Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the orangutan is chimping

not sure who the photographer is but  love it -- the orangutan is chimping

Chimping is a slang term photographers use for looking at your photos on the back of a digital camera, usually immediately after you take a shot.

Fairly universally the common face of a photographer reviewing a digital image was wide eyed, pursed lips, and mumbling "oh, oh, oh, oh" under their breath. This reminded almost everyone of chimpanzees or monkeys. Very quickly the common term became "chimping." Of course you can also use "chimped" or "chimps" as needed by sentence structure to accurately describe the event.

How to Chimp

Step 1 - Take a photo
Step 2 - Activate the photo display on your camera
Step 3 - Look downward at your camera/photo
Step 4 - Purse your lips together and chant "oh, oh, oh, oh"
Bonus - Place one hand on top of your head and lightly scratch
Extra Bonus - Convince one or more friends to crowd around the camera display and complete steps 1-4 at the same time

Congratulations! You’ve just chimped your photos!

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