Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Twelve Significant Photographs a Year: 2012

Twelve Significant Photographs a Year: 2012

This article by  offers photographers some reflection of their craft...

"Ansel Adams once famously said “twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” I don’t know how many days Ansel spent in the field in a given year, but I do know this: the pace of nature photography has become much more hectic than in his days of 8×10 view cameras and glass plates. Forget every year—it seems these days we’re expected to make twelve significant photographs every trip."

"So before charging headlong into 2013, pause for a moment to review the photographs you made in 2012."

"Letting Ansel be our guide, challenge yourself to pick your twelve favorites from 2012. Picking just twelve can be more challenging than you think. Even if you had a really good year, finding twelve of your images that really inspire you may prove difficult."

"Now that you’ve picked your twelve favorite images, take a moment to explore what they say about you as an artist."

Read the whole article here and see HIS top 12 photographs of 2012.

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