Friday, June 8, 2012

Understanding HDR Photography [Book Review]

Understanding HDR Photography 1.jpg
"In photography I doubt if there is a more controversial topic than the use of HDR — High Dynamic Range photography."

As author David Taylor explains: “A digital camera is a low dynamic range device.”

"The problem, and this is where HDR excels, is when you are faced with a subject with a dynamic range impossible to capture on the digital sensor. Some resort to using neutral density filters to adjust the tonal range; some just read the exposure from the highlights and let the shadow areas fall away; others go for the shadow areas and let the highlights burn out."

"HDR is a technique where you shoot a series of matching shots with varying exposure levels: sometimes three, five or more. These shots are then blended in software and a composite image created that encompasses all the information the originals contained."

Read the rest here

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