Monday, December 17, 2012

Beyond the Rule of Thirds

I received this great article about composition, check it out here

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Beyond the Rule of Thirds

"There are many ways of composing a picture, and the golden section is a great guide. Also known as the golden mean, golden ratio, divine proportion, the golden section is like the rule of thirds on steroids.

The rule of thirds is a simplified version of the golden ratio. The golden ratio, which affects the 1:1.618 ratio of a picture size, can help determine a placement of a subject, leading to better composition.

In this week's blog post, we are discussing different golden rules: The Golden Spiral, The Golden Triangle, and the Golden Rectangle. Together, we'll learn how to view and compose our pictures in a different light.

Check out our new article, Beyond the Rule of Thirds and don't forget to like us on Facebook. Our Facebook fans are the first to receive Photoshop tutorials and photography articles written by our staff."

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