up to nine individual images into a single composite image, with no need for post-processing in a computer. Four different compositing methods are provided for maximum creative control, including Additive, Average, Bright and Dark. Compositing results can be viewed in real time on the camera's LCD monitor, and there is a one-step Undo command that allows photographers to delete an image and try again if desired. The EOS-1D X's Multiple Exposure mode even allows photographers to specify a previously captured RAW image as the starting point for a new Multiple Exposure composite image.
Super High Speed Mode
The Canon EOS-1D X camera breaks new ground in the world of digital SLRs, offering a Super High Speed Mode which increases shooting speeds up to 14 fps at full 18-megapixel resolution in JPEG modei. The new camera is also capable of shooting RAW, JPEG, or RAW+JPEG at speeds up to 12 fps in One Shot AF or AI Servo AF for enhanced performance in sports photography and other applications requiring high-speed digital capture. This new level of performance is made possible by the combination of the EOS-1D X's 16-channel readout CMOS sensor, Dual DIGIC 5+ image processors, and a completely new reflex mirror mechanism that has been engineered by Canon to combine high-performance with exceptional precision and reliability.
Enhanced EOS HD Video - New Compressions, Longer Recording
Centered around an all-new full-frame CMOS sensor with larger pixels than those found on the EOS 5D Mark II image sensor, the EOS-1D X utilizes new HD video formats to simplify and speed up post-production work. The two new compression formats offered on the EOS-1D X include intraframe (ALL-i ) compression for an editing-friendly format and interframe (IPB) compression for superior data compression, giving professionals the options they need for their ideal workflow. Answering the requests of cinematographers and filmmakers, the EOS-1D X includes two methods of SMPTE-compliant timecode embedding, Rec Run and Free Run, allowing multiple cameras or separate sound recording to be synced together in post production.
Canon's all new full-frame CMOS sensor ensures that video footage captured on the EOS-1D X will exhibit less moiré than any previous Canon model, resulting in a significant improvement in HD video quality. A desired feature for many documentary filmmakers using Canon DSLRs was to enable recording beyond the four gigabyte (GB) file capacity and the EOS-1D X is the answer. The new camera features automatic splitting of movie files when a single file exceeds 4GB. The new file splitting function allows for continuous video recording up to 29 minutes and 59 seconds across multiple 4GB files; no frames are dropped and the multiple files can be seamlessly connected in post production, providing filmmakers the recording time they want in the same convenient DSLR form factor. The camera records Full HD at 1920 x 1080 in selectable frame rates of 24p (23.976), 25p, or 30p (29.97); and 720p HD or SD video recording at either 50p or 60p (59.94). SD video can be recorded in either NTSC or PAL standards.
The Canon EOS-1D X also includes manual audio level control, adjustable both before and during movie recording, an automatic setting, or it can be turned off entirely. A wind filter is also included. Sound can be recorded either through the internal monaural microphone or via an optional external microphone through the stereo mic input.
Enhanced Ergonomics & Optimized Design
Photographers familiar with Canon's EOS 1D-series of cameras will notice the control configuration of the EOS-1D X takes a different approach to button placement. The re-designed exterior and ergonomic button configuration feels comfortable in your right hand, allowing seamless navigation through menu options.The Live View Button has been conveniently placed near the user's thumb for one-touch switching between Live View and Viewfinder shooting. The Quick Control Button and menu navigation controls will allow users to change camera settings using only their right hand, for fast, simple one-handed control using their thumb on the scroll wheel. The new multi-controller is positioned by the right hand thumb when the camera is held for vertical shooting and enables the same level of control to camera operators when shooting vertically as they have when shooting horizontally. On the front of the camera are four user assignable function buttons, two for vertical shooting and two for horizontal shooting, allowing customizable button control when shooting in either position. The camera also features a level of weather resistance equivalent to earlier professional models such as the EOS-1D Mark IV.
Canon has answered the request of many professional EOS photographers and incorporated Dual Card Slots into the new EOS-1D X DSLR camera. The dual CF card slots will allow photographers to carry only one memory card format and still achieve instant image back-ups and enhanced storage capacity.
This camera also features a new shutter design with even greater durability and precision. Rated to 400,000 cycles, the new carbon fiber shutter blades are more lightweight and durable, allowing the EOS-1D X to achieve over 100,000 cycles more than the shutter of the EOS-1D Mark IV. A new shutter motion and new motor help further reduce vibration in the camera. The EOS-1D X also features an electronic first curtain, new to the EOS-1D series DSLRs, for minimal in-camera vibration during image capture.
For professional photographers who prefer a wired workflow and transfer system, Canon has included a built-in LAN connection in the EOS-1D X DSLR. The built-in LAN connection features a gigabit Ethernet Jack capable of 1000BASE-T transmission speeds, offering photographers a stable wired connection for ultra-fast data transmission. If the network were to go down, the camera will attempt to resend images until the files are sent. The EOS-1D X also features a direct image transfer function whereby images can be selected for transfer, and only sent once a LAN or USB connection is established.
Designed exclusively for the EOS-1D X, the new Canon WFT-E6A Wireless File Transmitter* features wireless LAN support for 802.11n network transfer rates providing users with increased communication speed when compared to previous models. With this new dust and weather resistant model, professionals can synchronize clocks on multiple cameras and use the unit to support linked shooting when utilizing multiple cameras. In addition, Bluetooth-compatible equipment can be easily linked to the device as well.
The EOS-1D X also offers an optional Canon GP-E1 GPS Receiver*, which can be easily integrated into the camera's body. Powered by the camera, this GPS receiver provides the same weatherproof resistance as the EOS-1D X, even at the connector. With an electronic compass on-board, the GP-E1 will log movement - latitude, longitude, elevation, and the Universal Time Code - and allow viewing of camera movement on a PC after shooting. The receiver will also record camera direction when shooting, even when shooting vertically.
Pricing and Availability
The Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR camera is scheduled for March 2012 availability and will be sold in a body-only configuration at an estimated retail price of $6,800.00. The compact, lightweight WFT-E6A Wireless File Transmitter is scheduled to be available in March 2012 and have an estimated retail price of $600. Availability for the GP-E1 GPS receiver is expected in April 2012 with an estimated retail price of $300.
About Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Canon U.S.A., Inc., is a leading provider of consumer, business-to-business, and industrial digital imaging solutions. Its parent company, Canon Inc. (NYSE:CAJ), a top patent holder of technology, ranked fourth overall in the U.S. in 2010†, with global revenues of more than US $45 billion and is listed as number five in the computer industry on Fortune Magazine's World’s Most Admired Companies 2011 list. Canon U.S.A. is committed to the highest levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the products it distributes. At Canon, we care because caring is essential to living together in harmony. Founded upon a corporate philosophy of Kyosei – "all people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future" – Canon U.S.A. supports a number of social, youth, educational and other programs, including environmental and recycling initiatives. Additional information about these programs can be found at www.usa.canon.com/kyosei. To keep apprised of the latest news from Canon U.S.A., sign up for the Company's RSS news feed by visiting www.usa.canon.com/rss
* This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
† Based on weekly patent counts issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Specifications, price and availability are subject to change without notice.
All referenced product names, and other marks, are trademarks of their respective owners.
i Super High Speed Continuous shooting at 14 fps requires mirror lock and JPEG mode at ISO speeds less than 32000.
Wacom introduces three new Bamboo tablets
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my wacom. I have one, Tom has one, our laptop has a smaller one. They are awesome!!! I know some people that bought one and try to use it like a mouse, it is your screen, not a mouse, play a couple games of solitaire on it and you will train yourself. It makes editing soooo much easier!! Ever try to draw a circle with a mouse? The wacom pen is awesome!! Did I mention that I LOVE it? ! Lisa
Wacom introduces three new Bamboo tablets
Wacom has introduced three new Bamboo pen-based tablet input devices, the Bamboo Connect, the Bamboo Capture, and the Bamboo Create. FULL STORY
Wacom introduces three new Bamboo tablets
Wacom has introduced three new Bamboo pen-based tablet input devices, the Bamboo Connect, the Bamboo Capture, and the Bamboo Create. FULL STORY
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Landscapes: Volume Two -- gotta see the STARS
I like the time lapse landscapes, but the stars and milky way as the earth turns is really spectacular! Lisa
Landscapes: Volume Two
by Dustin Farrell
PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it.
Landscapes: Volume 2 is the second of a three part series (probably). Every frame of this video is a raw still from a Canon 5D2 DSLR and processed with Adobe software. In Volume 2 I again show off my beautiful home state of Arizona and I also made several trips to Utah. This video has some iconic landmarks that we have seen before. I felt that showing them again with motion controlled HDR and/or night timelapse would be a new way to see old landmarks.
website: www.crewwestinc.com/
Landscapes: Volume Two
by Dustin Farrell
PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it.
Landscapes: Volume 2 is the second of a three part series (probably). Every frame of this video is a raw still from a Canon 5D2 DSLR and processed with Adobe software. In Volume 2 I again show off my beautiful home state of Arizona and I also made several trips to Utah. This video has some iconic landmarks that we have seen before. I felt that showing them again with motion controlled HDR and/or night timelapse would be a new way to see old landmarks.
website: www.crewwestinc.com/
Monday, October 17, 2011
CAP photograph birds of prey at Wingmasters on Saturday, Oct. 22
Just a reminder that Debbie Donofrio is running a trip to photograph birds of prey at Wingmasters in Leverett, MA, on Saturday, Oct. 22. The price is amazing at $25 per hour or $50 for two hours and there will be a maximum of 12 people per hour so you will have lots of chances to photograph. She has just informed me that she cancelled the Sunday shoot due to lack of response and that she still has spots left for
Saturday. She is giving preference to CAP members, but will also accept non-CAP photographers on a space available basis. If you are interested contact Debbie immediately at ddonofrio@snet.net
Also, remember to register for the CAP seminars to be held on Saturday,
November 5, 2011, at the Holiday Inn, 201 Washington Ave., North Haven, CT. Half day courses will be offered in Lightroom (same seminar morning and afternoon), beginning and intermediate Photoshop Elements, and beginning and intermediate Photoshop. The cost of each seminar is only $25 for CAP members. You must be a CAP member to sign up for these seminars.
Best regards,
William B. Barnett, AFIAP, MNEC, MPSA
66 Jasmine Circle Milford, CT
06461-1788 USA
CT Association of Photographers Web Master
Phone: (203) 877-1639
E-mail: CAPinCT@optonline.net
Saturday. She is giving preference to CAP members, but will also accept non-CAP photographers on a space available basis. If you are interested contact Debbie immediately at ddonofrio@snet.net
Also, remember to register for the CAP seminars to be held on Saturday,
November 5, 2011, at the Holiday Inn, 201 Washington Ave., North Haven, CT. Half day courses will be offered in Lightroom (same seminar morning and afternoon), beginning and intermediate Photoshop Elements, and beginning and intermediate Photoshop. The cost of each seminar is only $25 for CAP members. You must be a CAP member to sign up for these seminars.
Best regards,
William B. Barnett, AFIAP, MNEC, MPSA
66 Jasmine Circle Milford, CT
06461-1788 USA
CT Association of Photographers Web Master
Phone: (203) 877-1639
E-mail: CAPinCT@optonline.net
The $40 Ring Flash Speedlite Adapter
The $40 Ring Flash Speedlite Adapter
Photojojo's value-priced modifier tries to bring ring light to the masses.
By Stan Horaczek
Ring flash adapters for Speedlites aren't new. Orbis and Ray Flash have been offering very nice options for years now, but the draw for Photojojo's new O-Flash is that it costs just $40. That's substantially less than its main competitors and puts it almost on-par witht he cheap knock-offs currently available on eBay.
Like the Ray Flash, the O-Flash fits over the front of a mounted speedlite and hangs down around the lens. It fits most popular speedlites and secures with a nylon strap.
While it is nice to see a non-knock-off model at such an affordable price, the sample images on the product page make it immediately clear that (as you probably expected) it can't quite compete with the pricier flash adapters, let alone a full-on powered studio ring flash.
The main problem is the light fall off toward the top of the frame, which is likely caused by the arrangement of the internal reflectors. If you can take this into consideration when shooting, you might not mind it. Some of the sample photos on the product page have the subjects located toward the bottom of the frame to counteract the effect. But, if you're looking for a true ring flash effect, this won't quite do it.
It's also worth noting that the FAQ says you should be closer than 3-feet to get the typical halo effect. That means you're probably losing a decent amount of light to the modifier, so if you don't have a high-powered flash, you're going to have to get very close. But, for $40, it might make a handy addition to your macro kit or even just as a one-off portrait modifier.
Photojojo's value-priced modifier tries to bring ring light to the masses.
By Stan Horaczek
Ring flash adapters for Speedlites aren't new. Orbis and Ray Flash have been offering very nice options for years now, but the draw for Photojojo's new O-Flash is that it costs just $40. That's substantially less than its main competitors and puts it almost on-par witht he cheap knock-offs currently available on eBay.
Like the Ray Flash, the O-Flash fits over the front of a mounted speedlite and hangs down around the lens. It fits most popular speedlites and secures with a nylon strap.
While it is nice to see a non-knock-off model at such an affordable price, the sample images on the product page make it immediately clear that (as you probably expected) it can't quite compete with the pricier flash adapters, let alone a full-on powered studio ring flash.
The main problem is the light fall off toward the top of the frame, which is likely caused by the arrangement of the internal reflectors. If you can take this into consideration when shooting, you might not mind it. Some of the sample photos on the product page have the subjects located toward the bottom of the frame to counteract the effect. But, if you're looking for a true ring flash effect, this won't quite do it.
It's also worth noting that the FAQ says you should be closer than 3-feet to get the typical halo effect. That means you're probably losing a decent amount of light to the modifier, so if you don't have a high-powered flash, you're going to have to get very close. But, for $40, it might make a handy addition to your macro kit or even just as a one-off portrait modifier.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Charter Oak Photographic Society, Inc. presents A Day with André Gallant
Charter Oak Photographic Society, Inc. presents A Day with André Gallant
November 12, 2011, 9:00—4:00
East Hartford Community Cultural Center in East Hartford, CT
André Gallant, a freelance photographer, travels the world over, creating expressive photographs. He is the author of Expressionism: Digital Dreamscapes and other Techniques, Destinations: A Photographer’s
Journey, Dreamscapes: Exploring Photo Montages and Photographing People at Home and Around the World, and was the photographer for the illustrated books Winter, The Great Lakes, and Seacoasts, all written by Pierre Berton. André teaches Photography Workshops with Freeman Patterson, with whom he co-wrote Photo Impressionism and the Subjective Image, as well as the revised edition of Photography for the Joy of It. He lectures throughout Canada, the US, as well as internationally. A regular contributor to Photo Life, André’s work has appeared in numerous magazines such as Outdoor Photographer, Canadian Camera, Canadian Gardening, Canadian Living, Gardening Life, En Route, etc. André is the recipient of two National Magazine Awards for his photography. He resides in Saint John, New Brunswick. To see more of his work, visit his web site at: http://www.andregallant.com/
Morning presentations
Expressive Photography - Part 1 - This presentation will cover such topics as Dreamscapes, Moonlight Dreamscapes, and Composite Montages. André will conduct a short demo in Photoshop on how he creates some of his images. There will be plenty of time for questions before the break.
Around the World in Pictures - Comprised of recent images, André will take you along on a Journey around the World, with stops in Greenland, Tuscany, Mexico and the Palouse in the U.S.A. to name a few. Travel photography is André’s passion, and by the end of his presentation you will understand why.
Afternoon Presentations
Expressive Photography - Part 2 - With imaginative audio visuals and instructions, André will continue his
exploration of Expressive Photography. This segment deals with mirror montages and André’s new passion for panning.
Photographing People - André concludes with his popular program on Photographing People, at home and around the world.
Directions to East Hartford Community Cultural Center - 50 Chapman Place, East Hartford, CT
From I-84 East or I-84 West: Take the Governor St. Exit #56. At the end, take a right onto Governor St. Go to the end and take a left onto Main St. At the third traffic light (look for Dunkin’ Donuts), take a left onto Chapman St. The EHCCC is at the end on Chapman Place.
From I-91 North: When approaching the Hartford area, watch for Route 5 & 15 (exit 29-Charter Oak Bridge). Go to exit 90 (Route 5 North-Main St. exit). At the end, take a left onto Main St. Go up Main Street for nine lights (look for Dunkin’ Donuts on right). Across from Dunkin’ Donuts is Chapman St. The EHCCC is at the end on Chapman Place.
From I-91 South: Take the exit for I-84 East. (a left hand exit). Follow directions as above..
Note: Lunch will not be provided; a listing of nearby restaurants will be available at the seminar.
Registration Information
Registration on the day of the seminar will be from 8:00 until 9:00.
Special student pricing will be $25.00 on the day of the seminar only.
Advance reservation prices are Members $40.00 and Non-members $45.00. Tickets will be on sale on the day of the seminar: Members $50.00 and Non-members $55.00.
Deadline for pre-registration is October 31, 2011.
All tickets will be held at the door. If you wish confirmation, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope or provide your email address below.
Cancellation Policy: There will be no refunds unless cancellation is received by October 31, 2011.
Conference Pre-Registration Form
Please complete and send to: Austin Carey, 20 Birch Road, West Hartford, CT 06119-1007, along with your check for the full amount made payable to Charter Oak Photographic Society, Inc.
No. _____ Charter Oak Member(s) at $40.00 per person $ _______
No. _____ Non-member(s) at $45.00 per person $ _______
Total amount of check enclosed $ ______
Street Address:
Email Address:
Sponsored in part by Hunt’s Photo and Video.
Hunt’s will be at the seminar.
November 12, 2011, 9:00—4:00
East Hartford Community Cultural Center in East Hartford, CT
André Gallant, a freelance photographer, travels the world over, creating expressive photographs. He is the author of Expressionism: Digital Dreamscapes and other Techniques, Destinations: A Photographer’s
Journey, Dreamscapes: Exploring Photo Montages and Photographing People at Home and Around the World, and was the photographer for the illustrated books Winter, The Great Lakes, and Seacoasts, all written by Pierre Berton. André teaches Photography Workshops with Freeman Patterson, with whom he co-wrote Photo Impressionism and the Subjective Image, as well as the revised edition of Photography for the Joy of It. He lectures throughout Canada, the US, as well as internationally. A regular contributor to Photo Life, André’s work has appeared in numerous magazines such as Outdoor Photographer, Canadian Camera, Canadian Gardening, Canadian Living, Gardening Life, En Route, etc. André is the recipient of two National Magazine Awards for his photography. He resides in Saint John, New Brunswick. To see more of his work, visit his web site at: http://www.andregallant.com/
Morning presentations
Expressive Photography - Part 1 - This presentation will cover such topics as Dreamscapes, Moonlight Dreamscapes, and Composite Montages. André will conduct a short demo in Photoshop on how he creates some of his images. There will be plenty of time for questions before the break.
Around the World in Pictures - Comprised of recent images, André will take you along on a Journey around the World, with stops in Greenland, Tuscany, Mexico and the Palouse in the U.S.A. to name a few. Travel photography is André’s passion, and by the end of his presentation you will understand why.
Afternoon Presentations
Expressive Photography - Part 2 - With imaginative audio visuals and instructions, André will continue his
exploration of Expressive Photography. This segment deals with mirror montages and André’s new passion for panning.
Photographing People - André concludes with his popular program on Photographing People, at home and around the world.
Directions to East Hartford Community Cultural Center - 50 Chapman Place, East Hartford, CT
From I-84 East or I-84 West: Take the Governor St. Exit #56. At the end, take a right onto Governor St. Go to the end and take a left onto Main St. At the third traffic light (look for Dunkin’ Donuts), take a left onto Chapman St. The EHCCC is at the end on Chapman Place.
From I-91 North: When approaching the Hartford area, watch for Route 5 & 15 (exit 29-Charter Oak Bridge). Go to exit 90 (Route 5 North-Main St. exit). At the end, take a left onto Main St. Go up Main Street for nine lights (look for Dunkin’ Donuts on right). Across from Dunkin’ Donuts is Chapman St. The EHCCC is at the end on Chapman Place.
From I-91 South: Take the exit for I-84 East. (a left hand exit). Follow directions as above..
Note: Lunch will not be provided; a listing of nearby restaurants will be available at the seminar.
Registration Information
Registration on the day of the seminar will be from 8:00 until 9:00.
Special student pricing will be $25.00 on the day of the seminar only.
Advance reservation prices are Members $40.00 and Non-members $45.00. Tickets will be on sale on the day of the seminar: Members $50.00 and Non-members $55.00.
Deadline for pre-registration is October 31, 2011.
All tickets will be held at the door. If you wish confirmation, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope or provide your email address below.
Cancellation Policy: There will be no refunds unless cancellation is received by October 31, 2011.
Conference Pre-Registration Form
Please complete and send to: Austin Carey, 20 Birch Road, West Hartford, CT 06119-1007, along with your check for the full amount made payable to Charter Oak Photographic Society, Inc.
No. _____ Charter Oak Member(s) at $40.00 per person $ _______
No. _____ Non-member(s) at $45.00 per person $ _______
Total amount of check enclosed $ ______
Street Address:
Email Address:
Sponsored in part by Hunt’s Photo and Video.
Hunt’s will be at the seminar.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Record flooding in Thailand has hit Nikon's factories there, putting a halt to production.
Nikon Releases Statement About Floods In Thailand
Record flooding in Thailand has hit Nikon's factories there, putting a halt to production.
By Tim Barribeau on October 12, 2011

Photo: noppatjak
EnlargeThailand is currently suffering some of the worst floods in living memory, causing one-third of the nation to be declared a disaster zone. One of Nikon's primary plants is located in Thailand, and has been hit hard by the floods, prompting Nikon to release and official statement. The plants shut down on October 6th, and the entire first floor of all the buildings are currently submerged. They're currently investigating damages, and don't know if the extent — if any — of injuries to workers.
Nikon is currently requesting the Thai government drain the industrial park so that they can assess the damage and return to production as soon as possible, however given the huge humanitarian damage from this disaster and the significant possibility of the floods hitting Bangkok, the government's attention might be elsewhere.
This is the second hit in a one-two punch against Nikon's production facilities this year, with the first coming from the Japanese tsunami and earthquake that made it extremely difficult to get some of Nikon's flagship products earlier this year, like the D7000.
With production currently halted, the flooding might have a similar effect on Nikon's ability to get cameras out the door, but at this stage we know very little, and they might yet be able to recover without too much of a disruption. If you're interested in an upcoming Nikon product like the new V1 and J1, it would probably be wise to keep an eye on how this situation develops.
Record flooding in Thailand has hit Nikon's factories there, putting a halt to production.
By Tim Barribeau on October 12, 2011

Photo: noppatjak
EnlargeThailand is currently suffering some of the worst floods in living memory, causing one-third of the nation to be declared a disaster zone. One of Nikon's primary plants is located in Thailand, and has been hit hard by the floods, prompting Nikon to release and official statement. The plants shut down on October 6th, and the entire first floor of all the buildings are currently submerged. They're currently investigating damages, and don't know if the extent — if any — of injuries to workers.
Nikon is currently requesting the Thai government drain the industrial park so that they can assess the damage and return to production as soon as possible, however given the huge humanitarian damage from this disaster and the significant possibility of the floods hitting Bangkok, the government's attention might be elsewhere.
This is the second hit in a one-two punch against Nikon's production facilities this year, with the first coming from the Japanese tsunami and earthquake that made it extremely difficult to get some of Nikon's flagship products earlier this year, like the D7000.
With production currently halted, the flooding might have a similar effect on Nikon's ability to get cameras out the door, but at this stage we know very little, and they might yet be able to recover without too much of a disruption. If you're interested in an upcoming Nikon product like the new V1 and J1, it would probably be wise to keep an eye on how this situation develops.
Multiblitz, the lighting specialist that invented the monolight more than 30 years ago, has excited us again with what may be the most portable monolight kit ever: The Profilux Backpack kit.
It comes with two intermediate-level Profilux strobes and almost everything else needed for location lighting, including the bag—letting you carry a whole studio on your back.
The 250 watt-second strobes are German-made, with LED power readouts, optical slaves, six controls, and built-in lightstand adapters. All the kit’s contents pack and unpack with absolute ease, and it weighs only 27 pounds loaded.
All we need now? A low-weight, rechargeable battery to free us from having to plug in the lights.
The Profilux Backpack kit is available now for $1,250, for more info, head to http://www.multiblitzusa.com/
This nifty kit includes a custom backpack, two 250Ws monolights, 2 lightstands, 2 umbrellas, 2 reflectors, power cables and a PC cord all for $1,250.
It comes with two intermediate-level Profilux strobes and almost everything else needed for location lighting, including the bag—letting you carry a whole studio on your back.
The 250 watt-second strobes are German-made, with LED power readouts, optical slaves, six controls, and built-in lightstand adapters. All the kit’s contents pack and unpack with absolute ease, and it weighs only 27 pounds loaded.
All we need now? A low-weight, rechargeable battery to free us from having to plug in the lights.
The Profilux Backpack kit is available now for $1,250, for more info, head to http://www.multiblitzusa.com/
This nifty kit includes a custom backpack, two 250Ws monolights, 2 lightstands, 2 umbrellas, 2 reflectors, power cables and a PC cord all for $1,250.
Four Hours with Rick Sammon Sunday, December 11th
Four Hours with Rick Sammon
The Shooters Gallery Photography Group Presents:
Join us on Sunday, December 11th when we welcome Rick Sammon for another great day of learning photography. Rick will be presenting a pair of two hour seminars on his most requested seminars.
“Composition – the Strongest Way of Seeing”
10:00am – 12:00pm
When it comes down to it, composition is one of the most important elements of a photograph. In his presentation, Rick will cover all the basic techniques and rules of composition. He’ll also cover how to break the rules. You’ll learn how to “see” the final image before you press the shutter release button.
“Days in the Life of a Real Life Travel Photographer”
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Rick has photographed in more than 100 countries, making pictures of people, landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes and wildlife. In this presentation, Rick will share his favorite travel photographs, as well as his travel tips, trick and techniques. His experience and explanation of how he is able to capture such amazing images anywhere he travels will make you a much better “travel photographer” on your next trip.
Seminar Location: Salem Gardner Lake Firehouse
Register here
Rick Sammon, a Canon Explorer of Light, is one of the most active photographers on the planet. The dude just can’t sit still! His enthusiasm and teaching ability put Rick in a class of his own when it comes to helping others become better photographers.
Rick has published 36 paper books, including Secrets of HDR Photography, Exploring the Light, and Digital Photography Secrets.
Rick is also a leader in iPad and iPhone photography apps. His apps include:
• Rick Sammon’s Light It! – a collection of live-action movies that show Rick’s basic lighting techniques.
• Rick Sammon’s iHDR – an interactive iPad app that shows the user the wonders of HDR photography.
• Rick Sammon’s 24/7 Photo Buffet – an e-book that offers 24/7 access to Rick’s best photo tips, tricks and techniques. iPhone and iPad versions available.
Rick’s book, Flying Flowers won the coveted Golden Light Award, and his book Hide and See Under the Sea won the Ben Franklin Award.
Rick co-founded the Digital Photography Experience podcast (http://www.dpexperience.com/) with Juan Pons.
Rick also hosts several shows on http://www.kelbytraining.com/
Rick, who has been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame, is considered one of today’s top digital -imaging experts, cutting through lots of Photoshop “speak,” making it fun, easy and rewarding to work and play in the digital darkroom.
When asked about his photo specialty, Rick says, “My specialty is not specializing.”
See http://www.ricksammon.info/ for more information.
The Shooters Gallery Photography Group Presents:
Join us on Sunday, December 11th when we welcome Rick Sammon for another great day of learning photography. Rick will be presenting a pair of two hour seminars on his most requested seminars.
“Composition – the Strongest Way of Seeing”
10:00am – 12:00pm
When it comes down to it, composition is one of the most important elements of a photograph. In his presentation, Rick will cover all the basic techniques and rules of composition. He’ll also cover how to break the rules. You’ll learn how to “see” the final image before you press the shutter release button.
“Days in the Life of a Real Life Travel Photographer”
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Rick has photographed in more than 100 countries, making pictures of people, landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes and wildlife. In this presentation, Rick will share his favorite travel photographs, as well as his travel tips, trick and techniques. His experience and explanation of how he is able to capture such amazing images anywhere he travels will make you a much better “travel photographer” on your next trip.
Seminar Location: Salem Gardner Lake Firehouse
Register here
Rick Sammon, a Canon Explorer of Light, is one of the most active photographers on the planet. The dude just can’t sit still! His enthusiasm and teaching ability put Rick in a class of his own when it comes to helping others become better photographers.
Rick has published 36 paper books, including Secrets of HDR Photography, Exploring the Light, and Digital Photography Secrets.
Rick is also a leader in iPad and iPhone photography apps. His apps include:
• Rick Sammon’s Light It! – a collection of live-action movies that show Rick’s basic lighting techniques.
• Rick Sammon’s iHDR – an interactive iPad app that shows the user the wonders of HDR photography.
• Rick Sammon’s 24/7 Photo Buffet – an e-book that offers 24/7 access to Rick’s best photo tips, tricks and techniques. iPhone and iPad versions available.
Rick’s book, Flying Flowers won the coveted Golden Light Award, and his book Hide and See Under the Sea won the Ben Franklin Award.
Rick co-founded the Digital Photography Experience podcast (http://www.dpexperience.com/) with Juan Pons.
Rick also hosts several shows on http://www.kelbytraining.com/
Rick, who has been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame, is considered one of today’s top digital -imaging experts, cutting through lots of Photoshop “speak,” making it fun, easy and rewarding to work and play in the digital darkroom.
When asked about his photo specialty, Rick says, “My specialty is not specializing.”
See http://www.ricksammon.info/ for more information.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ask Tim Grey - Cloud Storage
Ask Tim Grey - Cloud Storage
Today's Question: Given the number of different companies offering cloud backup and the complexity of evaluating them, we'd be well served if you could share any thoughts you might have on which are best suited for photo files.
Tim's Answer: This is a topic that has gotten a lot more attention since Apple announced their soon-to-be-available iCloud storage service. I suspect we'll se other players getting move involved in the near future as well, so look for a lot of development on this front.
I actually wrote an article recently for Digital Photo Pro magazine (the November 2011 issue, I believe), so keep an eye out for that article. In the meantime, here are my thoughts about some of the service options that are currently available:
There are a variety of options available for cloud storage, with varying costs and benefits. At a basic level you’ll find options for simple online backup. In most cases this approach involves an automatic backup of photos, documents, and other files stored on a particular hard drive. One of the more well-known of these services is Carbonite (http://www.carbonite.com/) , which offers what they term an unlimited backup option for one computer at $59 per year.
The storage space you can consume with Carbonite is unlimited, but after 200GB of storage is consumed—a limit most photographers have far exceeded by now—the backup transfer speed slows significantly. As a result, it can be very time-consuming to achieve a full backup of all your photos. Considering this limitation, if you are using this type of online backup service you may want to reserve it for only your most important images, providing an additional layer of protection for those images, with the rest of your library backed up locally.
For truly unlimited online storage without restrictions, you’ll have to pay a bit more. Sometimes much more. For example, another popular provider of online backup services is Mozy (http://www.mozy.com/). To backup the volume of data typical for photographers, you’ll need the MozyPro service. This costs $3.95 per month per computer, plus $0.50 per gigabyte of storage per month. For one terabyte of storage, that translates into a cost of over $500 per month, which is obviously a relatively high price to pay for an online backup.
One of the more innovative solutions for cloud storage aimed directly at photographers is Mosaic (http://www.mosaicarchive.com/) . To begin with, the pricing structure offered by Mosaic separates the data transfer costs from the data storage cost, which can greatly help reduce the overall cost for photographers. You’ll pay $0.40 per gigabyte for transfer, but only $0.025 per gigabyte per month for storage from one to four terabytes (the price per gigabyte goes down for larger storage capacities). For one terabyte of photos, that means a one-time fee of $400 to transfer your photos, and then just $25 per month to store those photos. While you could theoretically upload your photos online via Mosaic, they also offer a hard drive transfer service. They will ship an external hard drive to you, so you can copy your photos to that drive and then ship the drive back for it to be transferred to Mosaic’s servers.
Perhaps more interesting, Mosaic also offers a plugin for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. This plugin allows you to manage your Mosaic storage directly through Lightroom. Conceptually you can actually take your images offline once they are stored safely on the Mosaic servers, enabling you to free up storage space on your local computer. The images can still be managed through Lightroom, and retrieved from the Mosaic servers if the original is needed at a later time. Of course, this approach assumes you are comfortable using Mosaic as your complete storage solution, which is probably not realistic for most photographers. Still, this plug-in provides considerable value for photographers who make use of Mosaic services, since it provides an easy method for adding new images to your online storage and keeping track of which images have been archived and which haven’t.
Upcoming Events
My calendar is looking pretty full with quite a few great events you may want to participate in. For the latest schedule of workshops, seminars, presentations, and other events I'll be attending, visit my website here:
Tell a Friend!
Do your photography friends a favor: Tell them about the free Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
You already know that the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is a great way to gain knowledge on all aspects of digital photography and imaging. Your friends might be missing out. Why not forward this email to them and suggest that they sign up using the box on my home page at www.timgrey.com? I'll bet they'll thank you! (And so will I).
Today's Question: Given the number of different companies offering cloud backup and the complexity of evaluating them, we'd be well served if you could share any thoughts you might have on which are best suited for photo files.
Tim's Answer: This is a topic that has gotten a lot more attention since Apple announced their soon-to-be-available iCloud storage service. I suspect we'll se other players getting move involved in the near future as well, so look for a lot of development on this front.
I actually wrote an article recently for Digital Photo Pro magazine (the November 2011 issue, I believe), so keep an eye out for that article. In the meantime, here are my thoughts about some of the service options that are currently available:
There are a variety of options available for cloud storage, with varying costs and benefits. At a basic level you’ll find options for simple online backup. In most cases this approach involves an automatic backup of photos, documents, and other files stored on a particular hard drive. One of the more well-known of these services is Carbonite (http://www.carbonite.com/) , which offers what they term an unlimited backup option for one computer at $59 per year.
The storage space you can consume with Carbonite is unlimited, but after 200GB of storage is consumed—a limit most photographers have far exceeded by now—the backup transfer speed slows significantly. As a result, it can be very time-consuming to achieve a full backup of all your photos. Considering this limitation, if you are using this type of online backup service you may want to reserve it for only your most important images, providing an additional layer of protection for those images, with the rest of your library backed up locally.
For truly unlimited online storage without restrictions, you’ll have to pay a bit more. Sometimes much more. For example, another popular provider of online backup services is Mozy (http://www.mozy.com/). To backup the volume of data typical for photographers, you’ll need the MozyPro service. This costs $3.95 per month per computer, plus $0.50 per gigabyte of storage per month. For one terabyte of storage, that translates into a cost of over $500 per month, which is obviously a relatively high price to pay for an online backup.
One of the more innovative solutions for cloud storage aimed directly at photographers is Mosaic (http://www.mosaicarchive.com/) . To begin with, the pricing structure offered by Mosaic separates the data transfer costs from the data storage cost, which can greatly help reduce the overall cost for photographers. You’ll pay $0.40 per gigabyte for transfer, but only $0.025 per gigabyte per month for storage from one to four terabytes (the price per gigabyte goes down for larger storage capacities). For one terabyte of photos, that means a one-time fee of $400 to transfer your photos, and then just $25 per month to store those photos. While you could theoretically upload your photos online via Mosaic, they also offer a hard drive transfer service. They will ship an external hard drive to you, so you can copy your photos to that drive and then ship the drive back for it to be transferred to Mosaic’s servers.
Perhaps more interesting, Mosaic also offers a plugin for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. This plugin allows you to manage your Mosaic storage directly through Lightroom. Conceptually you can actually take your images offline once they are stored safely on the Mosaic servers, enabling you to free up storage space on your local computer. The images can still be managed through Lightroom, and retrieved from the Mosaic servers if the original is needed at a later time. Of course, this approach assumes you are comfortable using Mosaic as your complete storage solution, which is probably not realistic for most photographers. Still, this plug-in provides considerable value for photographers who make use of Mosaic services, since it provides an easy method for adding new images to your online storage and keeping track of which images have been archived and which haven’t.
Upcoming Events
My calendar is looking pretty full with quite a few great events you may want to participate in. For the latest schedule of workshops, seminars, presentations, and other events I'll be attending, visit my website here:
Tell a Friend!
Do your photography friends a favor: Tell them about the free Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
You already know that the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is a great way to gain knowledge on all aspects of digital photography and imaging. Your friends might be missing out. Why not forward this email to them and suggest that they sign up using the box on my home page at www.timgrey.com? I'll bet they'll thank you! (And so will I).
“Shoot The Light” Fundamentals of Digital Nature Photography
“Shoot The Light” Fundamentals of Digital Nature Photography
Saturday & Sunday, October 22 & 23, 2011
Billerica, MA 9am-5pm each day
(Lunch 12pm-1pm)
Instructor: Michael Milicia
Fee: $395.00
This 2-Day Seminar will provide solid grounding in the technical aspects of Digital Nature Photography with an emphasis on metering and exposure. For more information and to register for this seminar please visit link below. http://www.shootthelight.com/
Saturday & Sunday, October 22 & 23, 2011
Billerica, MA 9am-5pm each day
(Lunch 12pm-1pm)
Instructor: Michael Milicia
Fee: $395.00
This 2-Day Seminar will provide solid grounding in the technical aspects of Digital Nature Photography with an emphasis on metering and exposure. For more information and to register for this seminar please visit link below. http://www.shootthelight.com/
Upcoming Workshops & Seminars!
Nikon legend Behind the Lens Tony Sweet to present at the Newport RI Photo Guild
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 6:30-9:30 PM.
Griswold House of the Newport Art Museum
76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
Sponsored by Nikon and Hunt’s Photo & Video
Both Nikon and Hunts will have the latest gear on display and for sale, and will have representatives on hand to offer demonstrations and answer questions.
“Shoot The Light” Fundamentals of Digital Nature Photography
Saturday & Sunday, October 22 & 23, 2011
Billerica, MA 9am-5pm each day
(Lunch 12pm-1pm)
Instructor: Michael Milicia
Fee: $395.00
This 2-Day Seminar will provide solid grounding in the technical aspects of Digital Nature Photography with an emphasis on metering and exposure. For more information and to register for this seminar please visit link below. http://www.shootthelight.com/
Nikon legend Behind the Lens Tony Sweet to present at the Newport RI Photo Guild
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 6:30-9:30 PM.
Griswold House of the Newport Art Museum
76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
Sponsored by Nikon and Hunt’s Photo & Video
Both Nikon and Hunts will have the latest gear on display and for sale, and will have representatives on hand to offer demonstrations and answer questions.
“Shoot The Light” Fundamentals of Digital Nature Photography
Saturday & Sunday, October 22 & 23, 2011
Billerica, MA 9am-5pm each day
(Lunch 12pm-1pm)
Instructor: Michael Milicia
Fee: $395.00
This 2-Day Seminar will provide solid grounding in the technical aspects of Digital Nature Photography with an emphasis on metering and exposure. For more information and to register for this seminar please visit link below. http://www.shootthelight.com/
Thursday, October 13, 2011
October 15th and 16 last weeked of The Connecticut Renaissance Faire, plus first annual “Photographic Legends” photo contest
Every weekend & Columbus Day from September 24 to October 16 The Connecticut Renaissance Faire Is hosting its first annual “Photographic Legends” photo contest. As a photographer myself, I thought you might be interested in this exciting event as photographers of varying degrees of skill compete to win prizes and recognition for their creativity and mastery of light.
If you’d like to learn more about this contest, please visit the Faire’s website at www.ctfaire.com or visit the Photo Contest Page directly at http://ow.ly/5WW3f With hundreds of costumed characters ranging from peasant to noble, dozens of shows and street performances, and thousands of visitors, there are literally thousands of photo opportunities each day. The Faire is truly a photographer’s dream come true.
Please help me spread the word about this event to other photographers who might be interested in the challenge. Thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.
Eric Tetreault – CoOwner/Photographer
The Connecticut Renaissance Faire
If you’d like to learn more about this contest, please visit the Faire’s website at www.ctfaire.com or visit the Photo Contest Page directly at http://ow.ly/5WW3f With hundreds of costumed characters ranging from peasant to noble, dozens of shows and street performances, and thousands of visitors, there are literally thousands of photo opportunities each day. The Faire is truly a photographer’s dream come true.
Please help me spread the word about this event to other photographers who might be interested in the challenge. Thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.
Eric Tetreault – CoOwner/Photographer
The Connecticut Renaissance Faire
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Birds as Art Nikon DSLR User’s Guide for the D300s/D700/D3S/d3x
Nikon DSLR User’s Guide for the D300s/D700/D3S/d3x
Well, it took long enough–at least two years from concept to the final PDF–but Robert O’Toole has out-done himself by creating a masterpiece user’s guide for using Nikon gear. I just had my first look at the finished document and all that I can say is “Wow! Many Nikon folks show up on IPTs knowing little about properly setting up their cameras. “How do you see the histogram?’ “Don’t know….” “Can you set your camera so that we see the RGB histogram and blinkies in the same frame? “I once saw it done but don’t know how….” For me, it has long seemed that operating a Nikon camera required degrees in Physics, Language, and Logic. With Robert’s new guide those days are over.
You will learn when, how, and why to work in Manual mode and when, why, and how to work in one of the auto-modes (by setting exposure compensation). You will learn the various camera control options and custom settings so that you can fine-tune your camera to suit your shooting style. You will learn how and why many top pros works at higher ISOs than the regular Joes. And you will learn how Robert uses both Auto-ISO Control and Exposure Compensation while working in Manual Mode to routinely create perfectly exposed action photographs. He explains exactly how he sets the important camera controls. And why. Those include Release Mode, Focus Mode, and Rear Button Focus. You will learn how to set your camera and your flash to create flash blurs. You will learn which AF Mode Robert uses 90% of the time and how he sets it up using Menu/Custom Settings Menu.
He will teach you how and why to set a variety of buttons and dials. How and why to use Live View. About the only metering mode he uses. How, why, and when to switch AF points with the Multi-Selector. How and why to use the often-overlooked Info Button and the often over-looked My Menu feature. Then he takes you through the Camera Menus while dealing with the hows and whys of how he sets up the important items.
If you use Nikon gear then you simply cannot live without Robert’s great new guide. You owe it to yourself to make your life easier, to learn to make better images, and to learn exactly how a top professional does things. The Nikon DSLR User’s Guide is a comprehensive 45-page PDF that is sent by e-mail. There are dozens and dozens of diagrams and screen captures and even a few photos to illustrate key points.
You can purchase your copy (no sharing digital files please :) ) for only $32 by calling BIRDS AS ART at 863-692-0906 with your credit card in hand, by sending a PayPal to us at birdsasart@att.net or by sending a check for $32 made out to “Arthur Morris” to us at Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART, PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL. If by check be sure to include your e-mail address.
Well, it took long enough–at least two years from concept to the final PDF–but Robert O’Toole has out-done himself by creating a masterpiece user’s guide for using Nikon gear. I just had my first look at the finished document and all that I can say is “Wow! Many Nikon folks show up on IPTs knowing little about properly setting up their cameras. “How do you see the histogram?’ “Don’t know….” “Can you set your camera so that we see the RGB histogram and blinkies in the same frame? “I once saw it done but don’t know how….” For me, it has long seemed that operating a Nikon camera required degrees in Physics, Language, and Logic. With Robert’s new guide those days are over.
You will learn when, how, and why to work in Manual mode and when, why, and how to work in one of the auto-modes (by setting exposure compensation). You will learn the various camera control options and custom settings so that you can fine-tune your camera to suit your shooting style. You will learn how and why many top pros works at higher ISOs than the regular Joes. And you will learn how Robert uses both Auto-ISO Control and Exposure Compensation while working in Manual Mode to routinely create perfectly exposed action photographs. He explains exactly how he sets the important camera controls. And why. Those include Release Mode, Focus Mode, and Rear Button Focus. You will learn how to set your camera and your flash to create flash blurs. You will learn which AF Mode Robert uses 90% of the time and how he sets it up using Menu/Custom Settings Menu.
He will teach you how and why to set a variety of buttons and dials. How and why to use Live View. About the only metering mode he uses. How, why, and when to switch AF points with the Multi-Selector. How and why to use the often-overlooked Info Button and the often over-looked My Menu feature. Then he takes you through the Camera Menus while dealing with the hows and whys of how he sets up the important items.
If you use Nikon gear then you simply cannot live without Robert’s great new guide. You owe it to yourself to make your life easier, to learn to make better images, and to learn exactly how a top professional does things. The Nikon DSLR User’s Guide is a comprehensive 45-page PDF that is sent by e-mail. There are dozens and dozens of diagrams and screen captures and even a few photos to illustrate key points.
You can purchase your copy (no sharing digital files please :) ) for only $32 by calling BIRDS AS ART at 863-692-0906 with your credit card in hand, by sending a PayPal to us at birdsasart@att.net or by sending a check for $32 made out to “Arthur Morris” to us at Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART, PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL. If by check be sure to include your e-mail address.
Canon PowerShot SX230 HS Review Posted
Canon PowerShot SX230 HS Review Posted
The 14X optical zoom lens appears to be the star feature of the Canon PowerShot SX230 HS camera, without question. When you see a zoom lens that powerful on a camera as thin and stylish as the PowerShot SX230, you're sure to notice. However, perhaps the biggest star feature of... Read more
The 14X optical zoom lens appears to be the star feature of the Canon PowerShot SX230 HS camera, without question. When you see a zoom lens that powerful on a camera as thin and stylish as the PowerShot SX230, you're sure to notice. However, perhaps the biggest star feature of... Read more
Strange Waters Photoshop Disasters
Another Photoshop Disaster!
Strange Waters by Felipe Rodrigues
This ex-Big Brother participant thought about showing herself a little thinner. I think someone could teach her how to do that. Image from a Brazilian Photoshop article, but the image seems to be from her personal social network site.
Strange Waters by Felipe Rodrigues
This ex-Big Brother participant thought about showing herself a little thinner. I think someone could teach her how to do that. Image from a Brazilian Photoshop article, but the image seems to be from her personal social network site.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hunts Refurbished products for sale
Hi Club members,
Here are some of our Refurbished products we have available. Please feel to contact me, Keith Patankar directly at the store at 781.662.8822 with any questions. Or email at patankar@wbhunt.com
All Refurbished products are factory refurbished from the manufacture and have a 90 day warranty.
Nikon SB700 // $279.99
Nikon SB900 // $429.99
Nikon SB 600 // $169.99
Nikon Coolpix P300 // $249.99
Nikon Coolpix P7000 // $349.99
Nikon D3100 w 18-55mm lens // $499.99
Nikon D7000 Body // $1029.99
Nikon D300s Body // $1299.99
Nikon D5000 Body // 449.99
Nikon D90 Body // $599.99
Nikon D3 Body // $3499.99
Nikon 50mm 1.8G lens // $189.99
Nikon 18-200mm 3.5-5.6 VR II lens // $649.99
Nikon 28-300mm 3.5-5.6 G lens // $749.99
Nikon 24mm 1.4 G lens // $1799.99
Nikon 35mm 1.8 G lens // $169.99
Nikon 50mm 1.4 G lens // $399.99
Nikon 18-105mm 3.5-5.6 VR lens // $249.99
Nikon 16-85mm 3.5-5.6 G lens // $479.99
Nikon 60mm 2.8 G Macro lens // $449.99
Nikon 55-200mm 4-5.6 VR lens // $139.99
Nikon 24-70mm 2.8 lens // $1549.99
Nikon 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 G VR lens // $369.99
Nikon 105mm 2.8 VR Macro lens // $679.99
Nikon 12-24mm 4 lens // $899.99
Nikon 50mm 1.4D lens // $199.99
Canon Rebel XS w 18-55mm lens // $399.99
Canon T1i w 18-55mm lens // $519.99
Canon 28-135mm // $359.99
Canon 18-135mm lens // $359.99
Wacom Intous 4 Medium // $299.00
Wacom Intous 4 Wireless // $299.00
Wacom Cintiq 12" LCD // $799.00
Keith Patankar
Photo Sales
Hunts Photo & Video
Here are some of our Refurbished products we have available. Please feel to contact me, Keith Patankar directly at the store at 781.662.8822 with any questions. Or email at patankar@wbhunt.com
All Refurbished products are factory refurbished from the manufacture and have a 90 day warranty.
Nikon SB700 // $279.99
Nikon SB900 // $429.99
Nikon SB 600 // $169.99
Nikon Coolpix P300 // $249.99
Nikon Coolpix P7000 // $349.99
Nikon D3100 w 18-55mm lens // $499.99
Nikon D7000 Body // $1029.99
Nikon D300s Body // $1299.99
Nikon D5000 Body // 449.99
Nikon D90 Body // $599.99
Nikon D3 Body // $3499.99
Nikon 50mm 1.8G lens // $189.99
Nikon 18-200mm 3.5-5.6 VR II lens // $649.99
Nikon 28-300mm 3.5-5.6 G lens // $749.99
Nikon 24mm 1.4 G lens // $1799.99
Nikon 35mm 1.8 G lens // $169.99
Nikon 50mm 1.4 G lens // $399.99
Nikon 18-105mm 3.5-5.6 VR lens // $249.99
Nikon 16-85mm 3.5-5.6 G lens // $479.99
Nikon 60mm 2.8 G Macro lens // $449.99
Nikon 55-200mm 4-5.6 VR lens // $139.99
Nikon 24-70mm 2.8 lens // $1549.99
Nikon 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 G VR lens // $369.99
Nikon 105mm 2.8 VR Macro lens // $679.99
Nikon 12-24mm 4 lens // $899.99
Nikon 50mm 1.4D lens // $199.99
Canon Rebel XS w 18-55mm lens // $399.99
Canon T1i w 18-55mm lens // $519.99
Canon 28-135mm // $359.99
Canon 18-135mm lens // $359.99
Wacom Intous 4 Medium // $299.00
Wacom Intous 4 Wireless // $299.00
Wacom Cintiq 12" LCD // $799.00
Keith Patankar
Photo Sales
Hunts Photo & Video
Corel sales--even on Painter 12!
Corel sales--even on Painter 12!
This sale is good from Monday, October 10, 2011 through Saturday, October 15, 2011.
Happy painting!
Karen Sperling
Painting for Photographers Book + DVD
Save $20 on the New Corel PDF Fusion. All-in-one PDF creator. View more than 100 file types. Only $49.99. Ends October 15
Save up to $150 on CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5. Plus free gift. Click ' Learn Training tutorial ($80 Value). Ends October 15
Get 50% off of Corel Wordperfect Office X5 Professional. Only $199. Documents, presentations, spreadsheets and much ore. Ends October 15
Get 50% off of Corel VideoStudio Pro X4. Was $99.99, now $49.99. Live life. Make movies.
Save $80 on Painter 12. Plus free gift, training from Paintboxtv.com ($30 Value). Ends October 15
This sale is good from Monday, October 10, 2011 through Saturday, October 15, 2011.
Happy painting!
Karen Sperling
Painting for Photographers Book + DVD
Save $20 on the New Corel PDF Fusion. All-in-one PDF creator. View more than 100 file types. Only $49.99. Ends October 15
Save up to $150 on CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5. Plus free gift. Click ' Learn Training tutorial ($80 Value). Ends October 15
Get 50% off of Corel Wordperfect Office X5 Professional. Only $199. Documents, presentations, spreadsheets and much ore. Ends October 15
Get 50% off of Corel VideoStudio Pro X4. Was $99.99, now $49.99. Live life. Make movies.
Save $80 on Painter 12. Plus free gift, training from Paintboxtv.com ($30 Value). Ends October 15
Nik releases updates to HDR Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro 2
Nik releases updates to HDR Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro 2
Nik has released minor compatibility and bug-fix updates to two of its photography filter effects products. The Mac edition of HDR Efex Pro gains compatibility with Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and Silver Efex Pro 2 gets several bugs fixed on both Mac and Windows editions. The updates are free to current owners of the products.
October 2011
Nik has released minor compatibility and bug-fix updates to two of its photography filter effects products. The Mac edition of HDR Efex Pro gains compatibility with Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and Silver Efex Pro 2 gets several bugs fixed on both Mac and Windows editions. The updates are free to current owners of the products.
October 2011
Adobe posts Camera Raw 6.5, Photoshop Lightroom 3.5
Adobe posts Camera Raw 6.5, Photoshop Lightroom 3.5
After a public beta period, Adobe has posted the final versions of Camera Raw 6.5 and Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 for Mac and Windows. Each extend RAW conversion support to 23 new camera models from Fujifilm, Hasselblad, Leaf, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Phase One, Ricoh and Sony. Over 25 new lens correction profiles have been added too, including for the Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L and several Nikon primes, plus a number of bugs have been squashed.
After a public beta period, Adobe has posted the final versions of Camera Raw 6.5 and Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 for Mac and Windows. Each extend RAW conversion support to 23 new camera models from Fujifilm, Hasselblad, Leaf, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Phase One, Ricoh and Sony. Over 25 new lens correction profiles have been added too, including for the Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L and several Nikon primes, plus a number of bugs have been squashed.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Macro Photography!
Saturday October 15th
Hunt's Photo and Video
100 Main Street,
Melrose, MA 02176-6104
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Macro Photography!
Join Roman Kurywczak and Manfrotto for a fun filled and informative day on the fascinating world of macro photography...
Roman will discuss the basics of macro photography including depth of field and how to achieve even sharper images! Learn how to take your macro photography to the next level, and see how easy it is to solve some common problems encountered in the field using equipment that does not break the bank!
See also what a difference of just adding a reflector can make to the image, and learn how to control your flash so that it kicks out just the right amount of light! And for something really cool, check out the Metz 15MS-1 flash that has been especially designed for macro photography and gives out beautiful quality of light!
Roman will also discuss some more advanced methods, techniques, and products to use especially when stacking macro photos, and how the Manfrotto 454 Micro positioning sliding plate is a must in situations where large and critical depth of field is essential. After the presentation concludes, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a “hands on” studio session utilizing the gear mentioned in the program.
So come join us, bring your camera, and lets go macro!
First Session: 10a.m.- noon
Second Session: 2p.m.- 4p.m.
To register, and for further information, please contact Hunt’s Photo & Video on: 781-662-8822
Meet the Professional
Roman Kurywczak
Roman has an incredibly strong passion for photography. Originally a graphic art major, he combined his love of hiking and travel with photography; and even though the art major never materialized, the interest in photography never waned. Primarily a landscape photographer at the beginning of his career, he has continually expanded his photographic pallet by branching out into the world of macro work, birds, animals, and most recently HDR photography. Roman has won numerous awards locally as well as nationally, and started his own tour company in 1993 for photographers catering to small groups of 4 only in the US for individualized attention. The company has since grown to include international destinations. To learn more about Roman, visit http://www.roaminwithroman.com/ or his blog: http://roaminwithroman.wordpress.com/
Hunt's Photo and Video
100 Main Street,
Melrose, MA 02176-6104
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Macro Photography!
Join Roman Kurywczak and Manfrotto for a fun filled and informative day on the fascinating world of macro photography...
Roman will discuss the basics of macro photography including depth of field and how to achieve even sharper images! Learn how to take your macro photography to the next level, and see how easy it is to solve some common problems encountered in the field using equipment that does not break the bank!
See also what a difference of just adding a reflector can make to the image, and learn how to control your flash so that it kicks out just the right amount of light! And for something really cool, check out the Metz 15MS-1 flash that has been especially designed for macro photography and gives out beautiful quality of light!
Roman will also discuss some more advanced methods, techniques, and products to use especially when stacking macro photos, and how the Manfrotto 454 Micro positioning sliding plate is a must in situations where large and critical depth of field is essential. After the presentation concludes, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a “hands on” studio session utilizing the gear mentioned in the program.
So come join us, bring your camera, and lets go macro!
First Session: 10a.m.- noon
Second Session: 2p.m.- 4p.m.
To register, and for further information, please contact Hunt’s Photo & Video on: 781-662-8822
Meet the Professional
Roman Kurywczak
Roman has an incredibly strong passion for photography. Originally a graphic art major, he combined his love of hiking and travel with photography; and even though the art major never materialized, the interest in photography never waned. Primarily a landscape photographer at the beginning of his career, he has continually expanded his photographic pallet by branching out into the world of macro work, birds, animals, and most recently HDR photography. Roman has won numerous awards locally as well as nationally, and started his own tour company in 1993 for photographers catering to small groups of 4 only in the US for individualized attention. The company has since grown to include international destinations. To learn more about Roman, visit http://www.roaminwithroman.com/ or his blog: http://roaminwithroman.wordpress.com/
Rescuing Photos
Rescuing Photos
I had this conversation the other day and thought that I would re-blog something that I have talked about in the past, especially in light of the upcoming camera club trip to Italy. I also recently heard of someone going back to a place to retake all of their photographs because their images disappeared. Like a fire drill or any other kind of emergency preparation, knowing what to do ahead of time makes it easier to do it in case of a real emergency. So if a memory card fails or if you accidentally reformat a card that has not been downloaded do not panic; if you are traveling just put the card aside and recover the photographs when you are at a computer. Almost all of the images can be recovered. We know, we have been there. Lisa
What do you do when a CF card fails?
Freak out? Hyperventilate? Swear? Cry?
Why Not? Because you will have practiced and know that you can recover these images.
If you reformat a card, or if a card fails -- STOP. Do not take any more photos. Use the rescue software. If you are away from your computer, STOP using that card and set it aside.
Kind of life a firedrills -- try a practice run and rescue your photos. Do this to learn how to rescue your images when your adrenaline isn't running and you are freaked out because you formated your memory card before you downloaded or your get an error message from your memory card. If you are prepaed you should not panic.
It's simple to try -- Format your memory card and then run the software and rescue your images. Try this on a card that you have already downloaded, if you know that you have recovered before you won't freak out if you actually NEED to recover images. You can try this for FREE.
PhotoRescue makes some really great image recovery software. In addition to the usual RAW file format updates, this version allows the extraction of large thumbnails from RAW files. As raw files of top DSLRs grow bigger, so do the embedded JPEG (or even small raw) thumbnails. While their quality obviously is not as good as the raw files, they can save a shoot when the raw data is damaged beyond recovery.
Your card might even come with some rescue software try that too.
card recovery
Lexar cards usually come with recovery software as well.
UNERASE Your Memory Card: DataRescue's PhotoRescue http://www.imaging-resource.com/... In our tests PhotoRescue recovered every image we erased and every card we reformatted. We were able to recover erased files on CompactFlash cards.
PhotoRescue is the best and fairest picture and data recovery solution for digital film - sd cards, compact flash, memory sticks, microdrive, etc... Featuring innovative recovery algorithms, PhotoRescue displays reliable previews of the recoverable pictures. What you see is what you recover, both on the Windows and on the Apple Mac OS X platforms. PhotoRescue has been awarded 4.5 stars by PCMagazine.
Please note that ANY storage is subject to a problem. For your hard drive the general consensus is not IF your hard drive will fail, but WHEN it will fail.
Yes, memory cards can also fail.
I personally have had a three of cards fail.
And twice I have also formatted over photographs that were not yet downloaded to my computer. When we were on our honeymoon we somehow reformatted a CF card that had not been downloaded. Argh! But all was not lost. I was prepared for this! We recovered all of the images!!
Well, I had practiced this scenario, at home, under no stress. I HIGHLY recommend that you run through the recovery process under non vasodilating conditions because when it happens your adrenaline will be running and it will be much easier to stay calm knowing that you know how to rescue.
So, if you reformat a card, or if a card fails -- STOP. Do not take any more photos. Use the rescue software.
I have tried three programs -- they are free and you buy them if they work for you (they provide a free trial to see that they did indeed rescue your images). Sometimes one program works better than another. Like I said you can also try the one that is for your card type (Sandisk, Lexar, etc.) (some cards come with rescue software for free).
I had this conversation the other day and thought that I would re-blog something that I have talked about in the past, especially in light of the upcoming camera club trip to Italy. I also recently heard of someone going back to a place to retake all of their photographs because their images disappeared. Like a fire drill or any other kind of emergency preparation, knowing what to do ahead of time makes it easier to do it in case of a real emergency. So if a memory card fails or if you accidentally reformat a card that has not been downloaded do not panic; if you are traveling just put the card aside and recover the photographs when you are at a computer. Almost all of the images can be recovered. We know, we have been there. Lisa
What do you do when a CF card fails?
Freak out? Hyperventilate? Swear? Cry?
Why Not? Because you will have practiced and know that you can recover these images.
If you reformat a card, or if a card fails -- STOP. Do not take any more photos. Use the rescue software. If you are away from your computer, STOP using that card and set it aside.
Kind of life a firedrills -- try a practice run and rescue your photos. Do this to learn how to rescue your images when your adrenaline isn't running and you are freaked out because you formated your memory card before you downloaded or your get an error message from your memory card. If you are prepaed you should not panic.
It's simple to try -- Format your memory card and then run the software and rescue your images. Try this on a card that you have already downloaded, if you know that you have recovered before you won't freak out if you actually NEED to recover images. You can try this for FREE.
PhotoRescue makes some really great image recovery software. In addition to the usual RAW file format updates, this version allows the extraction of large thumbnails from RAW files. As raw files of top DSLRs grow bigger, so do the embedded JPEG (or even small raw) thumbnails. While their quality obviously is not as good as the raw files, they can save a shoot when the raw data is damaged beyond recovery.
Your card might even come with some rescue software try that too.
card recovery
Lexar cards usually come with recovery software as well.
UNERASE Your Memory Card: DataRescue's PhotoRescue http://www.imaging-resource.com/... In our tests PhotoRescue recovered every image we erased and every card we reformatted. We were able to recover erased files on CompactFlash cards.
PhotoRescue is the best and fairest picture and data recovery solution for digital film - sd cards, compact flash, memory sticks, microdrive, etc... Featuring innovative recovery algorithms, PhotoRescue displays reliable previews of the recoverable pictures. What you see is what you recover, both on the Windows and on the Apple Mac OS X platforms. PhotoRescue has been awarded 4.5 stars by PCMagazine.
Please note that ANY storage is subject to a problem. For your hard drive the general consensus is not IF your hard drive will fail, but WHEN it will fail.
Yes, memory cards can also fail.
I personally have had a three of cards fail.
And twice I have also formatted over photographs that were not yet downloaded to my computer. When we were on our honeymoon we somehow reformatted a CF card that had not been downloaded. Argh! But all was not lost. I was prepared for this! We recovered all of the images!!
Well, I had practiced this scenario, at home, under no stress. I HIGHLY recommend that you run through the recovery process under non vasodilating conditions because when it happens your adrenaline will be running and it will be much easier to stay calm knowing that you know how to rescue.
So, if you reformat a card, or if a card fails -- STOP. Do not take any more photos. Use the rescue software.
I have tried three programs -- they are free and you buy them if they work for you (they provide a free trial to see that they did indeed rescue your images). Sometimes one program works better than another. Like I said you can also try the one that is for your card type (Sandisk, Lexar, etc.) (some cards come with rescue software for free).
Sunday, October 9, 2011
No Charge Photo Education for your members
Tom and I have gotten some interesting tips from this site, now they are reaching out to organizations... Lisa
As an organization that is involved in photography, you may be interested in knowing about http://www.shootsmarter.com/. It's a website that offers quality photo educational content for photo enthusiasts, emerging professionals and pro photographers. There's no cost to sign up and we never share or sell our members email addresses... honest! Watch the tiny video here regarding this: http://bit.ly/shootsmarter.
We have over 100,000 members worldwide and continue to get new members every day. We also offer our high quality online video content at fridayphotoschool.com at no charge. Each month we present an hour long video that can be viewed right online for free... No sign up required. We've got over 70 videos available, presented by top photographers in the business. All of the videos are offered for purchase in our online store, and we provide discount coupons to qualified organizations.
Your organization's members can benefit with the following discount code that can be used at checkout in our online store, http://www.shopshootsmarter.com/
Coupon Code: smarter25
It provides 25% savings on any DVD video product in the store, and the coupon does not expire.
We encourage you to include ShootSmarter.com in any list of resources that you share with your members or list on your website. Feel free to use the logo shown below, or contact me if you need additional information.
Best regards,
Tom Curley
Crockett & Co. Technology Consulting, Inc.
(860) 488-3663
As an organization that is involved in photography, you may be interested in knowing about http://www.shootsmarter.com/. It's a website that offers quality photo educational content for photo enthusiasts, emerging professionals and pro photographers. There's no cost to sign up and we never share or sell our members email addresses... honest! Watch the tiny video here regarding this: http://bit.ly/shootsmarter.
We have over 100,000 members worldwide and continue to get new members every day. We also offer our high quality online video content at fridayphotoschool.com at no charge. Each month we present an hour long video that can be viewed right online for free... No sign up required. We've got over 70 videos available, presented by top photographers in the business. All of the videos are offered for purchase in our online store, and we provide discount coupons to qualified organizations.
Your organization's members can benefit with the following discount code that can be used at checkout in our online store, http://www.shopshootsmarter.com/
Coupon Code: smarter25
It provides 25% savings on any DVD video product in the store, and the coupon does not expire.
We encourage you to include ShootSmarter.com in any list of resources that you share with your members or list on your website. Feel free to use the logo shown below, or contact me if you need additional information.
Best regards,
Tom Curley
Crockett & Co. Technology Consulting, Inc.
(860) 488-3663
Lightroom Workshop for Beginners
Lightroom Workshop for Beginners 23 Participants Only!
Come learn how to use Lightroom! In this two hour Lightroom Workshop we will be going over tagging collections, culling images, the develop module and panels, local adjustments, syncing edits, editing with presets and exporting your images for web use. Along with this workshop you get to enjoy 15 additional videos, a 20 page manual ($25 Value), Lightroom Brushes ($10 Value) and more. Some of the topics covered in the workshop and in the videos are:
BONUS:You will also receive a $10 Gift Card from Pretty Presets and a $10 Gift Card from Everyday Elements. This is a special introductory offer and we hope you enjoy the additional $20 Value.
We have packed this class full of value and resources. This class will only hold 23 participants and the next class will not be for the next 30 to 60 days. Sign up today to reserve your spot in Amanda’s class!
IMPORTANT: When you sign-up today you will receive all 15+ videos, gift cards, and brushes. Within 24 hours of the Lightroom Workshop you will receive an invite to your paypal email address. This invite will include all the information you need to attend the LIVE WORKSHOP!! This class will be taught from a Lightroom 3 platform.
Come sign up for a Lightroom Workshop today!
Clean and Creative Editing In Lightroom - NEW CLASS
We are so excited to introduce our second workshop to you! It is the "Clean and Creative Editing in Lightroom". This class will include
1. Video tutorials on clean and creative editing in Lightroom
2. Notes that will help guide you through this process
3. Clean edit in Lightroom 3
4. Editing with Pretty Presets
5. RAW and jpeg edits
6. Practice pictures for you to work with
This workshop will be taught by the talented Amanda Padgett. Amanda and I have been working together to create a valuable workshop experience for you and are so excited about this new opportunity.
This class will only hold 23 participants and the next class will not be for the next 30 to 60 days. Sign up today to reserve your spot in Amanda’s class!
IMPORTANT: When you sign-up today you will receive a pdf sharing the information from above. Within 24 hours of the Lightroom Workshop you will receive an invite to your paypal email address. This invite will include all the information you need to attend the LIVE WORKSHOP!! This class will be taught from a Lightroom 3 platform.
Come sign up for the Clean and Creative Edit Workshop today!
Come learn how to use Lightroom! In this two hour Lightroom Workshop we will be going over tagging collections, culling images, the develop module and panels, local adjustments, syncing edits, editing with presets and exporting your images for web use. Along with this workshop you get to enjoy 15 additional videos, a 20 page manual ($25 Value), Lightroom Brushes ($10 Value) and more. Some of the topics covered in the workshop and in the videos are:
- Importing pictures from your camera and hard drive
- Tagging your photos
- Collections and Collection Sets
- File Management Inside Lightroom
- Culling Images
- Develop Module
- Syncing Images
- How to edit with Presets
- Brushes, Graduated Filters and Local Adjustments
- Watermarks
- Exporting from Lightroom
BONUS:You will also receive a $10 Gift Card from Pretty Presets and a $10 Gift Card from Everyday Elements. This is a special introductory offer and we hope you enjoy the additional $20 Value.
We have packed this class full of value and resources. This class will only hold 23 participants and the next class will not be for the next 30 to 60 days. Sign up today to reserve your spot in Amanda’s class!
IMPORTANT: When you sign-up today you will receive all 15+ videos, gift cards, and brushes. Within 24 hours of the Lightroom Workshop you will receive an invite to your paypal email address. This invite will include all the information you need to attend the LIVE WORKSHOP!! This class will be taught from a Lightroom 3 platform.
Come sign up for a Lightroom Workshop today!
Clean and Creative Editing In Lightroom - NEW CLASS
We are so excited to introduce our second workshop to you! It is the "Clean and Creative Editing in Lightroom". This class will include
1. Video tutorials on clean and creative editing in Lightroom
2. Notes that will help guide you through this process
3. Clean edit in Lightroom 3
4. Editing with Pretty Presets
5. RAW and jpeg edits
6. Practice pictures for you to work with
This workshop will be taught by the talented Amanda Padgett. Amanda and I have been working together to create a valuable workshop experience for you and are so excited about this new opportunity.
This class will only hold 23 participants and the next class will not be for the next 30 to 60 days. Sign up today to reserve your spot in Amanda’s class!
IMPORTANT: When you sign-up today you will receive a pdf sharing the information from above. Within 24 hours of the Lightroom Workshop you will receive an invite to your paypal email address. This invite will include all the information you need to attend the LIVE WORKSHOP!! This class will be taught from a Lightroom 3 platform.
Come sign up for the Clean and Creative Edit Workshop today!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Photography Contest
Enter the “Photograph for Justin Timberlake: Every Second Counts” Photography Contest
CurrentPhotographer.com has partnered with Talenthouse and Justin Timberlake to bring you the "Photograph for Justin Timberlake: Every Second Counts" photography contest.
CurrentPhotographer.com has partnered with Talenthouse and Justin Timberlake to bring you the "Photograph for Justin Timberlake: Every Second Counts" photography contest.
CAP Fall Seminars
Connecticut Association of Photographers, Inc.
Fall Seminars
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Holiday Inn, 201 Washington Ave., North Haven, CT
Expand Your Photographic Knowledge!
Photoshop Elements; Photoshop CS4/5; Lightroom
• These are Lectures, NOT Hands-On Workshops
• You can choose one session or two different topics; $25 per session
• If you attend a morning AND afternoon session (total of $50) you will receive a complimentary lunch.
• If you wish to attend one session only, optional lunch is $12
• Each session is limited to 15 attendees, so sign up early!
• Morning session 9:00 - 11:45; Afternoon session 1:15 - 4:00; Lunch 12:00-1:00
Send Reservations and Check to: Tom Cuchara, 60 Braeside Drive, Hamden, CT 06514
Questions? Contact Tom at CapinCTfall2011@gmail.com
Each seminar is $25 for CAP members. Registration Deadline October 29, 2011.
Morning Seminar Choices (Circle One) $25
Photoshop Elements Photoshop CS4/5 Lightroom $_______
Afternoon Seminar Choices (Circle One) $25
Photoshop Elements Photoshop CS4/5 Lightroom $_______
Lunch with Two Seminars $ FREE!
Lunch with One Seminar $12 $_______
Name ________________________________ Phone Number _________________
E-mail Address _______________________________________________________
Photoshop Elements 9 presented by Hazel Meredith, MNEC
You've bought your first copy of Adobe's Photoshop Elements. Now what do you do with it? This seminar will review the basic functions of the program and help you organize, find, and edit your images. Hazel will be demonstrating using version 9, but the techniques apply to most versions of Elements.
She will begin with downloading your photos from your memory card to the Organizer in Elements. She will review the workflow of your image, beginning with Layers - why they are important and what they do. Next, she will demonstrate basic editing techniques - cropping, resizing, straightening; fixing color and lighting; fixing "problem" areas (reducing wrinkles, zapping blemishes, enhancing eyes); a few basic filters; and finally, sharpening. In the afternoon she will move in to some of the more "creative" techniques -- combining photos (changing the sky or background); frames; adding type; using masks (new in Elements 9) and more.
Photoshop CS4/CS5 presented by Lisa Cuchara, MNEC
Lisa will discuss the use of Photoshop as a tool in the “digital darkroom”. She will demonstrate “non-destructive” editing techniques. She will walk you thru layers and adjustment layers (levels, hue/saturation, color balance, black & white, etc.) and demonstrate some popular editing tools (such as crop, clone, patch, heal, content aware fill, sharpen). In addition, she will show you how to apply an effect to a selected area of your photograph. She will introduce you to masking via a simple approach of learning how to make a black and white and color image. The morning session will cover layers and siome of the basic editing tools while the afternoon will explore selective editing and masks. Once you learn how to mask your post-processing will be taken to a whole new dimension! You can sign up for BOTH sessions
Please note that this is NOT a hands on workshop, you do NOT need to own a laptop in order to attend. It is designed to inspire and motivate and teach. You may choose to bring your own laptop pre-loaded with Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5, but there are NOT helpers there to help you if you get stuck. Images will be given to the attendees if you wish to follow along and/or practice later. This workshop assumes that you have basic computer skills and know how to navigate around your computer, how to open and save files, minimize, etc. You may choose to share your computer with a spouse or friend.
Lightroom Workflow Strategy presented by William Barnett, MPSA, AFIAP
This course is for photographers with some experience with Lightroom 3, but who don’t feel comfortable using it to its fullest. To sign up for this course you should own Lightroom 3, have it installed on your computer, and have used it, even if only briefly. The course will consist of a combination of lecture, discussion and demonstration.
The course will emphasize workflow strategy for using Lightroom to organize and improve your photographs. The emphasis will be on what Lightroom can do for you rather than a detailed discussion of specific controls which are better learned from an online video course or a book. We will also discuss in some detail image organization and backup, topics not strictly about Lightroom, but necessary to use Lightroom to its fullest.
To get the most out of the course you should spend some time working with the Lightroom 3 installation on your own computer before attending. Be sure to bring a notebook and pens to take notes during the course. Come prepared to discuss a variety of topics including: do you shoot JPEG or raw and why? How do you name and organize your images? How to you backup your images? How do you deal with your images when traveling? There will be lots of opportunities for questions related to Lightroom during the course so be sure to write down questions you want to discuss and bring them with you.
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