Sunday, May 22, 2011

You are only $3 from better skies in outdoor portraits

You are only $3 from better skies in outdoor portraits

Ever wonder how Sports Illustrated gets those awesome skies in their outdoor portraits? This easy and inexpensive trick will set you on your way to awesome vibrant skies in outdoor portraits just like the pros – without a ton of Photoshop work. So, I hate editing photos. Any tricks that can help me get awesome photos in camera are always at the top of my list. If you want awesome, bolder skies in outdoor portraits without having to “mess with the sliders”, here’s what you’ll need:
1) A decent sky with some color in it. Blank overcast days are a no-no for this trick. I like blue.

2) A camera that allows you to shoot RAW or adjust white balance in camera

3) A decent flash – preferably one that allows for higher sync speeds

4) A few adhesive Velcro squares

5) Color flash gels – you can get individual ones for $1-2.00 each or this complete set for around $16

Read the rest of the article here:

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