My first two free Ebooks “Vision” and "Nine Motivational Essays on Photography" were well received. Tens of thousands of copies were viewed or downloaded in less than three months. (Both are still available - see the aforementioned links.)
Since those books were popular, I decided to release a third free Ebook. This time the goal is helping you to make sharp photographs.
“A Photographer’s Guide To Making Sharp Photographs” is available for free download from Animoto. Please pass it on freely if you think it has value or might help someone. There is no fee and you’re welcome to distribute it free of charge to anyone you like.
Many of you send me questions about making sharp images. I thought it might be easier to help many people by generating a single free resource that people could easily be pointed to. I hope it helps.
It’s free for everyone and if you enjoy it pass it on.
My friends at Animoto have been kind enough to host the file and provide the free bandwidth necessary for this free Ebook giveaway to happen. Thanks also to my other sponsors - I appreciate their help with this project. I also appreciate the support of my extremely loyal audience. I hope this gift back to you is a sign that I really do appreciate you. Thanks.