Denise Ippolito/A Creative Adventure and Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, New York 9am-4:30pm: $169 for both days
Saturday or Sunday only $99
Lodging available for out of town guests.

Images above copyright Denise Ippolito/Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version
We will be offering a discount to members of camera clubs or natural history organizations that promote the seminar on their websites or via an e-mail blast to their membership list. Have your club president or webmaster e-mail denise
What You Will Learn at the NYC Seminar:
1-How to become a better nature photographer.
2-How to create technically perfect, artistically designed images in the field.
3-How to make your images look better during the image optimization process: RAW conversions, image clean-up, Quick Masking, Layer Masking, saving the WHITEs, and lots more.
4-Flight photography tips.
5-How to get the right exposure every time in ten seconds or less.
6-How to create the truly pleasing blurs that are so popular today in many prestigious contests.
7-Why the longest lens in your bag is often not the best lens for bird photography.
8-How to use NIK Color Efex Pro to revamp your digital workflow and dramatically improve the look of your images.
9-How to evaluate your images; each registrant will be asked to submit two 1400 X 1050 jpegs via e-mail before November 25; a selection of the submitted images will be chosen for critiquing at the seminar.
10-New ways to photograph flowers and trees.

Images above copyright Arthur Morris/Click on the composite to enjoy a larger version
Saturday: Image Capture
Doors open: 8am
9:00am: denise/slides: Blooming Ideas/Creating new and different images of flowers and trees
10:00am: artie/slides: Tools of the Trade/Choosing and using lenses for bird and wildlife photography
11:00am: Break
11:15am: artie/slides: Beautiful Image Basics/Learning to create pleasing image designs
12:00noon: Lunch break
1:30pm: artie and denise: Refining your photographic vision. Learning to extract the image from the larger scene
2:15pm: denise & artie: Pro Gear Handling Tips: Live demos/tripod and lens handling in the field *Includes flight photography tips!
2:45pm: artie: It’s easier than you think: How to clean your sensor without fear or trepidation/Live Demo
3:00: Break
3:30: denise & artie/slides: Creating Pleasing Blurs/Using slow shutter speeds, panning, camera movement, and more. More and more prestigious contests are awarding prizes to creatively blurred images. Learn how at the seminar and follow up by getting a copy of “A Guide to Pleasing Blurs.”
4:00: artie/slides or chalkboard? Getting the Right Exposure with Digital: It’s as easy as pie. If you have ten seconds with the subject there is no excuse for not getting the right exposure every time with digital.
4:30: The End
Sunday: Image Processing & Evaluation
Doors open: 8am
9:00am: artie’s Digital Workflow: RAW conversion in ACR, recovering and saving the WHITEs, NIK Color Efex Pro basics.
9:45am: artie: Image clean-up with the Clone Stamp Tool, leveling images, the Spot Healing Brush, and Quick Masks.
10:20am: break
10:40am: denise’s Digital Workflow: RAW conversion in Lightroom, Working with Layers and Masks.
11:30am: denise’s Personal NIK favorites: She discusses the less commonly used Color Efex Pro filters and shares tips on creating her modern vintage look. (Yeah, it’s a bit oxymoronic.) Also: an amazing Photoshop Brush Size tip. (Sorry for the pun.)
12:00 noon: Lunch break
1:30pm: denise/slides: Creative Filters and Effects/Working with Photoshop plug-ins and filters.
2:30pm: break
2:45: Image Critiques: artie & denise: Only 1400 X 1050 jpegs submitted via e-mail before November 25 will be considered. A selection of the submitted images will be chosen for critiquing.
3:45: Door prizes
4:30: The End
In-the-Field Follow-up Workshop
Put your newly-learned skills to use by joining denise and artie in the field at a nearby location on the Monday following the seminar. The subjects will—for the most part—be routine: gulls and Canada Geese. But we will be close to the birds and should have some flight photography opportunities. And we just might have some good chances with Snow Geese and with Brant and who knows what as well.
In-the-Field Seminar Follow-up Workshop: Queens, NY. Monday, December 10th, 2012. Two sessions: 5:45-10:30am and 2:30-4:30pm. Two great leaders: Limit: 16 photographers: $350 per person.
We will consider an overflow session on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 if the first day sells out and/or for folks who wish to do two full days.
To register for this seminar or workshop:
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