Sunday, December 20, 2009

In Photography, It’s the Archer, Not the Arrow

I always love when someone sees one of my photographs and their comment is "you must have a nice camera". I have heard this hundreds if not thousands of times. But you would never tell someone who made a great meal or an awesome cake "you must have great pots and pans" ! it's the person behind the camers MAKES the photograph...

By Aaron Lindbergclose "I’m a big fan of technology, and it’s easy to get swept up in the shiny new toys that the big camera companies roll out every year. I love the fact that I can now record video as well as stills from the same camera bodies, for example, and that the low light sensitivity of those bodies can produce amazing results without the digital noise we once had to work around. But a few weeks ago, I read a quote that I thought applied well to photography: “It’s the archer, not the arrow.” I took that quote to heart, and decided to take a step back from my arrows and focus on the archery itself."

Read the rest here:

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