Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flickr Camera Club Critiques

Hi Lisa, Now that my Flickr account is no longer "dangling" I've been enjoying posting my pictures. I've noticed that zillions of groups are thriving but our's, apparently, is stagnant. Do you think it would help if you sent out a memo to remind all members to participate? Perhaps, people have simply forgotten that Camera Club Critiques on Flickr exists. Well, I just wanted to make the suggestion, and there it is :-) Susan B. Naumann

Thank you Susan!
Yes, I would like to try this again. We all love to show our photographs and everyone says that they would like to receive more feedback -- well here is your chance. We created this Flickr group in order to have a way to show and receive feedback on more of our images. We were off to a great start and then people started posting photos without commenting.

Click here to view/join:

We are going to try to post only TWO photos at a time and when you post the photos PLEASE make sure to comment on other photographs posted here. Please Comment of two photos for every one photo that you post. If we all do this we will have lots of feedback.

When you post your image please include the shooting information: What camera and lens did you use, tripod? what shutter speed? what f stop? anything different? high iso? laid down on your stomach? etc.

For EACH photo that you post please comment on TWO other photographs, that way we will generate comments. This group will only be as good as everyone's efforts here. Things that you can comment about: What was your first impression of the photograph. Is the composition pleasing? What parts do you like best? what could be done to improve the photo?

We are all looking forward to seeing your images. You can also view this Blog on the itnernet at and there is a Flick widget displaying the most recent photos added to our group.

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