Saturday, June 20, 2009

Floating Windows Instead of Tabs

In Photoshop CS3 if you open multiple files they float in the window by default. In CS4 if you do the same the files open in tabs by default. If you want to float the files in the window you have to go to Window > Arrange and select Float All in Window. Is there any way of setting the default to float all?

There most certainly is a way to have images open in floating windows rather than tabs by default in Photoshop CS4. Simply go to Edit > Preferences > Interface (Photoshop > Preferences > Interface on Macintosh) and turn off the Open Documents as Tabs checkbox. With this option turned off, opening an image will cause it to open in a floating window.

Also, for situations where you might want to use other than the default setting, the Arrange Documents button on the new Application bar provides faster access to the menu commands you would otherwise utilize. Options on this popup allow you to float all windows, consolidate all into tabs, or arrange the windows in a variety of configurations so you can see multiple images at a time but still have them organized into tabs.

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