Sunday, May 31, 2009

Image Light Group

Thanks Rick for passing this along!

For the blog: I received this from a vendor at Photoshop World:

Hi, We met at Photoshop world. We recently resigned as the US distributors or California Sunbounce and we are liquidating our inventory. If any of you club members are interested at getting some quality reflectors at a great price please forward this email.

Thanks and maybe we will see you at the next convention with Hensel and Black Rapid.

Sharon Gottula, Image Light Group, Inc.

How to Create a Mosaic or Montage and a Jagged Border Effect

From Photoshop Roadmap
How to Create a Mosaic or Montage Effect

How to Create a Mosaic or Montage Effect
Breaking a picture up in to lots of small squares sounds like a strange thing to do until you see the results. This tutorial will show you how to turn a single image into grid of overlapping photos. Often referred to as the David Hockney effect you'll learn some useful techniques including how to make a custom grid and some great layer handling tips.

Jagged border effect
This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a jagged border effect. This gives the effect of the image border being uneven.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Photo Painting Journey Through the History of Art with Fay Sirkis

i am reblogging this because the last entry did not have the links to register online or by mail

“Impressions of Art - A Photo Painting Journey Through the History of Art” with Fay Sirkis
June 24, 2009
Laurel View Country Club 310 W Shepard Ave Hamden CT 06514 Map it
5:00 PM Social Hour
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Lecture
Register online
Register by mail

Registration reminder:
1) Indicate on the registration form “Nonmember” (if registering online, type “nonmember” in the blank box provided)
2) Indicate “guest of member: Lisa & Tom Cuchara” (with member’s name)

June 24 Meeting “Special Invitation”
Nonmembers Save $50 - $75!

Wednesday, June 24th Evening Program featuring Kay Sirkis

Details: You are invited to join CPPA members this night only at the member price:
Dinner and lecture….$25 (Save $50)
Lecture…………. FREE (Save $75)

Fay Sirkis lecture FREE

“Impressions of Art - A Photo Painting Journey Through the History of Art” with Fay Sirkis June 24th

Fay Sirkis is an internationally-recognized portrait artist, photographer and instructor. She speaks at conferences and seminars in the United States and Europe. Fay is on the advisory council of Corel Painter, and is a Beta tester for Adobe Photoshop and Corel Painter, and was instrumental in the launching of the latest releases of the programs. She is a Corel “Painter Master” whose work is featured in Corel’s Art Gallery. Her Paintings appear in numerous ad campaigns for both Canon USA and Corel.

Fay is part of the “Dream Team” Instructors that teach at the Photoshop World Conferences.Her tutorials on “Photo Painting” have been featured on the cover of many magazines, including Photoshop user. She is now star of her own DVDs and has teamed up with NAPP to release her new DVD series “A Celebration of Art”. She is best known for her simplistic way of teaching, making the learning curve in the digital world easier to master.

Her commissioned portraits and paintings are held in private collections internationally, andare exhibited in museums and art galleries. Fay is the founder of Fays Art Studio, a high-endcommission portrait painting studio, as well as a digital art training and consulting firm basedin New York.

An accomplished portrait artist, photographer and instructor, Fay provides her students with a simple recipe to transform photos into beautiful paintings. Learn how to paint like a master with Fay Sirkis as she shares the secrets and techniques behind her signature style of photo painting. To see more of Fay’s work, please visit This evening seminar is for the photographer, fine artist, and hobbyists who wish to create breathtaking, hand-painted looking works of art from their photographs using Fay’s easier than ever signature style of Photo Painting!

For centuries, artists have been using the “photograph” as a reference for their paintings. Photo Art, referred to today as Photo Painting, was, and always will be, a sought after art form, only accomplished differently at different times in history, according to what tools were available atthat specific time period. Photo Painting is a simulation of the painting workflow, tools and brushes, that is based on the traditional painting styles of the Old Masters and the lessons thatwe learned from Art History. Before the invention of the photograph/camera, some artists were using mirrors and lenses to capture the image on canvas, trace it in great detail and proceed to paint with amazing realism; some say that is how Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.The history of art dates back to the beginning of mankind, way back to the cave man.Join Fay on a journey back in time as she takes you through centuries of art history to see how painting has evolved into what we now call the digital era, and how we use the art of Photo Painting to transform our photographs of portraits, landscapes and more into priceless hand painted looking Corel Painter to replicate the traditional styles of the Old Masters. “Imagine taking a paint brush and dipping it into the photograph, transforming pixels into brushstrokes; the result is magical.”Fay will demonstrate the process behind interpreting high key portraits into watercolor paintings and low key images into canvas oil paintings. From Rembrandt to Monet, from photo Realism to Impressionism, come explore the world of possibilities behind transforming yourpictures into oils, watercolors, acrylics, chalks, and more. From retouching your images AdobePhotoshop, in preparation for the painting, using the Digital Dark Room, to applying your paints and blending them in Corel Painter, you will discover how to master your “Impressions of Art.”

Don’t miss Kay Sirkis on Wednesday, June 24 at the Laurel View Country Club for the final Quarterly Program for the season.

Photo Murals for Your Ceiling!

For those of you who know Amethyst this could be a VERY good idea for our house!!! Lisa

From photojojo:

Photo Murals for Your Ceiling! Whoa!

What To Put On Your Ceiling
  • Go out into the world, look up, and find something interesting to photograph, like:
  • Fluffy clouds and blue sky
  • Looking up into a grove of trees
  • A cathedral ceiling
  • Looking up at skyscrapers
  • A spiral staircase viewed from the bottom
  • Or declare Opposite Day! Look down at a lush field of grass, or your sneakers on a gritty sidewalk. Call it an homage to Fred Astaire dancing on the ceiling.

What You’ll Need

  • Post-it Picture Paper (or photo paper and Glue Dots or double-stick tape)
  • Large piece of poster board
  • Ladder or stepstool

read the rest here on photojojo:

20 Great Stitched Panorama Examples

From DigitalPhotographySchool

Grimmialp Panorama - Copyright [ tilli”]

Mist covering village - Copyright René Ehrhardt

World War II Memorial, Washington DC Panorama - Copyright Gore Fiendus (Jerry Frausto)

Beijing Olympics: Men's Triple Jump Panorama of Idowu Phillips - Copyright rich115

La caverne aux livres - Copyright gadl

20 Great Stitched Panorama Examples

In a previous post I laid out some guidelines for helping you create stitched panoramic photographs. To help further inspire experimentation of this technique, I scoured Flickr for some prime examples of what can be accomplished. Each image links back to the Flickr page and most contain large or even original size images if you want to take a closer look. If you have some examples of your own that you’d like to share, please feel free to post a link and description in the comments section below.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The 5 Best Camera Phones for Photographers

The 5 Best Camera Phones for Photographers

With the right handset, camera phone photos can be more than snapshots.

Making a Photo History of the Year You Were Born

From : photojojo

Project 1976: Making a Photo History of the Year You Were Born

Sveinn Birkir has been collecting images from 1976 to make a visual anthology of the year he was born. Freaking rad!

Wanna make your own Project 1976? Search Flickr or Google Image Search for your birth year and see what comes up.

Look for events that happened and things that came out that year (cars, products, albums, movies). Who was on the cover of Time or Rolling Stone? Who died or was born that year?
Sprinkle in some family photos and show off your time capsule! Start a photoblog, or print the photos and stick ‘em on the wall.

Better yet, do this for a pal (or your kid, if you’ve got one of those) and make it into a book for their birthday. Better even than cupcakes, amigo.

p.s. We really wish our name was Sveinn.

Tutorial: Change car color

Change car color

This tutorial will teach you how to easily change the color of car in a few easy steps using Adobe Photoshop.

Fay Sirkis lecture FREE

“Impressions of Art - A Photo Painting Journey Through the History of Art”
With Fay Sirkis on Tap for June 24th

Fay Sirkis is an internationally-recognized portrait artist, photographer and instructor. She speaks at conferences and seminars in the United States and Europe. Fay is on the advisory council of Corel Painter, and is a Beta tester for Adobe Photoshop and Corel Painter, and was instrumental in the launching of the latest releases of the programs. She is a Corel “Painter Master” whose work is featured in Corel’s Art Gallery. Her Paintings appear in numerous ad campaigns for both Canon USA and Corel.

Fay is part of the “Dream Team” Instructors that teach at the Photoshop World Conferences.
Her tutorials on “Photo Painting” have been featured on the cover of many magazines, including Photoshop user. She is now star of her own DVDs and has teamed up with NAPP to release her new DVD series “A Celebration of Art”. She is best known for her simplistic way of teaching, making the learning curve in the digital world easier to master.

Her commissioned portraits and paintings are held in private collections internationally, and
are exhibited in museums and art galleries. Fay is the founder of Fays Art Studio, a high-end
commission portrait painting studio, as well as a digital art training and consulting firm based
in New York.

An accomplished portrait artist, photographer and instructor, Fay provides her students with a simple recipe to transform photos into beautiful paintings. Learn how to paint like a master with Fay Sirkis as she shares the secrets and techniques behind her signature style of photo painting. To see more of Fay’s work, please visit This evening seminar is for the photographer, fine artist, and hobbyists who wish to create breathtaking, hand-painted looking works of art from their photographs using Fay’s easier than ever signature style of Photo Painting!

June 24 Meeting
“Special Invitation”
Nonmembers Save $50 - $75!
To: All nonmembers, including past members
From: CPPA Board of Directors
Date: Wednesday, June 24th
Evening Program featuring Kay Sirkis
Details: You are invited to join CPPA members this night only at the member price:
Dinner and lecture….$25 (Save $50)
Lecture…………. FREE (Save $75)

MEMBERS, get the word out and tell others about this special invitation. Send them the
Spotlight so they have all the details about Kay Sirkis’ program and the Registration Form. It is their chance to see what CPPA is all about and save $$.

Registration reminder:
1) Indicate on the registration form “Nonmember” (if registering online, type “nonmember” in the blank box provided)
2) Indicate “guest of member: Lisa & Tom Cuchara” (with member’s name)

For centuries, artists have been using the “photograph” as a reference for their paintings. Photo Art, referred to today as Photo Painting, was, and always will be, a sought after art form, only accomplished differently at different times in history, according to what tools were available at
that specific time period. Photo Painting is a simulation of the painting workflow, tools and brushes, that is based on the traditional painting styles of the Old Masters and the lessons that
we learned from Art History. Before the invention of the photograph/camera, some artists were using mirrors and lenses to capture the image on canvas, trace it in great detail and proceed to paint with amazing realism; some say that is how Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
The history of art dates back to the beginning of mankind, way back to the cave man.

Join Fay on a journey back in time as she takes you through centuries of art history to see how painting has evolved into what we now call the digital era, and how we use the art of Photo Painting to transform our photographs of portraits, landscapes and more into priceless hand painted looking Corel Painter to replicate the traditional styles of the Old Masters. “Imagine taking a paint brush and dipping it into the photograph, transforming pixels into brushstrokes; the result is magical.”

Fay will demonstrate the process behind interpreting high key portraits into watercolor paintings and low key images into canvas oil paintings. From Rembrandt to Monet, from photo Realism to Impressionism, come explore the world of possibilities behind transforming your
pictures into oils, watercolors, acrylics, chalks, and more. From retouching your images Adobe
Photoshop, in preparation for the painting, using the Digital Dark Room, to applying your paints and blending them in Corel Painter, you will discover how to master your “Impressions of Art.”
Don’t miss Kay Sirkis on Wednesday, June 24 at the Laurel View Country Club for the final Quarterly Program for the season.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Canon Live Learning Center

Canon U.S.A. has announced a series of tuition sessions around the US, under the the 'Live Learning' education program banner. Live Learning is split into two levels with the 'EOS Essentials' events being held in eight US cities and including sessions with Canon-sponsored professional photographers. The more advanced 'EOS Extras' weekends will be held at venues such as Aspen, Colorado and will include opportunities to shoot alongside some of these Canon-sponsored 'Explorers of Light.' Each event is open to a limited number of participants, with workshops limited to 16 people per session.
Click here to visit the Canon Live Learning Center

Create a 3D Cube with Digital Photos

Today we will learn how to create a cool dark-style background to emphasize a model. We will use watercolor brushes, filters, the pen tool and a bit of illustrator.

How to Create a 3D Cube with Digital Photos
This tutorial will show you how to create a 3D shape with your digital photos as the surfaces in Adobe Photoshop.

Handi Canon guides iPhone

For Canon Shooters Only (sorry Nikon shooters, no one has created this yet)

Handi Canon guides ($0.99 to 1.99) are quick reference guide for Canon models 30D, 40D, 50D, Rebel XSi, Rebel XS, 5D, and the 5D Mark ll. Not only can you quickly get to the information you need, but you can take that dog-eared manual out of your camera bag.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Fourth Annual Sussex County Birding and Nature Festival

The Fourth Annual Sussex County Birding and Nature Festival

Saturday and Sunday, June 6 and 7, 2009

The New Jersey Audubon Society, County of Sussex and the Nature Conservancy have partnered to sponsor this annual birding and nature festival featuring a weekend of bird, butterfly and dragonfly walks and the Green Marketplace with displays by local vendors with products and services for a healthy earth. The festival is headquartered at the beautiful Appalachian at Mountain Creek resort in Vernon. Sussex County features many varied habitats and beautiful scenery with well over 120 nesting species of birds and a myriad of butterflies and wildflowers. Late spring migrants including Mourning Warbler and Olive-sided Flycatcher are also possible as well as 25 plus species of warblers. Sussex County features more species of dragonflies than any other county in the United States. Many of New Jersey’s premier field naturalists will be our guides for the weekend.

The weekend’s field trips will be followed by a luncheon featuring keynote speaker renowned author, magazine columnist and birder Pete Dunne with his program “25 Things That Changed Birding.” The luncheon will take place at the Appalachian on Sunday at 1 p.m. Come for the field trips or come for the luncheon or both. All trips will originate and depart from the Appalachian by car caravan or an arranged transit bus. There is not a better place in New Jersey to view natural history in June than in Sussex County.

Lodging, box lunches and luncheon only reservations are available. For more information please call the Sandy Hook Bird Observatory at 732-872-2500 or check our website at

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

Nikon D5000: Now in Stock at Calumet

When it was announced last month, the supple D5000 immediately caught attention with its vari-angle LCD display. This new twist adds tremendous potential to the DSLR's shooting possibilities, especially in conjunction with other recent technologies like an HD video mode and Live View composing.

And this tech-savvy little DSLR is now available for purchase from Calumet. Kits are in stock, which include the latest edition of the Nikkor 18-55mm VR lens. This versatile, lightweight lens extends your shooting possibilities by reducing blur in low light situations. The camera itself boasts 12.3 megapixels, in-camera sensor cleaning, ISO sensitivity up to 3200, and of course, that limber 2.7" LCD screen.

Instead of being fixed to the back of the camera body, the D5000's LCD screen flips out, letting you compose from any angle thanks to Live View. Hold it above your head in a crowd or at a concert. Keep it waist-level for candid street photography. Shoot from the ground without getting dirty.

Weighing just over a pound, Nikon's D5000 is a camera that can take any photo and be taken anywhere.

Be One of the First to Own a D5000 »

The Obama Time Capsule

"The Obama Time Capsule”, billed by its producers as the first customizable photo book ever, is now available for purchase. HP and Against All Odds Productions (AAO) have teamed up to produce “The OBAMA Time Capsule”, chronicling Barack Obama’s journey to the White House through the first 100 days in office. HP’s “Print on Demand” technology allows users to upload their personal photos, personalise a dedication page, add themselves as one of the authors of the book and personalise pages with their own thoughts on this time in history.

Copies can be ordered starting today exclusively on The book retails for $65.00 but is $39.95 for the first 10,000 books purchased.
Website: The Obama Time Capsule

GPS Taggers iPhone


GPS Taggers and NotebooksMany photographers keep notebooks to record important information about photos they're taking. In analog days, for instance, we'd record exposure information, although embedded EXIF data makes that a non-issue for digital shooters. But it can still be hard to remember the name of that medieval town in the south of France where you shot an amazing photo series. Or what if you find the perfect location for an upcoming shoot and, certain that you'll remember where it is, don't write down how you got there?

With the iPhone and one of the apps in this category, you no longer need a paper notebook. My favorite, EveryTrail (free), records your movements and adds geotags to reference shots you take with the iPhone. You can caption the reference shots, but even better is that EveryTrail uploads your path to which then overlays the path on a Google map. You can even export the trip to Google Earth and fly directly to the geotagged locations.

Turn iPhone and iPod touch into FotoMagico Slideshow Remote

From Creative Pro

Boinx Software has announced the availability of FotoMagico Remote to control a live FotoMagico 3 slideshow with iPhone or iPod touch. To help presenters with their live narration, FotoMagico Remote also includes a teleprompter that displays a thumbnail and the speaker notes for the currently displayed slide. FotoMagico Remote can be puchased exclusively at the iTunes App Store for $19.95.

Presenting The Professional WayA fullscreen presentation with FotoMagico 3 can now be remotely controlled with the "FotoMagico Remote" application on iPhone or iPod touch. FotoMagico Remote provides playback remote control and a teleprompter right in your palm. You can read your notes and get a visual feedback of the duration of the current slide on the screen, giving your whole live presentation a highly professional touch.

With FotoMagico Remote you are free to walk around the stage in front of your audience while narrating your slideshow. FotoMagico Remote on your iPhone or iPod touch is the perfect addition to FotoMagico 3 Pro!

Secure Remote ControlRemote controlling a live presentation with your iPhone or iPod touch can be protected with a four digit PIN code. Setting the PIN code makes sure nobody else can interfere with the presentation.

System RequirementsFotoMagico Remote runs on any iPhone an iPod touch with iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later. FotoMagico Remote requires FotoMagico 3.0 (or later) running Mac OS Leopard (or later) and an available local WiFi network for the communication between the Mac and the iPhone or iPod touch.

Availability and pricingFotoMagico Remote for iPhone and iPod touch is available exclusively at the iTunes App Store for $19.95.

GPS-Enabled Cameras and Other Geotagging Options

GPS-Enabled Cameras and Other Geotagging Options
by Ron Leach, Publisher

Whether you're a backpacker, sailor, cyclist or simply a motorist, you are likely familiar with GPS devices which receive latitude, and longitude coordinates from global-positioning satellites to pinpoint your location. Applying this geographical information to digital images is called geotagging and it enables you to know not just when, but also where a photograph was taken.

Get The Full Story

CT state parks

Thank you Gary for passing ths along!

Lisa - For your blog.

Most folks who use the CT state parks probably know that they can buy a season's pass, paying a one-time fee of $50 (it goes up every year!) and then once they afix the decal to their car's windshield (you HAVE to do that), they will not have to pay to enter the state parks for the balance of the year. However, for older geezers like me, you can get a FREE - yep - FREE!! senior pass that does not expire (until you do!). That's right - you only have to stop at one of the state parks with an entrance fee and show your ID and that you are 65 years old or older, fill out a small card, and put it in your wallet or in your car some where. It does NOT have to be afixed to the windshield and you probably could be a passenger in someone else's car and show that ID and get the car in without paying a parking fee. There is lots to do and photograph in our state parks so take advantage of either the $50 fee for an annual pass for 2009, or, if you are 65 or older, get a totally free pass that does not have to be renewed each year and get out and enjoy our park system.


how to photograph Baseball.

Today Pro Photographer Jim Bryant shares a comprehensive set of tips in a tutorial on how to photograph Baseball.

From Digital photography school:

Baseball is a visual feast or famine game. If the pitcher is really great, there’s nothing to shoot. If both teams are better at offense than defense you’ll wind through a lot of frames rapidly.
By photographers’ standards, these are slow games. The majority of most games are as visually exciting as watching grass grow. However, there are brief moments of amazing athletic ability and severe collisions. Because this window is so tight (and the extremely-hard, fast-moving balls [and bats] that seem to have photographers magnets in them), it’s important to pay close attention during the entire game. Otherwise you miss the shot and/or wake up in the hospital covered in blood.

See the photos and read the rest here

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks is now in stock

Before there was a PhotoshopUser TV or a Layers magazine, there was a "Down & Dirty" book filled with all sorts of tips and tricks on recreating the most popular effects of the day... for Photoshop 5.5. The very first book Scott Kelby ever published. Fast-forward a few years.

Now a five-time best-selling author, Scott Kelby revisits the book that started it all in a highly anticipated update for CS4 that shows you:
The latest photographic special effects
How to fake studio shots (you'll be amazed at how it's done)
The latest cutting-edge type effects
The most popular effects used by big movie studios
The most-requested advertising effects
Commercial effects that clients go crazy over
The most asked-for current Web effects
Amazing 3D effects using Photoshop Extended
Plus loads of effects that look hard, but are easy once you know the secrets
It's all here, in this completely updated version of the Photoshop book that launched a thousand tutorials. You're gonna love it! Cover price $44.99* Order your copy

Nik Color Efex Pro 3.0 Update for Lightroom 2

Nik Software Announces Color Efex Pro 3.0 Update for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2

The update is free to current owners of Color Efex Pro 3.0.

"Warm Summer Days & Cool Nights"

Nik Software and Shutterbug want to inspire your Summer photography!

Take your favorite images of "Warm Summer Days & Cool Nights" and bring out the best in your photos using any Nik Software product (free trial software available). Enter to win a grand prize package worth over $1500, iPods or cash. Full details at

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Shoot in the Dark

How to Shoot in the Dark May 18, 2009, 2:03:48 AM Mark Evans

If you’ve ever tried shooting things in the dark, you’ll know that it’s not as easy as it sounds. Shutter speeds can stretch out to minutes, so keeping your camera steady is definitely advisable, but a myriad of other problems exist that can keep you from snapping that stunner. I myself was out camping a few weekends ago and decided to get a quick pic of the tent, well after half an hour and 10 or so frames later, I finally managed to get what I was after! So here’s some tips that will hopefully help you along your way to becoming a guru of the darkness.

read the tips and see the photos here:

‘Painting’ with light can achieve some pretty cool looking results, all you need to do is set a long exposure, then take a torch (without red bulb) and spot light it on things you want illuminated in the frame; if its dark enough, only the things you’ve highlighted with your torch will be visible in the shot, creating a nice effect. Also just for fun you can write your name, or even ‘draw’ designs during a long exposure with a small light source like an LED.

Create Some Nice Wordings on Sand

Create Some Nice Wordings on Sand

This tutorial is going to show you how to draw some nice words on sand. You can draw whatever you want or create some patterns on sand using this idea. Nice and simple, have a try!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Add lipstick to image

Add lipstick to image

This tutorial will show you how to add lipstick to an image in Photoshop. This effect is useful if the man/woman in your image has no lipstick.

Video - Lightroom Before and After (Portrait)

Video - Lightroom Before and After (Portrait)

Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:19:53 AM

From Matt Kloskowski

Please install flash player to view video.

I've got another before/after video for you this week. First off, you can watch the video in the player directly on the site but I also put a link to this one at the bottom of this post if you want to download a full size version of the video. I just thought this one needs to be seen a little larger. Back to the video - the response to the last before/after video was pretty overwhelming (nearly 200 comments) so I kinda picked up on the fact that you guys like before/afters. This time I picked a portrait instead of a landscape photo and I think it presents some interesting challenges of things we can/can't do in Lightroom. Of course we'll be jumping into Photoshop as well, for some filters and selections. Enjoy!

Click here to download the Video

Click here to download the Full-Res Video

Sunday, May 24, 2009

fourth annual Canon Photography In The Parks Photo Contest


Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging, is encouraging Americans to visit their national parks and photograph their beauty with its fourth annual Canon Photography In The Parks Photo Contest.

The contest invites photography enthusiasts, from May 15th to September 30th, 2009, to enter by submitting their “Inspirational Nature Images,” the theme for this year’s contest.

Photos taken at any park or monument in America can be entered through the Canon Digital Learning Center Web site.

As part of Canon’s Parks Program, a team of photographers will be touring four National Parks from June through August. At each park, the Canon team will host free photography workshops and provide Canon’s top-of-the-line camera equipment for participants to use at no charge. Each class will teach various photography techniques and explore many of the camera functions as participants take a walking tour of the park. Visit for details and a schedule of workshops.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tim Grey workshop -- Capture to Print

Workshops in Santa Fe Workshops in San Miguel de Allende Workshops Around the World All Workshops All Instructors

Tim Grey workshop -- Capture to Print -- July 12 - July 18, 2009


For more information or to register by phone, call (505) 983-1400, ext. 11.

Photographers have always sought maximum control over their images, both to ensure optimal quality and to realize their creative vision. Digital tools offer unprecedented opportunities for control, from capture and image-optimization to the final print. This workshop is for photographers wishing to achieve exceptional quality in final prints that meet, and even exceed, their original vision.Beginning with processing raw captures for the highest degree of detail and quality, we learn and practice an image-optimization workflow that offers maximum flexibility and control without getting in the way of the creative process. Other topics include advanced tonal and color adjustments, targeted adjustments with selections and layer masks, and turning that digital image into a beautiful print. Tim shares his knowledge and experience to help participants maximize their results, while his relaxed and engaging teaching style ensures that everyone has fun in the process.

Instructor: Tim Grey is the author of a dozen books on digital imaging, including the best-selling Photoshop CS4 Workflow and Color Confidence. A member of the Photoshop World Instructor Dream Team, he has written hundreds of magazine articles and is in demand as a speaker and teacher at photography workshops, seminars, and events nationwide. This is his second year teaching for the Workshops. Tim’s web site is

Who Should Attend: Advanced Amateurs and Professionals

What You Should Know: Working knowledge of digital workflow, Adobe Photoshop, and digital printing

Special Notes: Computer workstations are provided in the digital lab

New York Times photojournalism blog

The New York Times has introduced Lens, a photojournalism blog that intends to present some of the most interesting visual and multimedia reporting: in photographs, videos, audio slide shows and any other medium that fits.
White House Photo Hop
You didn't think White House photo opportunities were refined affairs, but you probably didn't imagine they are 30-second sprints through the Oval Office. Stephen Crowley made this video to show how it's done.

Friday, May 22, 2009

You should take advantage of! From Terry White’s Tech Blog is a set of online services — file sharing and storage, PDF converter, online word processor, and web conferencing — you can use to create and share documents, communicate in real time, and simplify working with others. It's free, so sign up now.

Share: Send files to others for easy access while you maintain control.

Create PDF: Convert up to five files to Adobe PDF online.

Adobe Buzzword: Write and collaborate on documents anywhere, anytime.

Adobe ConnectNow: Meet live over the web and share your screen with anyone.

My Files: Store your files online for easy access from anywhere.

Get on Adobe AIR: An ideal complement to online services.

annual American PHOTO Images of the Year

The annual American PHOTO Images of the Year event is an international competition that is a definitive showcase of the very best of contemporary photography. This juried photo contest offers unmatched exposure to both established and emerging photographers in a wide range of fields, from documentary/ photojournalism to cutting-edge commercial work and will provide an unprecedented opportunity for peer review of your work by professional photographers, museum curators, art critics and influential editors. Winners will be selected on the basis of originality and the overall quality of concept execution.


· Photojournalism/Documentary

· Commercial Work: Advertising/Editorial

· Personal Work

· Student Work

· Portraiture

· Nature

· NEW CATEGORY - EXTREME - This category highlights the passion of photographers who are active participants in life's adventures. We're looking for extreme art; extreme sports; extreme travel; extreme people... it's a new kind of photography and a new kind of lifestyle in which every moment is a memory.

Entries must be postmarked no later than midnight, September 12th, 2009.

Single Entry: $25 Series: $40 Student Work: $10Extended Entry (September 17th): $50
An entry can be either a single image or a series of images. A series includes multiple images or pages that make up a cohesive related story. A series is limited to a maximum of 10 images. To enter the student work category you must currently be enrolled in classes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tim Grey's DDQ - Image Size for Slide Shows

From Tim Grey...

Today's Question:

I'm doing a slide show and am going to use the Image Processor in Photoshop to reduce file size (all are large TIF's). The size of the projector outputs at 1024X768. So I think a height and width of 1200 by 1200 would be okay, correct? What should the quality setting be? An additional problem I have is that none of the files are sharpened, so I'm thinking of making an action to apply a mild sharpening to the 200 files. Having not done a slide show, I'm not sure how to proceed.

Tim's Answer:
Setting the images to fit within 1200x1200 pixel dimensions would certainly work fine, as they would then be resized (or you could resize them) within the context of the software you're using to produce your slideshow. However, there's really no need to have the images that large (not that they would be significantly larger than you need), particularly for vertical images. Using 1200x1200 would cause vertical images to be 1200 pixels tall, when your digital projector can only display 768 pixels tall. So I would use 1024 pixels for the Width and 768 pixels for the Height so all images will fit within the constraints of the digital projector you're actually using.

The Quality setting offers a tradeoff between file size and image quality. It is most important to consider for images you'll share online or via email, as the file size affects how long it takes for the image to download so the viewer can actually see the image. However, with a digital slideshow the file size isn't as critical. Therefore, I recommend setting the Quality to the maximum value of 12 when saving images as JPEG files for a digital slideshow.

As for sharpening, you can most definitely add this as part of the work conducted by Image Processor. You'll first need to record an action that applies the sharpening to your image. I recommend using Smart Sharpen for this purpose, as it is good about not creating sharpening artifacts and is thus safer to use when it comes to "blind" sharpening such as this. Once you have an action recorded that will apply sharpening, turn on the Run Action checkbox in section 4 of the Image Processor dialog box and choose the set and action you'd like to apply (the sharpening action in this case). That action will be applied to the images as they are processed by Image Processor.

Become a Member!
The Digital Darkroom Questions (DDQ) email newsletter is free to receive, but DDQ members receive special benefits, including:
Opportunity to submit questions to be considered for inclusion in a DDQ email.
Discounts and special offers available only to members.
Access to the full archive of previous DDQ emails with search capability.
Knowing you are supporting this valuable service.
Much more!

Details on becoming a member can be found

Visit NEW website

We are excited to announcethat we have an entirely NEWwebsite! Here are just a couplethings we know you'll like:

User friendly

Enhanced search engine

Detailed productphotos and information

Easy check-out

Camera Club Looking For Participants

This is JoAnn Audette, Multiscreen co/Representative for Seven Hills Camera Club of Worcester MA. Please forward this email to other New England Camera Clubs.

We have been competing in a 4 club slide Multiscreen competition for many years. Our group would prefer to compete with digital images in the future.

Is there any group of clubs looking for a third or fourth club to join their competition? Are there any other clubs who would like to form a 3-4 club group for a Spring 2010 competition? We would hope this would become a yearly event. With 4 clubs hosting the event once each every 4 years, we only have to travel once a year for the competition. Distance between clubs is not a major consideration.

The clubs participating in the group competition select subjects to photograph over the coming year. We usually start photographing for next year's competition after May 1.

Please reply as soon as possible. JoAnn Audette

ProShow Workshop Clearance Sale

All Workshop Titles Only $14.95!
ProShow Workshop Clearance Sale

Get over 70% off ProShow Workshop Training DVDs while supplies last. We're clearing out the remaining Workshop titles to make room for the new batch of ProShow 4.0 Workshop titles being released in June 2009. Purchase online from the links below or call 1-800-377-4686 to order by phone.

These workshop titles teach using the ProShow 3.x interface. Users of ProShow 4.x and higher can still follow along, but may experience differences in the user interface.

ProShow Basics BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95
Creative Captions BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95
Masking Exposed BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95
Working with Layers BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95
Layer Keyframing BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95
Mastering Audio BUY DVD Clearance Sale - $14.95

If you want to get training DVDs for ProShow 3.x, this is your last chance!After they're sold out, they are gone for good!

Wacom Intuos 4 Review from Terry White


Wacom Intuos 4 Video Review
Published by terrywhite at 5:00 am

It seems like it was only yesterday when Wacom introduced the Intuos 4 line of professional pen tablets at Photoshop World Boston. I did a first look on that day and promised to follow up with a more detailed review. Sometimes I’m finding that it’s just easier to show you rather than write paragraphs of text. So here’s another one of my video reviews showing some of the most important and my favorite features of the new Intuos 4:

The Bottom Line
The more I use the Intuos 4 tablets the more I just love them! If you spend ANY time in Photoshop or Illustrator, these tablets are a MUST HAVE! Both Photoshop and Illustrator’s tool sets take advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the Wacom tablets. I still love my Cintiq, but when I have to travel with a tablet or just want to use one around the house, I reach for either my Intuos 4 Medium or Small tablets. The Intuos 4 Small stays in my laptop bag and goes everywhere I go.
Intuos Small $199.99 (List Price $229)
Intuos Medium $335.98 (List Price $369)

Memorial Day Savings at - 15% Off Coupon

Need memory cards, pop up shades, rechargeable batteris, etc. Delkin has a 15% off sale.

15% Off Coupon Terms & Conditions: 15% off coupon offer expires on Friday, May 30th at 12AM PDT. You must enter coupon code MEMDAY09 at checkout to receive discount. Questions? Call Delkin Devices at 800.637.8087. Offer is limited to stock on hand.

Bird Dancing

Brighten Up Your Day by Watching Birds Dance

It used to be thought that dancing was unique to humans. But two separate studies have now shown that parrots have the ability to bob their heads and tap their feet to a number of different beats. One of the birds studied even has a favorite song ("everybody" by the backstreet boys.)

The scientists theorized that the ability to dance evolved as a by-product in animals that are capable of complex vocal learning -- the process of converting a sound that they have heard into a behavior aimed at reproducing that sound. This process requires a tight integration of motor and auditory circuits in the brain.

Only a handful of animals are vocal learners, including humans, parrots, dolphins, elephants and seals. The ultimate goal of the studies is to get a better understanding of the brain mechanisms behind dancing, which may have practical applications in understanding movement disorders like Parkinson’s.


Better Beamers on sale

Use of the "Better Beamer" Flash Extender will extend the distance of your flash range. It also allows for faster refresh rates and reduced battery consumption, creating a better chance of catching the action when it happens. It's lightweight, simple to attach with the elastic band provided, and conveniently folds flat for packing.

See for the Flash Extender in use, attached to the Canon 550EX flash unit.

"Better Beamer" Flash Extenders are intended for use with focal lengths of 300mm or greater. To use your flash off-camera as illustrated above, a flash cord is required to connect the flash to the hotshoe, and a flash bracket system such as Wimberley can support the flash unit.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Canon firmware updates 50D, 450D & 1000D

Canon has released firmware updates for its 50D, 450D and 1000D digital SLRs. Firmware versions 1.0.6, 1.1.0 and 1.0.5 for EOS 50D, Rebel XSi (450D) and Rebel XS (1000D) respectively, support the AF assist beam feature of Canon's latest Speedlight 270 EX flashgun. Additionally, the 50D update rectifies other issues including vertical banding noise.
EOS 50D users are also advised to update the Digital Photo Professional, Picture Style Editor, ZoomBrowser EX and ImageBrowser software to the latest versions.

Click here for more information and to download v1.0.6 for Canon EOS 50D
Click here for more information and to download v1.1.0 for Canon EOS 450D
Click here for more information and to download v1.0.5 for Canon EOS 1000D

Another Nik Software Special at NSN!

Another Nik Software Special at NSN!
Sharpener Pro 3.0 and Dfine 2.0 Noise ReductionTogether at last.... (for a limited time)Save $130!!Two necessities in digital image editing are sharpening and noise reduction. Nik has mastered both with these two programs. And, as a user of Lightroom, Nik Sharpener in particualr is a breath of fresh air as the built-in sharpening was very limited until I installed Nik Sharpener. PhotoShop users will also appreciate Nik's intuitive interface using thier award winning U-point technology - and the abillity to use these programs as smart objects allows ultimate non-destructive control of the entire process. The folks at Nik have impressed me with every piece of software they produce. These two are no exception!- Greg Downing - Professional Photographer and Founder of
ORDER THIS BUNDLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!__________________________________________________________________________________
ALSO Still running.....We have had an overwhelming response to the Viveza promotion that we sent last week and have only a few left. The half price sale ends June 1 or until we run out of stock - whichever comes first!"I just started using Viveza as a plug-in for Lightroom 2.0 and am blown away by the power and ease of adjustments. It's so intuitive and straightforward. It would take me hours in PhotoShop to do what I can do in mere seconds using Viveza! - It's my #1 plugin for Lightroom and PhotoShop!-Greg Downing
ORDER NIK VIVEZA WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!__________________________________________________________________________________
See all Nik Software offered at NSN at new special slashed pricing - lower than the manufacturer....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Photodex Classes

May 2009 Class Schedule Announced

The May 2009 Class schedule has been announced so come check out what's new. Whether you need to brush up on the basics, or you're ready to dive into advanced effects keyframing, we've got an online class for you. Online classes are as little as $10 each, and are offered almost every day. New classes & schedule

I have put up the web site so REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN> It is free to register and participate.

The actual registration can be found at:

They are very strict about only allowing 50 entrants per walk. So sign up ASAP. You can do this directly on the above web page.

Much more details can be found on the actual home page of the walk.

Prizes will be given out (see web site) and your photos can be uploaded to a flickr group.

All the details will be found on the FAQ page on either web site.

I did this last year and had a great time. As I said earlier, I expect registration to fill out quickly.

You can view my photos from the Portland, Maine walk at:

Hope to see you there.

Steve Wronker

PS… Please pass this on to other camera clubs and members who you think might enjoy this day.

Scott Kelby's 2nd Annual World Wide Photowalk

Scott Kelby's 2nd Annual World Wide Photowalk will take place on Saturday July 18th in hundreds of cities around the world!

Last year over 8,000 people took part in more than 230 cities, and there will likely be even more this year.

Check the website for details and to find a city near you - and don't worry if your city doesn't appear: these are just the cities that have been confirmed so far. Many more to come.

In each city the Photowalk leader will pick a favorite photo and that person will win a copy of Scott's brand new book, The Digital Photography Book, Volume 3.

Then Scott will choose an overall winner and that person will win some amazing prizes, including a copy of the Adobe Creative Suite, a Wacom tablet and 2 passes to Photoshop World! There's no entry fee - just find a city and sign up.

Contest -- First Person America: In These Hard Times

The contest, First Person America: In These Hard Times, invites artists to document how this generation of Americans is coping with one of the hardest economic periods since the Great Depression.

First Person Arts seeks photographs that depict Americans from all walks of life. They are interested in stories that are unique to families, communities, towns, and regions that capture the idiosyncratic things that are happening - the slices of life that, taken together, will give us a First Person picture of America in 2009 - the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.

Grand Prize: $500

Photography submissions may include up to five photographs, with or without accompanying text of up to 100 words per image. All entries must be original works that have not been previously published, exhibited, or screened in any media or format, or otherwise made widely available to the public excluding publication on the Internet.

Photography entries may be emailed to Upon selection, photography winners must mail a matted, framed copy of their entry by October 1, 2009.

Official web site:

Bobbi Lane Photography Workshops in CT

Happy Spring!
I'm so glad, the birds are chirping, the sky is cerulean blue, the pastel green of the trees is lovely and the May flowers are in bloom. Great time to be photographing outdoors!

It is the perfect time of year to have my all-time favorite workshop, Portraits Unplugged, May 30 and 31.

This is a non-technical workshop since it's all about finding and using natural light effectively to make flattering and interesting portraits. We do use reflectors and diffusers and I have a lot of Sunbounce gear for you to play with. We'll work with window light, backlight, direct sunlight with diffusers, open shade, deep shade and garage door light. It's really about learning to "see" the available light and then finding the backgrounds that work with it. The point is always about having a concept for the portrait, deciding the mood and feeling, then discovering how to use what's available to make an interesting portrait. Many photographers come to this class thinking that they already have a good grasp of working naturally, but there is so much to know! We will have some wonderful models and shoot on both days. I only teach this workshop as a week long in Santa Fe in the winter and here in CT, so this is a great opportunity to take it now!

The following weekend, June 6 and 7, Robert Meyer and I are teaching Posing and Directing.
This is also a popular class that began as a suggestion from one of my students (hi, Brian Wall!). Robert and I together have many years experience working with all kinds of people, from temperamental fashion models to corporate executives to families with screaming kids. We will help you with both of these important issues: how to create a rapport with your subject so you can guide them to be natural and relaxed, and how to pose everything from headshots, 3/4, full length, couples and groups. We have exercises to guide you and also wonderful models to work with.

Both of these classes normally sell out, so please sign up soon to guarantee your spot!

Next up is the Travel Photography Workshop, June 13 and 14, taught by the dynamic and fun loving Bill Sumner.
Bill has photographed for travel bureaus, hotels and spas for clients in Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean. He will share with you his love for color and design, his incredible sense of light and his ability to talk to anyone, anywhere, any time. The shooting will be challenging, interesting and fun. This is one workshop not to be missed!

Please also check my website for my summer workshop schedule at Maine, Santa Fe and the new CT Photo Institute in Tunxis, CT.

If you have any questions, call me up! Or email me.
See you soon,

Bobbi Lane Photography

Operation: Love Reunited

Operation: Love Reunited

Operation: Love Reunited (OpLove for short) is a nationwide group of professional photographers volunteering FREE professional photography sessions for military service members and their loved ones. These special sessions are for deploying, deployed and returning military families.

As a member of OpLove, photographers offers a pre-deployment (or already deployed) session and a reunited session at the homecoming of the military member. To help keep his family and loved ones a little closer, a 4×6 album with 10 images from the deployment session will be created and sent at no charge to the deployed service member. For the homecoming, a dvd with a slide show of images will be created and presented to the family at no charge.

***Please note that orders and current military ID may be requested. Pre-deployment sessions in which the deploying spouse or loved one is participating, should include their military uniform, dress, working, or BDUs, being worn for most of the session. If a session takes place and the spouse has already been deployed, the session is required to keep a patriotic theme, including military gear such as hats, uniforms, boots, etc.***

Please visit for more information.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks

From Dave Cross...

Yesterday I had a chance to look though Scott Kelby's brand-new book, Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks. Wow! It is packed full of (all new) really cool special effects - this is not a Camera Raw, fixing highlights, or retouching faces book! It's a designer's book and it's awesome. It includes a chapter on amazing 3D techniques (written by Corey Barker)The original Down & Dirty Tricks book (published in 2001 I think?) got a lot of people thinking of different ways to use Photoshop (beside simply editing photos), and the 2009 CS4 version really takes thing up a notch.

Download a sample chapter from Peachpit.

It's available now on amazon

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

The National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

Do you have a winning shot? Send in your best photos—in categories like Animals/Wildlife, Travel, and Weather—for a chance to win a National Geographic Expeditions trip for two to the Galápagos Islands! The winning photo will also be featured in National Geographic magazine.


  • Animals / Wildlife -- Have a great photo of Fido, birds in your backyard, or lions in the Serengeti? Send in your best shots of fins, fur, and feathers.
  • Nature -- Submit your shots that best capture the beauty, excitement, and grandeur of the great outdoors—from mountains to coral reefs.
  • People / Cultures -- Have photos that capture the unique and interesting people or cultures you’ve met? Send them in!
  • Travel -- Got a great shot in San Francisco? Capture a magical moment in Milan? Send in your best travel snapshots.
  • Weather -- Rain or snow, sunshine or storm—send in your shots of Mother Nature at her best. Or worst.
  • Inspiration / Keep Going -- This is the place for those photos that capture perseverance, boundless energy, and that never-quit spirit that inspires us all to Keep Going®.

One (1) Grand Prize winner will be chosen from among the six (6) first place winners in the Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest, and he or she will receive all of the First Place and Finalist prize items listed as well as the following: A National Geographic Expeditions trip for two (2) persons to the Gala’pagos Islands, accompanied by an expert team of naturalists. Traveling aboard the National Geographic Endeavour, experience up-close encounters with unique wildlife and snorkel amid the fish, sea turtles, penguins, and playful sea lions. Cruise to pristine islands and walk among colonies of animals and birds unfazed by your presence.

The Grand Prize winner’s photograph will also be published in the December 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine.

First Place Prize
Six (6) category winners will be chosen from the Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest, and they all will receive all of the Finalist prize items listed as well as the following:
A framed, signed 16 x 20 print of their choice from Jim Richardson’s photography gallery Web site.

Twelve (12) category finalists (two per category) will be chosen from the Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest, and they all will receive the following:

  • 2.0 USB Port Print Scanner. Even when original negatives or slides have been lost, you can still easily preserve your travel memories for generations to come with this compact desktop scanner. Three trays perfectly sized to hold 3" x 5", 4" x 6", and 5" x 7" prints make it easy to capture 5.0-megapixel scans with a push of a button, and without the hassle of arranging aging prints on a large flatbed scanner. Automatic color-balance adjustments mean you’ll have clear digital travel memories without needing any additional software or corrections.
  • National Geographic’s Organize Your Digital Life. This 192-page guide delivers basic step-by-step instructions on how to organize your "digital life." From teenagers who thrive on the technical to families with overflowing photo albums and seniors who’d love to collate decades’ worth of letters and pictures—this reader-friendly source has all the answers. These easy-to-follow solutions can truly enhance and simplify the hectic, oversaturated lives so many of us find ourselves leading today.
  • National Geographic’s The Photographs. This stunning volume was the gift book of the year when it first published, and the images that grace its pages remain iconic. From the famous Afghan girl whose haunting green eyes stare out from the book’s cover, and her poignant story that captured the world’s interest, to award-winning photography culled from the Society’s vast archives, The Photographs offers readers 360 pages of National Geographic’s sharp-eyed view of the world.
  • Energizer Ultimate Lithium brand batteries. Six (6) packages of double-A batteries with four (4) AA batteries per package, and two (2) packages of triple-A batteries with four (4) AAA batteries per package.

To enter, visit and follow the links and instructions to complete the registration form and upload a photograph

All digital files must be 5 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or .jpg format, and must be at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image);
Each entrant may submit entries in any Theme category he/she wishes and may submit entries at different times during the entry period, but no entrant may submit more than one (1) entry per Theme (6 total submissions allowed per entrant). A single email address may be used by only one entrant; entries by additional entrants using the same email address will be disqualified. If an entrant exceeds any of these limits, all of that entrant’s entries will be disqualified.

Copyright: No photos will be acknowledged or returned. By entering a photo in this Contest, Entrant grants a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license Sponsor and Energizer to edit, adapt and publish such photo in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest, and Sponsor may use the photo in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes in commerce and in any and all media now known or hereafter known throughout the world in perpetuity, without attribution, compensation, permission or further notification to the entrant, his/her successors or assigns, or any other entity, unless prohibited by law. Except for the foregoing license, Sponsor does not claim ownership of any copyright in Contest Submissions.

Eligibility: Open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least eighteen (18) years old

Entry fee: Free
Entry deadline: 30 June 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

floating photos instead of tabbed photos CS4

One thing that drives me crazy in Photoshop CS4 is the tabs. They look pretty but they seem to make certain tasks like dragging one photo into another much more difficult. If you work with templates a lot, you likely know what I mean.

There is an easy way to fix this so the photos float instead of dock in tabs. Go under EDIT - PREFERENCES - INTERFACE.

See and read the exact detials here...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Before and After Photos from Matt Kloskowski

Video - Before and After Photos from Matt Kloskowski

Please install flash player to view video.

Ask and you shall receive they say right? This week's video is going to take you through the editing process of a couple of Moab photos I posted last week. Some of you posted (in the comments) that you'd like to see where the photo started and what settings I applied to them. Personally, I love before/afters so this was really a fun one for me to do. So enjoy, leave a comment to let me know what you think, happy Friday, have a great weekend, and all that other stuff :) Click here to download the Video

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best NASA Satellite Photos from the Last 50 Years

Gallery: The Best NASA Satellite Photos from the Last 50 Years
Solar storms, choking cities, and glories in the sky...


CALL FOR ENTRIES - All Photography - Amateurs to Pros
Established Art Gallery Hosting


Complete Information & Entry Form at
Contest is open to all US and International photographers working with digital or film cameras. There are multiple categories and no entry limit. The competition will be juried by the Executive Director, Coral Springs Museum of Art.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Galen Rowell quote

"You only get one sunrise and one sunset a day, and you only get so many days on the planet. A good photographer does the math and doesn't waste either." - Galen Rowell

Hummingbird cam

This is a very niceThis is a very nice hummingbird cam site. Caution: Watching can be become addicting! site. Caution: Watching can be become addicting!

How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits

I have never done anything like this "before" and "after" to any of MY photos, but this tutorial explains how to do this.

How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits

BIRDS AS ART new On-Line Store

BIRDS AS ART is proud (at long last) to announce the opening of our new On-Line Store.

To learn more about the store and about the 10% off sale, check out BAA Bulletin #289 that is now on-line here:

Buy green, save green — only at

Buy green, save green — only at

Save up to US $50 when you buy an electronic download version of a qualifying Adobe product. Be green — say no to packaging, delivery fees, and emissions. Limited time offer, ends May 31, 2009*.

Get $50 off CS4 when you buy over at Adobe's store.
Get $25 off Lightroom 2 when you buy over at Adobe's store.

Save up to US$25 when you buy a download version. Ends May 31, 2009.

Epson P-6000 Rebate Available

Epson P-6000 Rebate Available

Order today and get $100 back by mail onthe 80GB Epson P-6000 Multimedia Storage Viewer.
A portable backup drive can be an invaluable tool for ensuring your images in the field. I have an earlier model of the Epson Storage Viewers and it's ability to copy and backup memory cards, as well as provide a platform for quickly reviewing images, has made it a permanent fixture in my camera bag.

This rebate is available from Epson through June 30th.
Links: Epson P-6000 on $100 Mail-In Rebate Form

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wacom invites you to create, share, and connect

You are officially invited. Create. Share. Connect.

Wacom has built a new creative community dedicated to displaying and fostering the amazing work and talents from every creative industry. Inside the Wacom Community you will be able to meet like-minded creatives, put up your work for critiques, post and read fun software and hardware tips and tricks, and of course share your work with the world.
Our Wacom Community Beta site is now live and invitation only. You are invited to join, create a profile, start populating our site, and test its capabilities.

We need your help in making the Wacom Community something spectacular that the entire Wacom world can benefit from. We look forward to seeing your work, hearing your comments, and learning from your feedback.

Register to be an official Community Beta Tester
See what your peers have added to the Wacom Community