Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Open House for Careers in Photography

Open House for Careers in Photography

Sunday, October 17th - Starting at 12:30pm

If you have been dreaming about a career in photography but just don't know how to get started, this is it! Join us for our exciting Careers in Photography Open House where you will experience the Unique Educational Training System that has turned those with a genuine interest into professionals in only 10 months. We have the system. You provide the ambition and determination. Sounds incredible? Learn for yourself on Sunday, October 17th. Call us now at 413.863.2478 (or send email) to tell us you will join us.

Monday, August 30, 2010

2010 Fall - Waterfalls and Vistas - Photography Adventure - Saturday October 16, 2010

2010 Fall - Waterfalls and Vistas - Photography Adventure - Saturday October 16, 2010

Rain date - Sunday, October 17

Peak foliage weekend in this area, we are hosting a busload of photographers and leaf-peepers for the whole day.

Details subject to change

Cost for the entire day which includes coffee and light morning goodies, bottled water on bus, bus fare, museum tour, cemetery program, models, and evening meal - $100.00


Arrive at Wallis Cove by 5:30 - bus leaves at 6:15am 5:30am 6:15am

Coffee and donuts - please bring your own refreshments and lunches for the day

Starting out with two magnificent vistas in Sutton and Uxbridge

Meandering through the Blackstone Valley, we'll visit several waterfalls that we know are very photogenic!

Lunch Program

We'll have our picnic lunch in an old cemetery complete with an entertaining program and models

Trip will continue to Woonsocket and start with waterfalls there

Our tour will visit the Woonsocket Museum of Work and Culture where we will be introduced to the many exhibits and then be allowed to photograph freely inside the 3 floors of exhibits - visit the Roman Catholic Church complete with votive candles and mosaic wall, enjoy the 3 decker building complete with formal 'parlor', view the actual train car donated by France to Woonsocket after World War II

Back to the Wallis Cove Retreat Center

Waterfalls and Vistas retreat ends up with a nice buffet dinner and chat/critique/socializing evening 6:00pm 9:00pm

To register, send check for $100.00 to:

LaMich Productions
67 Island Rd.
Douglas, MA 01516


Sunday, August 29, 2010

25th Anniversary Fly-In Simsbury Sept 19

25th Anniversary Fly-In Simsbury
Sept 19

Sun 8:00 AM

The Annual Simsbury Fly-In is the largest event of its kind in New England. Co-Sponsored by EAA Chapter 324 and Mark's Auto Parts.

~ 160 airplanes of all kinds, and the car show featured hundreds of antique and classic autos. We featured two exhibitions of skydiving, a demonstration of formation flying by the Yankee Clippers RV squadron, live music by The Clams, and many vendor displays. A large number of aircraft dealers displayed new models,
including some of the latest Light Sport airplanes.

The 2010 Fly-In will be held on Sept 19th, with a rain date of  Sept 26. Watch this space for detailed info as we get closer to that date.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Canon Announces EOS 7DSV – Locking Studio Camera

Canon Announces EOS 7DSV – Locking Studio Camera

"Canon has recently announced the new 7DSV (7D Studio Version). This new version of the 7D adds some interesting new features that some studios may be able to use to streamline their workflows. For most DSLR owners this won’t be anything you will be lusting over, but if you do a lot of product or yearbook work and need to track a lot of meta data this could be the ticket."

Read the rest here: http://cameradojo.com/2010/08/17/canon-announces-eos-7dsv-locking-studio-camera/

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Old Sturbridge Village Agricultural Exhibition

Agricultural Exhibition
September 18 - September 19

9:30 AM-5:00 PM

Enjoy a weekend of early American farm fun. See demonstrations of 19th-century farm machinery, then lend a hand, from plowing with oxen (below) to threshing by machine; see the Cider Mill in action; play some games popular with early New Englanders, such as French & English (Tug of War, right).

Experience an old-fashioned agricultural exhibition complete with displays of heirloom vegetables, plus Village-made crafts and textiles.
Enter your home-grown heirloom vegetables or flowers in the Home Gardeners' Exhibit and learn how gardeners in the early 19th century shared their secrets for success.

Agricultural Exhibition Upcoming Dates

Saturday, September 18, 2010 - Sunday, September 19, 2010

at 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Old Sturbridge Village

Be among the first to check out Nik Software's latest creation, HDR Efex Pro.

Pure. Unlimited. HDR.

Experience all the power, control, and creative expression your camera has to offer with HDR Efex Pro, the essential new High Dynamic Range imaging standard with a complete all-in-one toolset. Whether you are an HDR pro looking for a fast, powerful workflow for quality realistic and uniquely artistic images, or a casual photographer who hasn't yet tried out this new style of photography, HDR Efex Pro is for you!

Be among the first to check out Nik Software's latest creation, HDR Efex Pro. Watch a video, register for informative online webinars, or pre-order your copy today.

Key Features:

* Complete all-in-one HDR imaging toolkit with intuitive, fast, and easy operation

* U Point technology powered selection tools for fast precise enhancements of contrast, shadow, structure and saturation adjustments permit localized fine-tuning for a completely finished look

* Multiple proprietary tone mapping algorithms with powerful adjustment controls yield a wide variety of HDR styles and superior results

* Scores of style presets organized into categories enable amazing one-click HDR image processing

* Able to create both multiple and single shot HDR images

* Advanced technology for automatic image alignment and reduction of subject motion artifacts known as "ghosts"

* Written and video-based help system covers how to use the software and education on HDR photography techniques
HDR Efex Pro will ship in October 2010 at a retail price of $159.95. Purchasers of the Complete Collection after July 25, 2010 will receive HDR Efex Pro free of charge when it is available. If you have further questions or need further assistance, please contact Nik Software Customer Service at 888.284.4085 (Intl. 619.725.3150), Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm, PST.

The Nik Software Team

What is HDR?

High dynamic range photography is a process in which multiple exposures are captured, aligned and merged to generate a single image that enables a much wider range of colors and tonality. HDR techniques are typically used to enhance landscape, architectural, nighttime, and artistic photography.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Canon EXPO 2010 New York

Canon has announced its Canon EXPO 2010 New York, that will take place September 2-3, 2010 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City. The Canon EXPO 2010 New York is a gathering of the extended Canon community, customers, business partners and thousands of imaging professionals from around the world. Much more than an exhibition, it’s a total experience unlike any other to explore new products and technologies, celebrate the ongoing innovation of Canon and experience the infinite possibilities of imaging.

At Canon EXPO 2010, you will:
Discover great new Canon products and technologies
Learn about solutions, best practices and techniques that will enhance your knowledge and expand your capabilities

Get recommendations and answers from industry experts and choose from a wide range of insightful seminars relevant to you

Experience Canon’s vision of the future of imaging, including Canon technologies that can have a profound effect on your life and work

For more information and to register, visit the Canon EXPO 2010 New York Web Site.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Correcting Green Eye in Animals

Ask Tim Grey


August 20, 2010

Learn more at http://www.timgrey.com/

Today's Question:

In people we now have several ways to remove red eye but in animals especially dogs we have a “green eye”. What is the best way to remove this?

Tim's Answer:

Actually, my preferred method for removing green eye in animals is the exact same as my preferred method for removing red eye for people. This is a two step approach I take in Photoshop, which separates the color and tonal adjustment to maximize the degree of control you're able to exercise.

The first step is to create a new layer that will allow you to correct the color in the eyes. Click on the Background image layer to make it the active layer, and then hold the Alt key (Option key on Macintosh) and click the Create New Adjustment layer button (with the blank sheet of paper icon) at the bottom of the Layers panel. Because you were holding Alt/Option key, the New Layer dialog will appear. You can type a new name for the layer (such as Color Fix), and change the Mode to Color. Then click OK. Select the Brush tool, set the foreground color to black (you can simply press "D" to set the colors to their defaults) and make sure the brush has the Hardness set to 0% using the Brush popup on the Options bar. Adjust the brush size using the left and right square bracket keys (left square bracket to reduce the brush size and right square bracket to increase the brush size). Then simply paint on the eye to remove the color, producing gray eyes instead of green (or red, or any other color).

At this point the color has been corrected, but the eyes will likely appear far too bright. To correct this you'll want to use a similar technique, but with a different blend mode. Hold the Alt key (Option key on Macintosh) and click the Create New Adjustment layer button at the bottom of the Layers panel. In the New Layer dialog type a new name for the layer (such as Tone Fix), and change the Mode to Overlay. Then click OK. With the Brush tool, paint with black (the brush should still be configured properly from the prior step) to darken the eyes. Don't worry that the effect is too strong at this point. When you're done painting to darken the eyes, reduce the Opacity for the Tone Fix layer using the control at the top-right of the Layers panel.

I cover this technique for correting red eye (which can also be used for animals to correct a similar effect that appears with a different color) in one of the video tutorials on my "Photoshop Hands-On: Image Cleanup" DVD. You can order this instructional video DVD at a discounted price of only $15 through my online store here:


Become a Member

The Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is free to receive, but paid Ask Tim Grey Members receive special benefits, including:

* Discounts on all purchases made through the Tim Grey online store

* Opportunity to submit questions to be considered for inclusion in the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.

* Discounts and special offers available only to Members.

* Access to the full archive of previous emails (going back over eight years) with search capability.

* The knowledge you are supporting this valuable service.

* Much more!

Details on becoming a member can be found here: www.timgrey.com/asktimgrey/

Monday, August 23, 2010

Shutterfly offers Facebook integration too!

A range of Shutterfly products and services now offer Facebook integration too!

Create printed photostrips from your Facebook photos using Wink (http://wink.shutterfly.com/), and use Facebook connect to comment on your friends Shutterfly Share sites (http://shutterfly.com/share).

Do You Know Wal-Mart Wants Your Friends To Be Able To Print All Your Facebook Images?

This was copy and pasted straight from David Ziser's Blog. I thought that we should all be aware of some of the possible pitafalls of this wonderful social networking

Do You Know Wal-Mart Wants Your Friends To Be Able To Print All Your Facebook Images?

I can’t say I’m a big fan of Facebook, or maybe better said Facebook privacy policies. Facebook ’s privacy policies, or lack thereof, have been the subject of great debate in many news circles for several months. Ya’ know, things just aren’t private anymore the way they used to be.

That’s why I bring today’s story to your attention. It seems Facebook and Wal-Mart have partnered to make Wal-Mart your convenient go-to source for all you digital printing from coffee mugs to paper prints.

That sounds just fine at first glance, but in reality your Facebook friends can also print any of YOUR images too! Does anyone other than me feel that Facebook has over stepped it privacy bounds once again by letting others print and distribute you images?

I was first alerted to the story originally by DPT reader Steve Chastain who also sent along a way to neuter the Facebook/Wal-Mart initiative. I’ll include it at the end of this post.

A.J. Wood, another friend of DPT, Adobe, Twitter, and Facebook guru, also did a piece on the Facebook/Wal-Mart issue. It’s a fascinating read - you can find the link right here. A.J. has included updates on the situation and even posted a video tutorial on how to neuter the process. Oh, BTW, be sure to check out AJ’s other content [link] – lots of good stuff.
Turns out that Facebook has partnered with more folks than just Wal-Mart. Count Walgreens, Target, and Snapfish in on the deal too. Give a read to the comments following A.J.’s post. Lots of folks are pretty upset about all of this and rightfully so.

I noticed that one of the commenter's mentions that it was not the large corporations (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, et.a.) ripping you off. It’s really your Facebook “friends” who are doing the “ripping” since they would be the ones able to print YOUR pictures. Ridiculous! I say the ones that give the thief the means is just as culpable in the crime.

Steve’s Fix:
Inside Facebook go to -
1. Accounts>Application Settings - if there is an app called Wal-Mart - delete it.

2. Accounts>Privacy Settings>Applications and Websites (bottom left of page) >Info accessible through your friends >Edit Settings -- from here uncheck the box that says My Photos.
These two steps will keep your "friends" from going to Wal-Mart's Photo web page [link], navigating to your Facebook page and printing any photo on your page.

Thanks Steve.

This is straight from Walmart's website

Did you know you can turn your Facebook photos into great collage Photo Gifts and Prints? You can choose from your own Facebook albums and from all your friend's Facebook albums too.


Prevent Walmart Printing of Your Facebook Photo Albums

by A.J. Wood on July 16, 2010

Thanks to Walter Van Dusen who brought to my attention Walmart is beta testing a new Facebook Connect application. This application allows access to your photo albums for printing. Many photographers have been using Facebook photo tagging as a way to generate word-of-mouth referrals from clients. I would assume a lot of folks have their album security set to “Friends of Friends”. Anyone who is listed with Friends access to your Facebook album will be able to print it via the Walmart application.

Before you decide to delete all your FB albums, it is possible for you to make a quick security settings change. Simply go to the Walmart Photo application and block it. Once blocked your albums will no longer show when someone uses Facebook Connect with Walmart Photo. The application ID on Facebook is 181585006811.

Here’s a quick video tutorial to show you how to block the app: http://ajwood.com/2010/07/prevent-walmart-printing-of-your-facebook-photo-albums/comment-page-1/

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free Beyond Monitor Calibration Webinar - August 26th

Free Webinar

Two sessions are available:

Thursday, August 26th

Session One - 1PM Eastern Time

(12PM Central, 11AM Mountain, 10AM Pacific)

Learn More and Register Here

Session Two - 3PM Eastern Time

(2PM Central, 1PM Mountain, 12PM Pacific)

Learn More and Register Here

You are invited to a FREE Webinar to see for yourself how to easily have your printed images match your display – every time! For more detailed information please click on one of the registration links listed above.

Topics Covered

Monitor to print matching (calibration and profiling)

Obtaining consistent color in camera

One click accurate color edits

Benefits of creating and using custom printer profiles

Soft-proofing in Adobe® Photoshop®

Applying printer profiles in Photoshop®

Digital projector profiling

WORKSHOP DATES - Onne van der Wal Photography

We are happy to finally announce dates for Onne's much-requested Workshops on the Water - Summer 2010 edition. Summer's not over yet and September typically offers some of the finest weather on Narragansett Bay. The M/V Gansett will again be our host boat, and will put us in the midst of the action while you shoot comfortably from aboard this stable 50 foot motoryacht.

We are really excited about the first workshop which will take place during the Museum of Yachting's Classic Yacht Regatta on Sunday September 5th. The workshop will be from noon - 4:30. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to shoot beautiful boats aside Onne.

A second workshop will be offered on Wednesday, September 22nd from 3pm - 7:30pm. Wednesday nights are notoriously busy on the Bay with the Shields fleet racing under the bridge and other sailors savoring the last days of summer. The late light at this time of year is a favorite for Onne who loves shooting scenics around the Bay. There is a lot to shoot -from racing to Lighthouses, shorelines and passing photo ops. This workshop is guaranteed to produce a few new favorites for your own portfolio.

Each class costs $395 and includes a lobster roll, drinks and snacks. Attendance is limited to 15 photographers (of any level) to insure plenty of personal instruction from Onne and ample room to shoot comfortably. In both classes Onne will shoot with his Canon cameras and lenses (which he makes available to try out on your own Canon body), and his images will be displayed in "almost real time" on an onboard monitor. He speaks through a speaker system while shooting so you can get a handle on how and what he is shooting and when. Sign up quickly - spaces go fast!

Call Kristin at 401-846-9552 or email kristin@vanderwal.com  to enroll.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wacom Tablets and Photoshop CS5

Wacom Tablets and Photoshop CS5

By Colin Smith & Wes MaggioNEW for Photoshop CS5

A "must have" for tablet users.

This is the 5th edition of THE best-selling video on Wacom tablets and Photoshop. The most complete training on the Wacom Tablet and Adobe Photoshop ever! This fully updated video will show you how to unleash the power and creativity that only comes from a pressure-sensitive tablet. Set up your tablet correctly and stop working like a mouse user in Photoshop. Two of the Top instructors in the industry combine their talents to bring you a video that will totally change the way you approach graphics on your computer.

If you currently own, or are considering a pen tablet or Cintiq, this video is one of the best investments you can make. Stop mousing around and finally take control of your Wacom Tablet and Photoshop CS5.

All Source files are included with the Download and the Disk. Follow along, step-by-step with the instructor!

Now in Full-screen with improved sound! Also Works on iPad, iPhone 4, Itunes and Apple TV.

Fully Comprehensive Tablet training, all new!

Take 15% right now, until the end of the month.

See it here

Discount code: AUG10

Friday, August 20, 2010

Save 30% on Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 when you purchase it with Adobe® Photoshop® CS5

Save 30% on Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 when you purchase it with Adobe® Photoshop® CS5

Take advantage of savings on the industry-standard Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 and the empowering capabilities of Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3.

Lightroom enables you to experiment fearlessly with state-of-the-art nondestructive editing tools, including world-class noise reduction. Easily manage all your images. And showcase your work in elegant print layouts, slide show videos with music, and on popular photo-sharing sites. All from within one fast, intuitive application.

Save 30% on Lightroom® 3 with Adobe® Photoshop® CS5

Old Sturbridge Village Fall Events

Old Sturbridge Village Fall Events

Drummers' Call: Fife & Drum Day

September 11, 2010

9:30 am-5:00 pm

Learn about the role these musicians played in a day in the life of an early New England soldier.

Evening at the Kiln $

September 11, 2010 - 7:00 PM
$35 per person; $30 for OSV Members
This special evening event invites you to experience a traditional kiln firing at the Hervey Brooks Pottery Shop after dark.

Apple Days

October 2, 2010 - October 3, 2010

Join us for a weekend dedicated to apple harvest, preservation and cooking.

Harvest Days

October 16, 2010 - October 17, 2010

9:30 am-5:00 pm

As the days grow cooler and shorter, come celebrate the harvest with us.

Fairfield Photographers Network ...introduction and invitation

Thanks Jan for passing this along!

Fairfield Photographers Network ...introduction and invitation

Our mission:
To grow a non-competitive network willing to share all levels of image creation with individuals and organizations that have a passion for photography, while inspiring each other and developing friendships.

Hello friend of photography,

This email is being sent to introduce you to a new kind of photography group. The Fairfield Photographers Network is the brainchild of Marshall Cetlin, a semi-retired NYC Creative Advertising Director and the Fairfield Arts Council. Marshalls' and the FAC's goals were to create a group of individuals that would share their knowledge and skills in all phases of photography and inspire one another in a non-competitive environment. The idea was a good one. It is working. We are growing, with enthusiasm!

For the last seven months we have been meeting around the conference table at the FAC offices at 70 Sanford St., in Fairfield. Most often all 20 seats are full and the discussions are quite lively. The group is diverse. College level and high school photography instructors, professional portrait, wedding, real estate, event and product photographers. There are beginners to advanced amateur club shooters, hobbyists in 3-D imaging, university and high school instructors in Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom and on and on. People are coming from New Haven, from Stamford and towns in between.

Wanting to become more inclusive, we knew we had to have an evening session. Marshall has made arrangements with the Fairfield Public library, Main Branch on the Old Post Road to use their Memorial Room on Thursday evenings as well as continuing our regularly scheduled 1st Thursday of the month afternoon meetings at FAC.(schedule below) We now have a podium, projector, screen and 45 seats at our disposal!

Wanting to share we felt it necessary to communicate. Wouldn't it be nice if there was an open invitation to a photography related event or speaker of interest to you, and you knew about it? This group could disseminate that information to clubs and individuals alike. You are invited! No charge, ALL welcome, bring a friend!

Now, the invitation ...

If you are a professional or non, a member of a photographic organization or club, a hobbyist at any level, or just looking to create better images by improving your skills, this just might be the kind of atmosphere and place where you can share and grow and be inspired.

You are invited to attend our first evening meeting which takes place on Thursday August 19th at 7:00PM at the Fairfield Public Library Main Branch in the Memorial Room on the 2nd Floor. The doors open for conversation at 6:00. Our agenda is not set in stone. Someone once said that the premise of "taking pictures" is that every picture has a story. If this will be your first meeting, please bring some of your work for "show & tell" ...it will NOT be judged! And, if you should be from one of those far-away places ...bring an interested friend, colleague or relative along for the ride!

FPN Meeting Schedule:

Our regular meetings take place the first Thursday afternoon of every month at the Fairfield Arts Council at 70 Sanford St, Fairfield, at 2:30PM. Our evening meetings will be held on Thursday Evenings, Aug 19th, Sept 16th, Oct 28th, Nov 18th & Dec 16th. Conversation from 6:00, meeting @ 7:00PM.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New interactive web video and image library

Hi everyone:

Just a quick note to let you know that I have added some new media services on my web site which includes:

1. An interactive video library that links directly to external or local video files

2. An interactive image library where the viewing window self-adjust to each image and doubles as a slide-show

GO TO >>> http://www.iMixStudio.com/vidlibrary.html

I can customize web pages with image and video samples, digital wedding albums, digital photo books, whatever you can dream up.

Also see the other web media implementation services offered on my web site. The site redesign is still in progress and newer audio streaming technology along with iTunes Hosting will be added.

Wayne Nolting - iMix Studio
Digital Audio/Video Specialist and Producer

Rick Sammon Seminar Saturday, November 20th


Rick Sammon Seminar Saturday, November 20th, 10-3.
Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, MA
$40 for Plymouth Digital Photography members, $45 for non members.

This is not just a slide show of pretty images. Rick is there to share what he’s learned over his many years as a professional photographer. After Rick “takes” us on a visual journey through the exciting world of digital photography. Rick will share some of his favorite Photoshop CS enhancements.

All level photographers will be inspired from this seminar.
For more info, visit with Rick at http://www.ricksammon.com/. Rick will be autographing his books at the event.

This seminar is presented by PDP, Plymouth Digital Photographers, a photo club of 460 members in Plymouth, MA. To join go to www.meetup.com/plymouthPhotographers/ for free PDP membership.

A buffet lunch and free parking are included in the seminar fee.
Please arrive by 9:30 for registration so we can begin promptly at 10am.
This Canon Explorer of Light event is sponsored by Canon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Adobe's Photoshop Express -- application for Apple's iPad and iPhone

Adobe has introduced Photoshop Express as an application for Apple's iPad and iPhone. Previously known as Photoshop.com Mobile, the app has now been optimized for use with the iPad. It enables users to view, edit and apply effects to images via gesture-based functions. Photoshop Express is available as a free download from Apple's App Store for new users and as an update including the new name for existing users. It is also available in the Android Marketplace.

Click here for more information and to download the app

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Canon EXPO 2010

Imaging is all around - in your life and work. Now you can experience the new possibilities of imaging at Canon EXPO 2010 New York. It's an extraordinary opportunity to see Canon's latest products and solutions in real-world scenarios. Discover the power of Cross-Media Imaging and share the excitement of Canon's innovative imaging technologies.

At Canon EXPO 2010 you will:

• Discover great new Canon products and technologies

• Learn about solution, best practices and techniques that will enhance your knowledge and expand your capabilities

• Get recommendations and answers from industry experts and choose from a wide range of insightful seminars relevant to you

• Experience Canon's vision of the future of imaging, including Canon technologies that can have a profound effect on your life and work.
Register Today!

Come to a powerful all encompassing imaging experience that can inform, inspire and amaze you. Canon EXPO only happens once every 5 years. Be part of it >>Register Now

Your Passcode is: EXPO4 Your Invitation code is: T4BHP

Canon EXPO 2010 New York

When: Sept. 2-3, 2010

Where: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City

Who: If imaging is critical to your business or livelihood, then so is attending Canon EXPO 2010 New York. We'll be welcoming Canon customers, business partners and the extended community from the many areas of business Canon serves - including office solutions, print production, broadcast, professional photography, design, healthcare, consumer imaging and much more.

Learn More

Visit Canon Expo 2010 website for the latest updates on special guests, seminas and other news.
>>Learn More

Google Map Parody Photo Manipulation

Google Map Parody Photo Manipulation

From The Photoshop Roadmap News

"In this photo-manipulation tutorial we will learn how to create an image parody of Google Maps which features an aerial view of a city with tacks placed on various areas of the map. In this photo-manipulation tutorial we will learn how to create an image parody of Google Maps which features an aerial view of a city with tacks placed on various areas of the map. "

"Develop Your Vision, Master Your Craft with Mike Larson"

Mike Larson Workshop (USA)

After about 100 fully booked SUNBOUNCE Workshops in Europe now available in the USA.

"Develop Your Vision, Master Your Craft with Mike Larson"

Learn wedding and portrait photography from one of the best!

Includes lighting tips with demonstration, hands-on evening session with models,

image review, pricing strategies, color correction, blogging, and much more.

CALUMET SAN FRANCISCO: Wednesday and Thursday, August 18 and 19

CALUMET LOS ANGELES: Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7 and 8

Sponsored by SUNBOUNCE and Broncolor

- click here for more information -

NJ Meadowlands Festival of Birding

Join birders from across New Jersey and beyond at the Seventh Annual New Jersey Meadowlands Festival of Birding! A true urban oasis, the NJ Meadowlands contain over 8,000 acres of valuable wetland habitat, is home to over 280 species of birds, and is a designated Important Bird & Birding Area.
The festival is scheduled for Saturday & Sunday September 11 & 12, 2010. September is a prime month for birding the Meadowlands: resident herons and egrets fish the shallows while migrant ducks, shorebirds, and songbirds stop to feed and rest during southbound migration. In the skies above, we might observe raptors such as Red-tailed Hawks, Ospreys, and Peregrine Falcons. Last year's sightings included a young White Ibis and a migrant Hudsonian Godwit, so one never knows what feathered gems may be found! Field trip destinations include Richard W. DeKorte Park, beautiful Harrier Meadow-an area normally closed to the public, Allendale Celery Farm, Liberty State Park, plus paddling at the Secaucus salt marshes and Hackensack River excursions aboard a comfortable pontoon cruiser. Scroll below for more information.

Peregrine Falcons have become "urban raptors" with pairs nesting on many bridges & buildings in the New York Metro area; they can often be viewed in the meadowlands as they hunt pigeons, ducks, and other birds. Photo courtesy of Mike Fahay.

This year's festival includes a full lineup of field trips on Saturday and Sunday and a keynote program by Richard Crossley, author of "The Shorebird Guide" and well-known Cape May birder. Knowledgeable and friendly tour leaders from New Jersey Audubon Society are eager to share the joy of birding with you-novice and expert alike. Be sure to save time to visit the exhibits and the Nature Store. Above all, enjoy the birds!

For more information or to register go to http://www.hackensackriverkeeper.org/BirdFest10.htm or call 201-968-0808 weekdays 10 am-6 pm.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Easily Smooth And Soften Skin In A Photo

Easily Smooth And Soften Skin In A Photo

I heard about this at one of the NECCC talks this past July and it sounded interesting. Then I just happened upon this which explains the process of skin softening step by step. We use high pass for sharpening all the time, but I have never used it for skin softening until NECCC.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

12 Never Fail Landscape Photography Tips

12 Never Fail Landscape Photography Tips

Mount Washington
We had a great turnout for this lecture when I presented it at the White Mountain Cafe in May, so I've decided to offer it again over Labor Day weekend in Portsmouth.

The lecture will be on Friday night, September 3rd at Kennedy Studios on Market Street, where I will also be exhibiting images from our new book, Colors of Fall: Road Trip Guide, which is due out in September.

The lecture is part of Art Around Town, a monthly event where there are exhibit openings at most of the art galleries in downtown Portsmouth, so after stopping by Kennedy Studios, you can then wander around town checking out great art of all kinds.

The Nature of Cape Cod Photo Workshop, September 12 -17

The Nature of Cape Cod Photo Workshop, September 12 -17
Jerry and Marcy Monkman

Sand patternsLike all of my destination workshops, we'll spend our time during this week on the Cape maximizing our time making images in the best light possible for our subject matter. We'll shoot timeless cape classics like the dunes of Truro and Provincetown, and area lighthouses, but we'll also look for more intimate images of nature in the oak-pine savannas and tidal marshes of outer cape preserves like the Cape Cod National Seashore and Audubon's Wellfleet Sanctuary. We'll also spend some time indoors where I'll give lectures on photo skills and where we'll share our new images during daily critique sessions. All in all, it should be a great week of making images, learning new skills, and making friends with other like-minded nature photographers!

There are still 4 spots left for this workshop, as well as my fall Acadia Photo tour, while there is only one spot left for my fall White Mountains tour. To see the complete list, visit: http://www.jerryandmarcymonkman.com/outdoor_workshops.html

Thanks to the folks at Hunt's Photo and Video, the next three people to register for one of my workshops will receive a $20.00 Hunt's gift certificate!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

2010 National Geographic Photography Contest

National Geographic has announced its annual photography contest. The 2010 National Geographic Photography Contest begins September 1, 2010 at 9:00:00 a.m. US Eastern Time and ends November 30, 2010, 9:00:00 a.m. US Eastern Time. Share your vision of the world in any or all of these three categories, People, Places, and Nature. There is an entry fee of $15 per photo and there is no limit on the number of entries per person.

Prizes include $10,000, your photo published in National Geographic magazine, a trip to the District of Columbia, USA from Jan. 11 to Jan. 14, 2011 to participate in the National Geographic Photography Seminar, and a behind-the-scenes tour of National Geographic headquarters.


Thursday, August 12, 2010



For the beginner Elements user. We will begin with downloading your photos from your memory card to the Organizer in Elements. We will review the workflow of your image, beginning with Layers - why they are important and what they do. Next, I will demonstrate basic editing techniques - cropping, resizing, straightening; fixing color and lighting; fixing "problem" areas; a few basic filters; and finally, sharpening. If time allows we will move in to some of the more "creative" techniques.

If you have a laptop with Elements, please bring it. A computer will be helpful but is not necessary for the class. Detailed notes and sample photos will be supplied so you can also practice at home.

Cost: FREE!

Dates & Time: 6 weeks, Thursdays, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 6:30-8:35 p.m.

Location: Central High School, Bridgeport, CT

E-mail me for an enrollment form -- Hazel@MeredithImages.com or RACEnFISH@aol.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sandy Sanderson's memorial Saturday 8-14 11am

It is with great sadness that we must share the news that Sandy Sanderson passed away this morning. He was one of our beloved long time members who supported the club with his attendance at meetings, joining field trips, and sharing his love and knowledge of photography. He hosted a happy hour at the NECCC conference for many, many years. Our sympathy goes out to Kathy Katz, his loving companion of 30 years and his caregiver in these last several months of illness as well as his family.

The memorial service will be held this Saturday August 14th at 11:00 AM at the Westbrook Congregational Church in Westbrook, on the green (exit 65). There are no calling hours and burial will be private. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT TRAFFIC IS ALWAYS HEAVY ON I 95 ON SATURDAYS. Plan you time accordingly. A full obituary will be in the New Haven Register.


Image rights

Our AMAZING image recognition technology finds YOUR images!
Even if your stolen images have been:
Color Adjusted
We can still find them online!ImageRights uses its industrial strength crawler technology to continuously scan business sites, blogs, news and media sites and more. We scan these sites night and day, every day of the year, so that you don't have to.

ImageRights indexes millions of new images that the crawler finds every month. We then use powerful image recognition technology to compare the images from these sites to your images in order to detect where they are being used.

ImageRights will send you reports detailing the new matches found of your images. The reports display your original image, the use of that image (which might be altered) and the URL and ownership information for the website where it was found.

Sign up now for free

What is the difference between a free and paid subscription?
Beginning this July, ImageRights is launching a new and exciting Recovery Program to help you recover lost revenue due to unauthorized use of your images!

Free accounts will receive a 50/50 split on all revenue recovered on your behalf.

"Exploring High Dynamic Range Photography" with RICK SAMMON

"Exploring High Dynamic Range Photography"


HDR ( High Dynamic Range ) is a revolutionary technique that transforms traditional photographs into eye popping images, revealing a wide range of exposures and tones that bring a scene to life. Overcoming the challenge of photographing details in extreme highlights and shadows is possible through HDR processes such as tone mapping and bracketing exposures.

Come discover the magic of HDR by joining the legendary Rick Sammon as he shares his favorite HDR images, and his personal techniques for creating them. Rick will provide a basic overview of HDR imaging, followed by a demonstration of programs and plug-ins, including Photomatix, Topaz Adjust and Lucis. If you're new to HDR, or would like to hone your existing skills, then this is the perfect inspirational and instructional seminar for you.

About Rick Sammon
Rick Sammon has published 36 books, including Exploring the Light and Digital Photography Secrets.

Rick's newest big project is his app for the iPhone and iPod Touch: Rick Sammon's 24/7 Photo Buffet – an e-book that offers 24/7 access to Rick's best photo tips, tricks and techniques.

Rick's book, Flying Flowers won the coveted Golden Light Award, and his book Hide and See Under the Sea won the Ben Franklin Award.

He has photographed in almost 100 countries around the world, gives more than two-dozen photography workshops (including private workshops) and presentations around the world each year.

Rick co-founded the Digital Photography Experience ( www.dpexperience.com), an on-line digital photography learning center. He also co-hosts the bi-monthly Digital Photography Experience podcast. He also hosts five shows on kelbytraining.com.

Rick, who has been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame, is considered one of today's top digital -imaging experts, cutting through lots of Photoshop "speak," making it fun, easy and rewarding to work and play in the digital darkroom.

When asked about his photo specialty, Rick says, "My specialty is not specializing."

See http://www.ricksammon.com/ for more information!


Date: Sunday - November 14, 2010

Time: 1:00-4:00 (Doors open at 12:00)

Seminar Fee: $49.00

Location: Bishop Center, University of Connecticut

Directions: (Click Here)
Great Door Prizes: Of course!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Epson Stylus Pro 3880 SALE $799

SALE $799*

Epson Stylus Pro 3880
Standard Edition
*after $300 mail-in-rebate.
Sale price good through 8/13/10
Buy Yours at ATLEX.COM

Updates Lightroom 3.2 and Camera Raw 6.2

Lightroom 3.2 and Camera Raw 6.2 are now available as Release Candidates on Adobe Labs. (Download here: Lightroom 3.2, Camera Raw 6.2, including the DNG Converter 6.2) The ‘release candidate’ label indicates that this update is well tested but would benefit from additional community testing before it is distributed automatically to all of our customers.

WAIT! What happened to Lightroom 3.1? Well, it never happened. In order to simplify the presentation of updates for raw file format compatibility, the Lightroom and Camera Raw “dot” version numbers have been aligned at “2″. We update the Camera Raw plug-in and Lightroom regularly to provide access to new proprietary raw file formats and have aligned the decimal place so that there’s no confusion over which Lightroom update corresponds to a Camera Raw plug-in update and vice versa.

The final releases of Lightroom 3.2 and Camera Raw 6.2 may have additional corrections or camera support.

NEW --> The ability to publish directly to Facebook from within the Library module

Watch for the Perseid Meteor Shower This Week

Watch for the Perseid Meteor Shower This Week

This year it’s supposed to peak around August 12

Articce, photos, video, plus links to other sites about photographing meteor showers, etc.

to see more about this particular meteor shower look here:

Ed Heaton -- This Fall -- Two Events

Ed Heaton Returns This Fall For Two Events

We're happy to announce that professional photographer and instructor, Ed Heaton, will be joining us again on October 2nd and 3rd to teach a seminar and workshop. Ed did a great job putting on a 3-hour Tamron sponsored seminar for us last October and we're really looking forward to having him back. Ed is an excellent and entertaining instructor and we guarantee you'll leave with much great new information and ideas to help improve your photography. The seminar on Saturday and the Workshop on Sunday are two seperate events ... check out the details below.

"Light and Composition"

Learning to capture light and composition will make extraordinary images from ordinary subjects! Spend the evening with Ed as he talks about balancing both light and composition to make your images exceptional. Ed will discuss timing (being in the right place at the right time) along with visual design (why and how subjects and color support and balance each other). He'll also
talk about filters and their usefulness in today's world.

Date: Saturday - October 2, 2010
Time: 6:00-9:00pm (Doors open at 5:00)
Seminar Fee: $39.00 (Limit 50 people)
Location: Photo Connection of Colchester
Directions: (Click Here)

"Along the Air Line Trail"

The day begins bright and early at the Raymond Brook Marsh Wildlife Preserve section of the Air Line Rail Trail in Amston, CT. Join us as we put Ed's key points from his lecture into practice with a hands-on field session. With a variety of subject to focus on we will spend the morning working together making images as we stroll along the trail. Ed will provide group instruction on nature and landscape photography, along with limited individual teaching.

Date: Sunday - October 3, 2010
Time: 6:45am - 3:00pm (approx.)
Workshop Fee: $49.00 (Limit 25 people)
Location: Air Line Trail and Photo Connection of Colchester
Directions to the Trail: (Click Here)

This is a Rain-or-Shine Event, however, there is a back-up plan if heavy rain or other extreme weather conditions are forecasted for Sunday morning. Ed will teach a seminar on "Image Enhancements". Each person will bring several images and Ed will demonstrate and teach image enhancements using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. This seminar would be from 9:30-3:00 (approx.) Please understand that this is the back-up plan and there will be no refunds due to bad weather conditions.

Note: Thanks to our friend, Stan Malcolm, for letting us "borrow" the title of this workshop from his website. Stan has taken thousands of pictures "Along the Air Line Trail" and you can see many of them at www.performance-vision.com/airline.

(Register for both days for only $78.00 .... save $10.00.)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Les Campbell's 85th birthday

To all who went to Sky Meadow this year, and to all those who have gone there over years, I thought I would let you all know that Les Campbell will be celebrating his 85th birthday this coming Saturday, August 14. Quite a milestone, don't you think? At his age, however, many of his childhood friends have passed away, and his children and their children have settled in many different locations, although the family will be having their annual reunion at Sky Meadow that weekend too. I thought it would really be a wonderful tribute to Les if many of you could find the time to get Les a birthday card and send it off to him - let him know that he has many friends in this part of the country. Les has been a very good friend to the many pghotographers (especially the New Haven Camera Club) for many years now and I think this is a great way to say "thank you" to him. If you are interested in sending Les a birthday card, here is his address:

Les Campbell
PO Box 1065
Belchertown, MA 01007-1065

Thanks in advance.......

Gary Prestash

Ask Tim Grey - Content Aware Options

I was discussing this topic with Tom yesterday, Tim must be claivoyant LOL. CS5's content aware is pretty good, although it sometimes requires a little cloning to tweak it after you are done.

Ask Tim Grey
August 9, 2010
Learn more at www.timgrey.com

Early Bird Discount for California Photo Festival Ends Soon

In September I'll be presenting at the Click! California Photo Fest in beautiful San Luis Obispo County, California. If you'd like to join me along with some other great photographers and speakers, you'll want to register soon. The Early Bird Discount ends August 20th. Register now, and I'll see you there!

More details and registration information can be found here:

Today's Question:

After reading your August 6 eNewsletter, I went back and re-read your eNewsletter of June 24 [both of which related to the Content Aware technology in Photoshop CS5]. When I started using Content Aware I forgot the part about using the Spot Healing Brush. Instead, after making a selection around the offending objects (or the blank areas), I click on Edit > Fill and use the Content Aware option. Is there an advantage of one method over the other?

Tim's Answer:
There are indeed advantages (or perhaps more accurately, simply differences) for each of these methods, which is why I'm so grateful that Adobe included both options for Content Aware in Photoshop CS5. The differences are actually quite similar to the use of painting on a layer mask versus using a selection as the basis of a layer mask. Mostly it comes down to a choice between convenience and the need for precision.

In general, using the Spot Healing Brush is more convenient because you simply select the tool (and related options) and then paint on the image where you want to apply a correction. This is about as simple as it gets. Of course, it also lacks a certain amount of precision. In many situations you don't need a high degree of precision, and in essence my feeling is that if you can get away with the easy approach without introducing any compromises, then you should probably take that approach. For example, if you're simply cleaning up some dust spots in the sky, chances are the Spot Healing Brush will produce excellent results. Therefore, in such a situation I would not invest the time and effort required to create a selection of the areas I need to clean up.

In situations that require a bit more precision, the Spot Healing Brush isn't necessarily the best approach. For example, if the area you're trying to clean up is close to other lines within the image, a selection allows you to focus the cleanup only in the areas you actually need them. Let's assume you're trying to remove blemishes on a tile floor in an interior architectural photograph. If the blemishes are very small, you could use the Spot Healing Brush with the brush size set very small. However, even then you might end up with bleeding into surrounding areas, which could harm the lines bounding each of the tiles. With a selection you can constrain the selection to only the areas you need.

So, in short, use the Spot Healing Brush for quick corrections where there isn't a high risk of blending the corrections into areas you don't want to change. When you need more precision than the Spot Healing Brush provides (or when achieving that precision will consume significant time) you should create a selection and use the Fill command. But I wouldn't create a selection unless you really need to.

Become a Member

The Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is free to receive, but paid Ask Tim Grey Members receive special benefits, including:

* Discounts on all purchases made through the Tim Grey online store
* Opportunity to submit questions to be considered for inclusion in the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
* Discounts and special offers available only to Members.
* Access to the full archive of previous emails (going back over eight years) with search capability.
* The knowledge you are supporting this valuable service.
* Much more!

Details on becoming a member can be found here:

This Just in -- Girl Scouts Hate Photoshop

This Just in Girl Scouts Hate Photoshop

like the Dove commercial used in the NECCC program...


“Tell Us the Truth” is the title of their latest press release.

2009 research showed that…

•50% of 16-21 year old girls would consider having surgery to change the way they look

•42% of 11 to 16 year olds admitting to watching what they ate or cutting down on certain foods to excess

Aug. 14-15: Free entry to national parks

Aug. 14-15: Free entry to national parks

Bird for free at a national park on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 14-15! National Park Service will eliminate entrance fees on those two days although other fees -- for camping, reservations and tours -- will remain in effect.

"This fee-free weekend provides an opportunity for individuals and families alike to take an affordable vacation or to explore a nearby park they have never visited before," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. "I encourage everyone to take advantage of the free admission to visit not only our greatest natural wonders but also our nation’s historic and cultural icons."

Our national park system includes 392 parks in 49 states. You can search for a park here.

Lexar Media Introduces Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader (works with iPad)

Lexar 24-in-1 USB memory card reader plays nice with iPad

"they’re particularly excited by how easy it is to hook up to an iPad’s USB/Dock Connector adapter and import photos straight onto the Apple tablet."

Press Release:

Lexar Media Introduces Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader For Easy and Reliable File Transfer

All-in-One Solution Enables Concurrent Downloads and Card-to-Card Transfer of Multimedia Files

Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader Key Messages:
Allows for quick and easy download of photo, video, music, and other files
Includes five slots and supports 24 memory card formats
Enables concurrent downloads to a host computer and card-to-card file transfer
Pop-up design protects card slots when not in use

Fremont, CA, June 24, 2010 – Lexar Media, a leading global provider of memory products for digital media, today introduced the Lexar® Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader. Featuring five slots and supporting 24 popular memory card formats, the newest reader is an all-in-one solution enabling concurrent downloads and card-to-card file transfer. The highly versatile card reader was developed with a unique pop-up design, which allows the card slots to be protected when not in use, and comes equipped with a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 cable. The reader makes it easy to quickly download photo, video, music, and other files from nearly any memory card to a host computer. For additional information about the Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader, visit www.lexar.com.

“From cameras and camcorders to mobile phones and GPS units, so many of today’s devices rely on memory cards, and not all of them use the same format. Managing these various cards can be cumbersome and confusing for consumers, causing them to mistakenly think they need to purchase multiple card readers,” said Jim Chan, product marketing manager, Lexar Media. “The Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader simplifies this process, eliminating the need for different readers and providing the ability to transfer important files and memories from nearly any memory card format.”

The Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader supports the following memory cards formats:
CompactFlash slot: CompactFlash® Type I and Type II
Secure Digital slot: SD™, SDHC™, miniSD™, miniSDHC™, MMC™, MMCplus™, and RS-MMC™
Mobile slot: microSD™, microSDHC™, and M2™
Memory Stick slot: Memory Stick™, Memory Stick (with MagicGate™), Memory Stick PRO™, Memory Stick PRO Duo™, Memory Stick Duo (with MagicGate), Memory Stick PRO Duo Mark 2, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo™, and Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo “HX”
xD-Picture Card slot: xD-Picture Card™, xD-Picture Card Type-M, xD-Picture Card Type-M+, and xD-Picture Card Type-H

In addition to ease-of-use and reliable performance, the Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader provides consumers with the reliability they have come to expect from Lexar Media. All Lexar memory card and card reader designs are tested in the Lexar Quality Labs, facilities with more than 800 digital cameras and memory card devices, to ensure performance, quality, compatibility, and reliability. Lexar performs this extensive testing in an effort to provide customers with the highest level of confidence.

The Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader includes a one-year limited warranty. The reader is available for purchase through B&H, Adorama, J&R, Future Shop, Best Buy Canada, Amazon.com, and on Lexar.com. The Lexar Multi-Card 24-in-1 USB Reader includes a one-year limited warranty.

About Lexar Media
Lexar Media is a leading designer, manufacturer, and marketer of NAND flash and DRAM memory products under the Lexar and Crucial® brand names. Lexar Media offers products in all major flash and DRAM memory categories, including consumer and enterprise-level USB flash drives, industry-leading memory cards for photography, and all popular form factors of memory cards for mobile devices. Under the Crucial brand, Lexar Media offers industry-leading solid-state drives (SSD) and more than 250,000 DRAM memory upgrades for 50,000 computer systems. For more information about Lexar brand products, visit www.lexar.com, and for Crucial brand products, visit http://www.crucial.com/

Lexar Media is vertically integrated with Micron Technology, one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers worldwide. Lexar Media, Inc. is a subsidiary of Micron Technology, Inc. Lexar Media is a division of Micron Europe Limited, a division of Micron Semiconductor Asia Pte. Ltd., and a division of Micron Japan, Ltd.

Lexar. When Memory Matters.™

About Micron
Micron Technology, Inc., is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced semiconductor solutions. Through its worldwide operations, Micron manufactures and markets DRAM, NAND flash memory, CMOS image sensors, other semiconductor components, and memory modules for use in leading-edge computing, consumer, networking, and mobile products. Micron’s common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the MU symbol. To learn more about Micron Technology, Inc., visit http://www.micron.com/

Sunday, August 8, 2010

West I trip


Would you please send out a notice that I am giving a travelogue from our NHCC West I trip to Wallingford CC where I am a member?

The program will cover Vegas, Valley Of Fire, Red Rock Canyon, Death Valley, Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon, and Sedona. The location is Chauncy Conference Center, Gaylord, Wallingford 7:00pm Wednesday Aug. 11th 2010 . Refreshments will follow the program.

Linda Thomas

Mohonk Mountain House Field Trip

Mohonk Mountain House Field Trip
a CAP field trip led by Lisa and Tom Cuchara

On Sunday, August 29, 2010, the group will travel to Mohonk Mountain House for a combination of photography and a Sunday Buffet. The group will leave from the Derby Route 34 (Exit 57 off 15, Wilbur Cross parkway) commutter lot at 6:00 a.m. People who want to leave earlier or later can do so; just meet the group at 11:40 for the brunch. The cost is $64 which includes a day pass for use of the grounds and the buffet. You must make your own reservation with a credit card and then notify Lisa that you are attending as well as when and where you plan to meet the group.

Click to download a PDF document with all the details and a selection of colored pictures of the grounds.

You MUST be a CAP member to attend. Click here for more information about CAP.

See lots of other CAP events here on their website

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Skyhoundz Dog Championship 8/7/2010

WHAT: Skyhoundz Dog Championship 8/7/2010

It's all about amazing dogs catching frisbees with some cool freestyle owner-dog choreography, too.

WHERE: Wikham Park, 1329 W. Middle Turnpike. Manchester, CT (just off I-84)

TIME: It starts at 10:15, but gates open at 9:00. Go early and find a great spot on the hill!

COST: Free, but the park entrance fee might be $5.

An excellent chance to practice those action shots!

flowers and the market at the Ashlawn Farm

This just in from the Charter Oak Blog...

From Kathy Kelley:

The flowers and the market at the Ashlawn Farm are great photo opportunities. To get there, take Rte 82 to Rte 156 South, follow for 5.6 miles to Bill Hill Rd, turn left on Bill Hill Rd and drive .68 miles to the farm.

Friday, August 6, 2010

USA Today highlights Nik Software’s pursuit of consumer market

USA Today highlights Nik Software’s pursuit of consumer market
Read the article here: http://pmanewsline.com/2010/08/05/usa-today-highlights-nik-softwares-pursuit-of-consumer-market/

World Photography Day August 19

World Photography Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Louis Daguerre. On January 9, 1839, The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype process. A few months later, on August 19, 1839, the French government announced the invention as a gift “Free to the World.”

Another photographic processes, the Calotype, was also invented in 1839 by William Fox Talbot (it was announced in 1841). Together, the invention of both the Daguerreotype and Calotype mark 1839 as the year that photography was invented.

Get Involved
Get involved in World Photography Day

If you love photography, getting involved is easy, just register on our website and we will let you know when we open our online gallery for photography submissions.

If you’re a photography lover, browse though our online gallery, be inspired and vote for your favourite photographs.

If you’re a hobby photographer, share a photograph you have captured that highlights something you’re passionate about.

If you’re a emerging photographer, World Photography Day is a great way to share your portfolio with others.

If you’re a full-time photographer, get back to basics and share a photograph that expresses why you love your job.

If you’re a photography business or community group, here are some ideas to celebrate photography within your local community.

Photography Competitions
Promotional Offers
Open Galleries
Photography Courses

When Will We Finally Get Frames and Mats For Digital Camera Images?

I have been saying this for years and it is part of most of my digital programs as well. It is also the most common question we get from our clients, we cannot print them a full frame 8x10 from some of their images.

Read the recept post by Scott Kelby on this topic.
When Will We Finally Get Frames and Mats For Digital Camera Images?

The post also includes two places that are in line with the current times
frame Destination
and Craigs Frames

2010 PDN PhotoPlus Expo is October 28-30! Located at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York City
October 28-30, 2010

Register today for the most important event in photography, the 2010 PDN PhotoPlus Expo is October 28-30! Located at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City, PhotoPlus includes a huge expo floor, hundreds of exhibitors, thousands of new products, and over 100 informative seminars. Rated one of the Top Trade Shows of 2009 for the third year in a row! (Exhibitor magazine, April 2010)

PDN PhotoPlus continues to be on the cutting edge of what’s happening in photography and imaging. Since 1983 we’ve been put on the leading show in the industry - attracting all the exhibitors you want to see and the industry names you want to connect with.

Show Dates & Times

October 28-30, 2010

Thursday, Oct 28: 10am-5pm
Friday, Oct 29: 10am-5pm
Saturday, Oct 30: 10am-4pm
October 28-30, 2010

Thur Oct 28: 8:45am–7:45pm
Fri Oct 29: 8:45am–7:45pm
Sat Oct 30: 8:45am–5:45pm
PDN PhotoPlus Virtual Events presents Focus on Education a free two day expo and Webinar series

PDN PhotoPlus Virtual Events presents the Show Preview a free two day expo and Webinar series


Thursday, August 5, 2010

12 Tips for Photographing Stunning Sunsets

12 Tips for Photographing Stunning Sunsets

sixth annual Hot Air Balloon Festival Hudson, MA Aug. 14 and 15.

Just Posted in the Wicked Local Hudson News July, 14th

The sixth annual Hot Air Balloon Festival will be staged at Hudson Elks field, Park Street, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 14 and 15.

Elk's Lodge
99 Park St
Hudson, MA 01749

The events on Saturday start with balloon ascension at 6 a.m., weather permitting, and coffee and donuts on sale beginning at 5:30 a.m. Field day festivities and food for families starting at 2 p.m., includes music, craft tables, face painting, happy wagon rides, Blinky the Clown, an animal petting zoo and much more. Entertainment includes the McMurphys with live music from 2 to 5 p.m., Country Kickers from 5 to 5:30 p.m., and Bruce Marshall group from 5:30 to 9 p.m. A “balloon glow” will be featured at dusk (7:30ish) we will meet for this around 6:45 near the flagpole on the field.

Sunday there will be a pilots’ breakfast from 8 to 9 a.m. and a chance to meet the pilots.

Morning admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children. Afternoon admission is $4 for adults, $2 for children and free admission for children younger than 2, all day. Free parking at the Elks or at Hudson High School.

17th Annual Photo Contest St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park



The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park was once again pleased to host its 17th Annual Photo Contest. This year's winning photos will be made into a postcard packet showcasing animals from throughout the zoo. One of the goals of this project is to educate and bring awareness to the Roseate Spoonbill Banding Project. Therefore, a portion of the proceeds of each postcard packet will go to this Audubon of Florida field research project.

Entries were received from all over the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. This year's judge was Olis Garber, a professional photographer in Jacksonville FL. Olis is an experienced St. Augustine Alligator Farm photo contestant with six winning photos—including one BEST IN SHOW—during the last four years. You can find his bio on our website: www.alligatorfarm.com.

With nearly 500 photos submitted, Olis faced quite a challenge during the selection process. This year's winning photographs are better than ever and will be on display at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm as well as on our website.
Best in Show
William Miller $500.00

Nine additional photos will also be displayed in the postcard booklet,
and were taken by the following photographers:

Amy Marques
Susan Allshouse
David Boyd
Chris Willis
Jill Kossin
James Urbach
Mary Angela Luzader
Daniel Cedras (2 photos)

Photographers mentioned above will receive $200 (per photo)
Thank you to all the photographers for all of their wonderful pictures, and as always, we look forward to next year's entries!

Gen Anderson
Bird & Mammal Curator


Rick Sammon Amsterdam Tulips, HDR, etc.

One of the best times to visit Amsterdam is in spring, during the height of the tulip blooming season. Photographers travel there from around the world to focus their cameras on the dramatic colors and forms presented by Holland’s star flower – the tulip.

Based in Amsterdam, this workshop will take participants to ideal locations to photograph flowers, gardens, and tulip growing fields. We'll also photograph windmills, canals and castles. How cool is that!

During this 4 day/5-night, workshop, photographers will have an opportunity to work side by side with me as I illustrate how to capture the beauty of flowers, as well as country landscapes and charming villages.

In addition, I plan to use the local architectural features to teach you the finer points of HDR photography.

As former workshop participants know, I will offer lots of practical tips, techniques and advice in an entertaining and fun atmosphere. Yes! We will process our images in the digital darkroom. I'll be there to help.

What’s included: 5 nights hotel, 4 days touring by private motor coach, local guide, most meals and entrance fees.

What’s not included: air transportation, airport transfers, some meals, tips, and personal expenses.

Limited to 12 participants.

Dates: April 18 - 22, 2011.

$1,995.00 per person for double occupancy
$2,345,00 per person for single occupancy
(One of the best-priced workshops to this area on the web! Compare.)

Shoot me an email if you are interested in joining the photo fun. Send to: ricksammon@mac.com

Explore the Light
Rick Sammon’s 24/7 Photo Buffet

Rick Sammon’s 24/7 Photo Buffet application, co-developed with Dr. Dave Wilson, offers photographic advice, tips and techniques collected during his 30+ years of professional experience. The app is packed with how-to information (text, stills, movies and screen grabs) and is super easy-to-navigate.

This content-heavy app can be used as a reference to learn basic and advanced techniques, or as a searchable guide to find (how cool is that?) to find a quick fix for a tricky photographic situation. In essence, the app is like having Rick – one of today’s top professional photographers and authors – in your hip pocket to help you become a better photographer – 24/7.
Unlike many photo apps available today, Rick’s 24/7 Photo Buffet offers a comprehensive guide, and is not limited to any one effect, style or technique.


Just like any good buffet, Rick’s 24/7 Photo Buffet offers variety and choice … and you can go back again and again for additional helpings. This comprehensive app guides users with a combination of text, about 250 example photos, and video tutorials. Content is divided into four major sections, each with a scrollable collection of topics, including:

Seeing – Learn how to see a picture in your mind’s eye, before you snap the shot. Subjects covered include composition, framing, and lighting.

Making – Discover how to make a great picture rather than simply take a picture, applying your knowledge of exposure, flash, filters, and taking pictures with the iPhone itself.

Editing – Find out how to enhance your pictures in the digital darkroom by tweaking the white balance, levels, saturation and contrast, and selectively controlling sharpening.

Tips – Search Rick’s A-Z photo tips for advice on everything from aerial shooting and underwater photography to sunsets and panoramas.

In addition to the large helping of content, there is also a Help button that allows you to make comments and post suggestions for future apps.

Sprinkled throughout the app is a smorgasbord of photography topics.

Use this app to take better pictures of kids, nighttime subjects, sunrises and sunsets, fireworks, animals, people, scenery, waterfalls, rainy day subjects and wildlife.

Use this app to increase your knowledge of panoramas, lenses, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, exposure, fill flash, filters, lighting, ISO, photo editing software.

HDR (High Dynamic Range) must-know info, Notes Feature and Expanded content.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

PhotoVision on sale

PhotoVision is awesome! It is like going to five year's worth of seminars in one year and you can watch them in your skivies. Now because of a special sale, anyone can receive PhotoVision's 6 DVDs for just $39 by using the promo code: PVFAN. I look forward to my bi-monthly, 2-hour photo educational fix arriving in my m...ailbox chocked full of info and inspiration. To find out more go to: http://fansof.photovisionvideo.com/Lisa/026067

See More PhotoVision 2010 // www.fansof.photovisionvideo.com

Guaranteed to educate, entertain, and captivate. If after viewing the first issue you’re not totally satisfied, email us for a full refund and keep the first issue as our gift.

How to photograph stars

lots of tips and great examples! Lisa

How to photograph stars


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

use Nikon glass on your Canon cameras

Thanks Gary for passing this along

now you can use Nikon glass on your Canon cameras! LOL!!


Denise Saldaña Photography show!

I would like to announce a show of my Photo Tiles in the 2 display cases in the lobby of the Miller Memorial Library in Hamden. The display will run during the month of August. Please view my photo tiles as you visit the library, or, come to the library to see my photo tiles, then browse the books! Comments are most welcome.

Miller Memorial Library
2901 Dixwell Ave.
Hamden, CT 06518

M-Wed. 10am - 9pm
Th. 10am - 5:30pm
Fri. 10am - 4:00pm
Sat.,Sun. closed

Denise Saldaña Photography
52 Westminster St.
Hamden, CT 06518
Phone: 203 248-6471
Cell: 203 314-8587
Email: denisesaldana@hotmail.com
Website: www.denisesaldana.com


Thanks Rich for passing this along!


Labor Day Weekend, September 2010
Lime Rock Park, Conn.

Capturing the speed and beauty of auto racing is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of sports photography. The Lime Rock Park Motorsports Photography Workshop offers you the opportunity to learn and improve your skills – taught by the top motorsports photographers working today – at the most scenic race track in North America.
Lime Rock is offering both one-­‐day and two-­‐day workshops during Historic Festival 28, September 3-­‐6.

Composition, choosing locations, camera angles, techniques, equipment selection and understanding light are among the topics discussed briefly in the classroom and practiced extensively track-­‐side during the one-­‐day workshop. Students will work with each instructor and learn their individual approach to photographing motorsports.

The two-­‐day workshop adds flash photography, learning to interact with drivers and crew, discussions on car-­‐to-­‐car photography, rigging and shooting on-­‐car cameras, and photographing a race “on assignment.” Each day will end with a review and critique of each student’s best images. The workshop is designed for intermediate to experienced photographers. Each student must own a digital SLR camera with interchangeable lenses and possess a basic understanding of how a camera functions. Further requirements needed at the workshop include: two digital media (compact flash card, SD card, etc.), rain gear, long pants, and closed toed shoes.

Nikon Professional Services will offer on-site support and a wide variety of cameras and lenses for photographers to test throughout the day. (Owning a Nikon camera is not a requirement to attend the workshop.) The Nikon gear is not meant to replace your personal equipment, but simply be an added benefit to workshop participants.

Instructors include Rick Dole, George Tiedemann and Robert Laberge.

o George Tiedemann has 30 + years covering motorsports as a contract photographer for Sports Illustrated and ESPN the Magazine. He has covered more than 25 Daytona 500s, 20 Indy 500s, 4 Olympic Games, and numerous Super Bowls and World Series. He is a contributing photographer to Corbis Photo Agency.

o Rick Dole has 25 years of racing experience. He has covered the Le Mans 24 Hours 14 times, 12 Indy 500s, both the French-­‐ and U.S. Open tennis championships, the Beijing Summer Olympics, and is a contributing photography to Getty Images.

o Robert Laberge photographs have been published in Sports Illustrated, Time Magazine, ESPN the Magazine, the New York and Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Racer, Autosport, Speedway Magazine and many others. Through the years Robert has covered events such as the Indianapolis 500 for the last decade, The Daytona 500, the Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Playoffs, PGA and LPGA events, NFL games, the Rose Bowl, The Tour de France, the Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games, the 2004 Athens Olympic Summer Games, and the 2006 Torino Olympic Winter Games.
The One-­‐Day Workshop will be offered on Friday, September 3 and Monday, September 6. The second day of the Two-­‐
Day Workshop is Saturday, September 4. And a One-­‐Day Digital Workshop will be available as a supplemental option to the overall experience on Sunday, September 5.

One-­‐Day Workshop: $500.00
Two-­‐Day Workshop: $900.00
One-­‐Day Digital: $100.00

Lime Rock Park, LLC (attn: Motorsports Photography Workshop)
497 Lime Rock Road • Lakeville, CT 06039
email: renea@limerock.com
fax: 860.435.5010

The Making of a Canon 500mm f/4L Lens

The Making of a Canon 500mm f/4L Lens

by Michael Zhang on Apr 19, 2010

Here’s an interesting three-part series that shows the creation of a Canon 500mm f/4.0L IS lens. It’s a neat look at the guts of glass, and an opportunity to see how exactly the various components of a lens are created and put together.

You get to see the entire process, starting with raw materials and ending with the finished, $6,000 lens.

Seeing how fine-tuned many of the steps in the process have to be, it’s no wonder these lenses can end up costing as much as a car.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Aperture Academy Welcomes Canon!

The Aperture Academy, in the Campbell Pruneyard, is having a Fall Open House Party!

The countdown has begun, just 3 short weeks to our next big event and wow, where do we begin...we have SO MUCH going on at our next open house event we don't even know where to begin...YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!

Prizes include 5 Canon Cameras, GIANT prints of YOUR pictures and much, much more!

Please RSVP (if you haven't already!) and join us for this free event:

Saturday August 21st, between 5-10pm

* Canon "Input to Output" (We are transforming our classroom into Canon Central!)
* Win free BIG prints from Canon (bring your images on flash drive, CD or other media!)
* Trailsloggers Outdoor Discover Gear
* Saddlebrook book binding demo's
* TONS of prizes...and we mean TONS (more than ever before!)
* Live Music
* Catering by Rock Bottom & Spirits by Tessoras Barra Di Vino
* View many new fine art prints by Stephen W. Oachs
* 15% off ALL merchandise!

Please RSVP here http://www.apertureacademy.com/open-house-rsvp-aug-21.php

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Aperture Academy
Gallery: (408) 369-8585

Photography Walking Tour of World Renown Central Park

You are invited to the following event:
Photography Walking Tour of World Renown Central Park

Date: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 9:00 AM (ET)

Location: Central Park Manhattan NY

Can you attend this event? Respond Here

Bald Eagles + Wood Ducks, May 18-22, 2011

Ken Archer and I will be leading a workshop to some of our favorite local areas in Western Washington. In the mornings we will be photographing the Bald Eagles at Hood Canal and in the afternoons we will be shooting Wood Ducks and other species in Lakewood. Every spring the low tides at Hood Canal attract large numbers (up to 200) Bald Eagles which come to feed on spawning sculpin. It's a great place to get close up flight shots of these birds. The first night we will give a 2-3 hour presentation on photographing birds in the wild with question and answer period.

The cost of the workshop is $1,595 and includes all lodging, transportation, guiding, instruction and property use fees.

To see the details please see http://www.trogontours.net/eagles
To see my eagle gallery from Hood Canal go to http://www.trogontours.net/eaglegallery
To see my gallery of Wood Ducks and other species from Lakewood, WA please see http://www.trogontours.net/washingtongallery2

Nate Chappell
Avian Gallery Moderator
Lakewood, WA

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Times/Canon Young Photographer of the Year

The Times/Canon Young Photographer of the Year
Do you have what it takes to be a Times photographer?

The Times has launched the ninth Times Young Photographer of the Year Award. The competition, which for the second year running is sponsored by Canon, seeks to find the country’s best young photographer.


The winner will win a six-month full-time contract with The Times, where they will be trained in the skills of photojournalism. They will also receive the following Canon camera equipment:

Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera body

Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8 L lens

EF 70-200 F/2.8 L IS lens

Canon 580EX II Speedlite flash

Each of the six finalists will also receive a year’s membership to the British Press Photographer’s Association. The finalists will have their work displayed at Canon’s Pro Photo Solutions exhibition at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London on October 26 and 27. The winner will be unveiled there in a reception hosted by the Editor of The Times.


a. Lifestyle

b. Portraiture

c. Reportage

Eligibility: The competition is open to any UK and Republic of Ireland resident aged between 18 and 26.

Free to enter.

Deadline: The closing date for applications is midnight on August 31 2010.

Website: The Times

Lens Mug !!

A Lens Mug!!!

Just a week ago, we walked into our local cafe, and our barista handed us our latte in a mug that looked just like a lens! She even topped it off with camera-shaped latte art and creamer in a film canister!

We just about died, but then we woke up instead.

Desperate for our dream to come true, we wished on shooting stars, wishbones, found pennies, fallen eyelashes…and sure enough, it worked!

Behold, the Camera Lens Mug, a mug that looks JUST LIKE a Canon 24-105mm lens!

It's equipped with a lens-cap lid (omg), rubber-grip focus and zoom rings (o…m…g), and an auto-focus switch that actually switches (OMG)! It's so realistic, you might have to use post-its just to remind yourself which is your mug and which is your lens!

Picture yourself sipping on a sweet tea vodka while basking in the sun or having the coolest desk in the office with your lenticular jelly-bean holder or scooping a delicious ice-cream fudge sundae out of your amazingly versatile lens mug. You can even turn it into a nifty flower-pot!

Consider yourself set for all future fellow photo friends' birthdays/graduations/weddings/long-lost-sibling-reunions! It's the best gift they'll get!

Hear, hear! You are hereby proclaimed King/Queen of camera-geek-dom, and the Camera Lens Mug is your chalice!