Welcome! This is a place where I (Lisa) can pass along information about photography -- photo ops, new products, reviews, workshops, articles, exhibitions, etc. etc. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ask Tim Grey Gathering in New York and Presentation at B&H Photo in New York
Ask Tim Grey Gathering in New York - Immediately following my presentation at B&H Photo in New York on April 13th, I'll be hosting another "Ask Tim Grey" Gathering. If you'd like to join me for a casual lunch to talk all things digital photography (or just about anything else), please email me at tim@timgrey.com to let me know. Location will be determined and announced as soon as I have a good idea of how many will be able to attend, but it will be relatively close to B&H Photo.
Ask Tim Grey - JPEG in Camera Raw
Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter, March 29, 2010, Learn more at http://www.timgrey.com/
Today's Question:
Are there any benefits opening and adjusting JPEG files in Adobe Camara Raw over Photoshop adjustments, since JPEG files are in a way already compressed image files that don´t have the advantages of RAW files?
Tim's Answer:
The benefits of opening JPEG images with Adobe Camera Raw relate primarily to workflow and convenience rather than image quality. You're absolutely right that the primary benefits of converting a RAW capture through Adobe Camera Raw (or any other RAW conversion software) relate in large part to the fact that the RAW capture contains high-bit data that has not yet been full translated in terms of actual RGB pixel values. With JPEG images, not only has compression been applied, but the RGB values have been determined and the information is in 8-bit per channel mode. Thus, most of the benefits you could gain through RAW conversion will not apply to JPEG images processed with Adobe Camera Raw.
While you really won't gain anything in terms of image quality when it comes to opening JPEG (or TIFF, for that matter) images with Adobe Camera Raw, there are some potential benefits. For example, the White Balance adjustments (which are actually based on the color balance adjustments you'll find in the Lab color mode) can sometimes be easier to work with than the traditional color balance controls you'll work with in RGB mode. Another good example relates to image cleanup. While I generally prefer to perform image cleanup work on a separate layer within Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw does provide the benefit of being able to apply the same cleanup to multiple images. So, for example, if you have captured a series of images that exhibit spots caused by dust on the imaging sensor, chances are the exact same adjustments that will work for cleaning up one of the images will work well for all of the images in the series.
So, there are some potential workflow advantages to opening JPEG and TIFF images (especially multiple images) in Adobe Camera Raw, but these benefits only relate to workflow issues and do not relate to image quality.
Become a Member
The Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is free to receive, but paid Ask Tim Grey Members receive special benefits, including:
Discounts on all purchases made through the Tim Grey online store
Opportunity to submit questions to be considered for inclusion in the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
Discounts and special offers available only to Members.
Access to the full archive of previous emails (going back over eight years) with search capability.
The knowledge you are supporting this valuable service.
Much more!
Details on becoming a member can be found here:www.timgrey.com/asktimgrey/
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
CS5: more on content aware fill
how to make a tear drop

Howard is always wonderfully willing to share his photography skills and secrets with everyone. Thanks Howard!
Linda requested instuctions on how to make a tear drop. This is a continuation from the globe. Please send it out on the blog.
Tear Drop 1: Select a picture and open in the editor
2: Crop it to square
3: Select Filter; Distort; Polar Coordinates; Polar to Rectangular.
4: Select Image; Rotate; Flip Vertical
5: Select Filter; Distort; Polar Coordinates; Rectangular to Polar.
This will return an orb to you IMPORTANT: use the eyedropper tool and select the color that surrounds the orb as your foreground color
6: Next, select Image; Resize; Canvas Size...
Enter 300 percent in both the Width and Heigth boxes (300 percent gives a good result. I have used 200 and 250 to make shorter fatter droplets - so play around! )
Click on the bottom center arrow in the Anchor to force the orb to the bottom
Make sure Foreground is selected in the dropdown at the bottom of the Canvas
Size window
Click OK If the add to canvas didn’t turn on you may have to use the magic wand to select the blank space and the paint bucket to fill it in. Then control D to deselect.
7: Select Filter; Distort; Polar Coordinates; Polar to Rectangular.
8: Select Image; Rotate; Flip Vertical
9: Select Filter; Distort; Polar Coordinates; Rectangular to Polar.
You should now have a droplet.
My distorted droplets where done using the Liquify filter.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Short course on macro from Nikon....
Short course on zoo photography from Nikon....
Wind Over Wings Photographers Invitational
Dear Friends of Wind Over Wings,
Wind Over Wings is excited to once again be hosting our Photographers Invitational. This is a must attend event for serious photographers.
An Opportunity to Photograph Magnificent Birds of Prey!Saturday, May 1, 2010 - 10am – 12 noon (Rain Date - Sunday, May 2, 2010)
Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Great Horned Owl, Great Grey Owl, Saw-whet Owls, Eastern Screech Owl, Red-tailed Hawk
Several photographs of head-shots of these impressive raptors have won awards.
Early Bird Registration: $150.00
Standard Registration: $175.00 (postmarked after April 19, 2010)
***PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED (No refund after April 19, 2010)
You can register online using PayPal or a credit card
** Be sure to include your email and phone number when registering online in case of rain.
To register by mail, please fill out the form below and mail to Wind Over Wings with your check.
Website: www.windoverwings.org
Information: windoverwings@comcast.net
Registration Form :
Name: ______________________________
Contact Phone: ____________________
Address: ___________________________________
Email: _____________________
Amount Enclosed: _____$150 Early Bird _____$175 Standard Registration
Mail registration with payment to: Wind Over Wings, 22 Old Road, Clinton, CT 06413
Counting down to CS5
With the right tools, your creative horizon changes. A tree is still timber, but suddenly in a whole new way. Old ideas germinate again, and new ideas branch into unexpected opportunities. Welcome to Adobe® Creative Suite® 5—software that will allow you to reach more people, more effectively, in more places, with whatever masterpiece you can imagine.
Join us for the exclusive Global Online Launch Event, Monday, April 12, 2010.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Want to Receive a Slice of Steve's Digicams in your Inbox?
Want to Receive a Slice of Steve's Digicams in your Inbox?
Steve's Digicams is launching our newsletter this week and we will be dishing out updates twice a month right into your inbox. If you don't have time to check out the site everyday, be sure to sign up today and we will deliver our latest reviews, news, feature articles and camera deals to you. Just click on the Newsletter tab on the top of the page and enter your email address. It's that simple.
While you are at it, don't forget to join the conversation on our Facebook page and become our fan. Over 1,500 fans are currently perusing through over 1,500 winning photos over the last 4 years of photo of the day entries. We want to know what you think and we would love for you to post your own excellent photos for the community to check out.
To all of our current Facebook fans, Thanks for the Support! You are what makes Steve's Digicams so awesome!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sneak Peek At Photoshop’s Mind-Boggling Content Aware Fill

Sneak Peek At Photoshop’s Mind-Boggling Content Aware Fill
One of the biggest requests we get of Photoshop is to make adding, removing, moving or repairing items faster and more seamless. From retouching to completely reimagining an image, heres an early glimpse of what could happen in the future when you press the delete key.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Adobe announces release date of Creative Suite 5
Click here to visit the CS5 launch link
Adobe Delivers Lightroom 3 Public Beta Update
Adobe releases Lightroom 3 Beta update
Adobe has opened the second public beta of its Photoshop Lightoom 3 software for immediate download from its Adobe Labs site. Lightroom 3 will be based around a new processing engine and the second iteration adds luminance noise reduction to the color noise reduction options that appeared in the initial beta. The latest beta also supports tethered shooting for a number of Nikon and Canon DSLRs, enables importing and management of video files and improves overall functioning of the software.
Click here to download the second public beta of Photoshop Lightroom 3 from Adobe Labs
Press release:
Adobe Delivers Lightroom 3 Public Beta Update
Adobe today released an update to its Photoshop Lightroom 3 beta software, available immediately through Adobe Labs. Building on the success of the first Lightroom 3 beta, which was downloaded by more than 350,000 photographers, Lightroom 3 beta 2 incorporates feedback from the first iteration of the beta while offering users several new features and greatly improved performance throughout the application.
New features in this release include tethered shooting support for select Nikon and Canon cameras, the ability to import and manage video files from DSLR cameras for a streamlined workflow and additional behind-the-scenes architecture enhancements for faster importing and loading of images. The addition of luminance noise reduction to the color noise reduction options already available in the beta helps photographers achieve overall exceptional image quality from high ISO images. The import experience and watermarking functionality have also been modified to reflect feedback received from the Lightroom community during the first beta period.
The input from the photography community has been extremely valuable and Adobe would like to thank everyone who has participated in the beta program. Adobe encourages photographers to test this new selection of features and provide the product team with feedback so they can produce the highest quality final product.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Lightroom is the essential digital photography workflow solution, helping serious amateur and professional photographers quickly import, manage, perfect and showcase all their images in one intuitive application.
Pricing and Availability Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 beta 2 is available as a free download to anyone on a Macintosh or Windows platform and is available in 12 languages.
Visit http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/lightroom3/ to learn more and download the second beta.
Feedback can be submitted on the Lightroom forums: http://forums.adobe.com/community/labs/lightroom3/.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Acadia National Park Creative Vision Photography Workshop
Acadia National Park Creative Vision Photography Workshop
Fall in Acadia National Park Workshop Dates: October 12-16, 2010 (Tuesday - Saturday)
Location: Bar Harbor, MaineInstructors: Ian Plant, Richard Bernabe
Tuition: $1195.00
Deposit: $200.00
The Workshop Looking to take your creative expression to the next level?
Creative Vision Photo Workshops are designed to challenge you to reach new heights with your nature photography. Join Creative Vision instructors Ian Plant and Richard Bernabe on an intensive, multi-day field and classroom instructional workshop that will help you create photographs you've always dreamed of making.
The Destination: Acadia National Park contains some of the most dramatic coastal scenery in the eastern United States. With towering seaside cliffs, pounding waves, scenic lighthouses, granite-topped mountains, and tranquil ponds, Acadia is the perfect setting to capture the wonderful fall color of New England. This 5 day workshop will explore the very best Acadia has to offer.
Getting There: Bangor International Airport (http://www.flybangor.com/) is the closest airport to Bar Harbor, and is just over an hour away by car.
Transportation: Driving conditions will consist of mainly paved roads. When possible we prefer that participants car pool with each other to help limit our impact and get to know each other. A standard rental car will be sufficient.
Fitness Level: Moderate. This workshop does involve some short trail hiking to arrive at certain shooting locations, while other shooting locations will be just beyond the parking lot. Even short hikes to coastal locations can involve slippery, uneven terrain, so hiking boots are recommended. You don't have to be in tip-top shape, but your enjoyment will be enhanced by good health and preparation. A standard liability release form will be required before departure.
Whats Included: Location guiding, instruction, software training, PDF lesson plan and shooting notes for study, classroom lessons, critiques and tons of inspiration!
Responsibility of the participants: Transportation to and from Bar Harbor, Maine; lodging accommodations and meals; and transportation to and from shooting locations.
Additional Post Workshop Training" For an additional fee of $500.00, workshop students may purchase 3 months of additional post software training and critiques by the instructors. This gives you liberal email support and an invitatation to a private virtual online classroom where you can post questions and upload images for critique and feedback.
3-Year-Old’s Photos on Display in SF
From http://www.petapixel.com/ "The San Francisco Chronicle has a neat story about Ruby Ellenby, a 3-year-old photographer who is celebrating her first photography exhibition. 22 of her photographs are mounted as 8×10 prints on the walls of Moshi Moshi restaurant in San Francisco. "
Mats and frames for full frame digital
NPN now has a Facebook Page
Also, just in case you missed it, NPN is also on Twitter. Follow us here: http://twitter.com/NaturePhotoNet
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Photoshop CS5
Photoshop CS5
If you haven't had a chance to see any of the cool new Photoshop CS5 features you should follow this link. Some of the new tools Adobe is developing are just incredible. Take a minute to follow the link and check it out, you will be amazed! http://cs5.org/
Last Chance to Upgrade PS CS
Rumors say that PS CS5 will be out sometime in April. So this means that if you are still on PS CS1 and want to upgrade you need to act fast. So if you own a product from the first generation of the Creative Suite released in 2003 and want to be able to upgrade it to CS4 now is the time. Years ago Adobe adopted a the"three versions back" policy, this means that you can upgrade from CS, CS2, or CS3 to the current version (CS4) right now for a lot less than the full price of CS4. But when CS5 comes out next month (rumor) the cutoff for upgrades will be CS2.
Website: RobertOToolePhotography.com Email: Robert@RobertOToolePhotography.com
Nikon 200-400mm f/4G Lens for sale
On behalf of the Camera Club of Oxford Greens, we would like to list the Nikon 200-400mm f/4G Lens on your blog to sell. This Lens has never been used and is in excellent condition. Retail price is $6500.00 and would like to get $4500. There are three photos attached for your use! If you need additional information, please let me know. We appreciate your help in helping us sell this item. Many Thanks for your help, Frank pouyat1@mac.com

The Nikon 200-400mm f/4G IF-ED VR Lens offers a significant advancement for professional telephoto photography, and is fully compatible with both 35mm and Digital SLR cameras.
The lens features an innovative Vibration Reduction (VR) system that allows handheld telephoto zoom shooting even in poorly lit conditions. The VR system minimizes image blur caused by camera shake, and offers the equivalent of shooting at a shutter speed 3 stops (8 times) faster. The lens offers a natural viewfinder image even during VR operation and also detects automatically when the photographer pans.
In addition, the Silent Wave Motor (SWM) feature provides swift autofocus with superior accuracy and ultra-quiet operation. And the lens can be switched quickly from AF to manual focus. Four buttons in front of the lens' focus ring let the photographer easily select from the [AF-L], [MEMORY RECALL], and [AF-ON] functions. The Focus Preset function allows a distance to be set to which the focus mechanism will instantly and automatically return to.
The ideal zoom-telephoto lens for the discerning professional telephoto photographer.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mark Bowie's 2010 Photo Workshops & Tour Schedule
Mark's 2010 Photo Workshops & Tour Schedule
Through the Adirondack Photography Institute, http://www.adkpi.org/
Click the links for event descriptions, pricing and to register:
June 10th-13th - Spring Waterfalls of the Finger Lakes Workshop, Ithaca, NY - with Joe LeFevre
Aug 1st - 4th - Photographing the Night Landscape Workshop, Inlet, NY - Part of Mark's on-going Light of Midnight project, which includes workshops and instructional guides, multimedia presentations, articles, and fine art prints. If you are interested in expanding your creative repertoire into night photography, consider joining us for this high intensity workshop where we'll discuss in-depth techniques used to record this little-explored facet of the landscape. We'll cover scouting locations for scenic nighttime possibilities, calculating exposure, focusing in the dark, shooting long exposures of the moon, stars, and other celestial objects, photographing under artificial lights, the use of flash, light painting, and more. This event is expected to fill quickly.
Watch http://www.markbowie.com/ for more Light of Midnight workshops and other events to be scheduled soon.
Aug 15th - 18th - Adirondack Waters Workshop, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Oct 3rd - 6th - Adirondack Fall Photo Workshop, North Creek, NY - with Carl Rubino
Oct 7th - 10th - Southern Adirondack Fall Color Tour, Lake George, NY
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"Look of Love" Photo Contest Winners
Winners were recently announced in the "Look of Love" photo contest -- See the inspiring photos.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
trogon tours UPCOMING TRIPS
Ecuador May 28-June 7, 2010
DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE - We are now offering late registration discounts for this tour. Please contact Nate by email or phone for details. Professionall photographer Ken Archer will be joining this trip as a co-leader so this is a chance to learn from 2 excellent bird photographers in some of the most bird rich areas in the world. We will have a full time Ecuadorian birding guide along as well so this trip is great for birdwatching also. You can see the details at www.trogontours.net/ecuadormay . An extension to Sani Lodge in the Amazon from June 7-12, 2010 will be led by Ken Archer.
Some participants on our January trip to Western Ecuador have sent me some photos which I have included in a new gallery. The hummingbird mutli-flash shots were taken with a Canon 100-400 zoom and a Nikon 300mm lens proving you don't need a monster lens to take advantage of my hummingbird setups. Their shots can be seen at www.trogontours.net/hummers4 .
Malhuer Oregon, April 28-May 2, 2010
This trip is currently full.
Washington Shorebird Workshops
May 8th and July 31st, 2010 - Please note these are corrected dates.
I've added 2 one day workshops to photograph the migrating shorebirds at Tokeland on Willapa Bay. Ken Archer will be joining me as a co-leader on these trips. To get an idea of Ken's breadth of talent as a photographer he usually photographs birds and mammals but is also a prior first place winner of the landscape category in the Nature's Best Photo Contest. The price of these workshops is $195 per person. To view the details and some photos from Tokeland please see www.trogontours.net/washington . Minimum of 2 participants, maximum of 6 per trip.
NEW TRIP: Bosque del Apache, December 4-8, 2010
Nate will be leading a workshop to Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico. Bosque is one of the top bird photography locations in North American and a major wintering ground for Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese and Ross's Geese. Last year's trip was very successful - we had some beautiful sunrises and sunsets to work with and plenty of cooperative Sandhill Cranes. On this year's trip the excellent Slovenian photographer Gorazd Golob will be co-leading and bringing a group from Europe. Gorazd has been on one of my Ecuador tours and he's a very knowledable photographer. There are currently 5 spots reserved and 3 spots open. To see the details of the trip, please view www.trogontours.net/bosque .
January 9-23, 2011
There are currently 5 spots reserved and 5 spots open for this tour which will visit 5 different National Parks and Sanctuaries in Central and Northern Thailand. The itinerary can be viewed at www.trogontours.net/thailand.
Spring is around the corner, wishing you one filled with many birds and photographic opportunities.
Nate and Angie Chappell
Paris 26 Gigapixels: world largest image!
Paris 26 Gigapixels: world largest image!
Friday, March 19, 2010
A new season of Nikon instant savings
Camera Instant Savings
D90 body $50
S570 $30
D5000 body $30
S630 $50
D5000 w/ 18-55mm lens $50
S1000PJ $50
D3000 $30
S70 $30
S220 $40
Save Up to $200 on Lightweight Zooms
Add one of these versatile zoom lenses to select DSLRs, and you'll save an extra $100 or $200 on your Nikon purchase.
Lens Camera Instant Savings*
55-200mm or 55-200mm VR D5000, D3000 $100
70-300mm VR D700, D300S, D90, D5000, D3000 $200
Powerful Lenses, Massive Savings Nikon is giving you extraordinary discounts on some of its most popular workhorse lenses when you buy a camera from their current DSLR lineup. These offers can be combined too: outfit a new D700 with a 24-70mm and 70-200mm, and you'll pay $700 less for the package.
To receive this final set of instant savings, please contact a nearby Calumet location or 1-800-CALUMET.
Eligible DSLRs: D3X, D3S, D700, D300S, D90, D5000, D3000
Lens Instant Savings*
24-120mm VR $200
24-70mm f/2.8 $300
70-200mm f/2.8 VR II $400
18-200mm VR II $250
*Lens must be purchased on the same invoice as a qualifying DSLR.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fundamentals of Color Seminar
Fundamentals of Color Seminar is coming to an area near you!
This one-day seminar is built for quality control & assurance professionals, lab technicians, parts suppliers, manufacturing specifiers, or anyone who evaluates or approves color.
You’ll walk away with a solid foundation in color and appearance science. From the physics of color to lighting, spectrophotometers and color data, we’ll teach you how to measure, view and understand color data.
Taught by X-Rite color experts, the seminar is easy to understand and applicable to nearly every industry and business. Through engaging presentations and live demonstrations, you will learn how to control color more effectively within your own organization and throughout your supply chain.
REGISTER NOW!Visit xrite.com/FOCA or call 888.439.4403
Who Should Attend
The course requires no prior color training and will address color control for a variety of industries including retail and apparel brands, business and consumer electronics, automotive, packaging and their related industries in plastics, coatings and textile manufacturing.
Exclusive Fundamentals of Color and Appearance Book
All 2010 seminar attendees will also receive X-Rite's exclusive Fundamentals of Color and Appearance book. This industry acknowledged publication provides a logical and practical approach to solving color and appearance issues related to industrial applications.
Free Munsell Interactive Learning Kit
As part of the 2010 seminar tour, all attendees will receive the Munsell Interactive Learning Kit free of charge, a $90 value.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"Creating the Perfect Digital Negative/Classical Posing Bride & Groom"
"Creating the Perfect Digital Negative/Classical Posing Bride & Groom"
Lens Pro To Go
152 Commonwealth Ave
Unit M-1 Concord, MA 01742
Sunday, April 25, 2010
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
$69 Lunch Included, $89 at the door
Bring your lightmeter for calibration check
Call Frank 845.632.3001
A Photowalking Day at the Bronx Zoo
Joe DiMaggio
Sunday, May 16, 2010 9:30AM - 5:30PMPrice: $175.00
Registration deadline for this Workshop is May 9, 2010
Sign up here
*Important: Participants will meet at the Bronx Zoo, details of the Meeting Place and other pertinent information will be sent to registered participants by email on May 10, 2010.Please note, transportation and the entry fee to the zoo are not included in the price, and for directions to the zoo, please check the Bronx Zoo web site: www.bronxzoo.com
Course Description:
If you thrill at the thought of going on a photo safari to far away places such as Botswana to see a lion in the wild less than 30 feet from you, or you dream of being in Kruger National Park in South Africa facing a charging elephant, or tracking a man-eating, 17-foot long saltwater crocodile in Australia, or view the amazing sight of the magnificent tigers in Siberia, but you realize that packing up your photo gear and traveling to multiple continents while paying tens of thousands of dollars is not on your immediate agenda. As Joe DiMaggio tells it, ‘that’s a little over the top for most of us’, and right here in New York City, we have the Bronx Zoo, a world-class destination that features a wide selection of wild habitats from around the globe, the perfect place for an exciting photo safari that’s well within reach.
For Joe, The Bronx Zoo is the world’s greatest zoo, where you will have a better chance at getting a range of amazing wildlife photographs--all in one place-- and spend an incredible day filled with adventures. With so many animals (over 4,000 on 265 acres) and cutting-edge exhibits displaying incredible diversity, from the sea lions and seals, to the gorillas, wild dogs, giraffes, and the lions and tigers and bears-- oh my! -- your Photowalking day at the Bronx Zoo will be sure to be a memorable one.
Equipment: You want to go as light as possible and less is more--remember you will be walking and carrying your equipment all day! Bring your camera with one long zoom lens (70mm-200mm or 70mm-300mm), and if you have them, now is the time to break out your long glass: a 300mm or 400mm and extenders. Be sure to bring more memory cards and batteries than you think you will use, a cleaning cloth, and a strobe is optional. Feel free to carry along a lightweight tri-pod, but it's not required—monopods are highly recommended for long glass.
Clothing: Dress casually and comfortably with good walking shoes. We will mainly be outdoors, so dress appropriately for the weather of the day.
Level: All levels, from Photo Enthusiasts to Aspiring Pros
Joe DiMaggio
Joe DiMaggio’s broad range of photographic work has been featured for over three decades in publications like Time, Sports Illustrated, U. S. News and World Report and hundreds of other publications. His flair for advertising photography has netted him a client list of Fortune 500 corporations and prestigious advertising agencies. From having one of his well-known images - a Sports Illustrated cover of the Cooney-Holmes fight named as picture of the year by Time magazine to receiving a coveted invitation to join the International Olympic Committee, Joe’s talent, hard work and constant search for new and exciting pictures are readily apparent and constantly evolving. Equally at ease with pictures that move, DiMaggio has directed a number of commercials and short films. He recently directed a one-hour documentary special which aired on Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, titled, “The Last Shark Hunter’.
DiMaggio’s talent as a teacher has gained him a national reputation. He’s been featured on ABC-TV’s World of Photography and has hosted episodes of ESPN’s Canon Photo Safari with celebrity guests William Shatner and A.J. Langer. He has lectured to thousands of aspiring photographers in workshops around the world and has taught at the Maine Photographic Workshop as well as conducting his own workshops with partner JoAnne Kalish. For more information, please go to: www.dimaggio-kalish.com & www.dimaggio-kalishfineart.com
Price: $175.00
Schedule: Sunday, May 16, 2010 9:30AM - 5:30PM
Location: This Workshop meets at the Bronx Zoo, details of the Meeting Place and other pertinent information will be sent to registered participants by email on May 10, 2010.
Seeing New York in a Different Light: Night and Low Light Photography
Seeing New York in a Different Light: Night and Low Light Photography Jill Waterman
Sunday, March 28, 2010 2:30PM - 10:00PM
and Wednesday, April 7, 2010 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Price: $185.00
Registration deadline for this Workshop is March 21, 2010
Important: Participants will meet promptly at The Adorama Building for the classroom session, which will run from 2:30PM to 5:00PM. You’ll then have a light dinner break at a local restaurant from 5:00PM – 6:30PM and transit to the shoot location--which will be a Manhattan or Brooklyn site, to be determined based on projected weather conditions and site logistics--for shooting from 6:30PM-10:00PM (or later). (Meal cost and transportation is not included in the Workshop fee) Follow up session to review images will be at Adorama on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 from 6:00PM - 8:30PM.
All registered participants will receive an email on March 22, with shoot location and equipment details, so please be sure to register with an email you check frequently.
Course Description:
Join us for this introduction to capturing the city in a different light. This Workshop provides a detailed exploration of photography after dark through a mix of classroom presentation and shooting at night in NYC. We will begin the Workshop with a classroom segment, where participants will learn the tools and techniques used to photograph at night, as well as the conceptual foundation of night photography. In addition to Jill’s work, she will be showing images from her recently published book, Night and Low Light Photography, this includes photographs and the behind-the-scenes commentary about the methods that each of the thirty professionals used to make their photographs a success.
Technical and practical topics to be addressed include equipment considerations, ways to estimate nighttime exposures, color temperature and mixed lighting situations, digital image noise and how to interpret a histogram, light painting techniques, practical methods to convey a distinctive atmosphere and to bring the invisible to light. After the classroom presentation, and a short dinner break, you’ll be off on an adventure, applying what you learned, and discovering a few of the many spectacular sites in New York that are the perfect locations for night and low light photography.
This is an ideal course for any photographer with an interest to explore the world after dark. Attendees should be familiar with the basic functions of their camera, which can be either a digital or film-based model with full manual exposure capabilities, plus a cable release and tripod. Do remember to bring more memory cards (or film) and especially more batteries than you think you will use.
A complete list of optional night photography accessories and further details about our shoot location will be provided to registered attendees by email on March 22, 2010.
For this Workshop, please make sure to dress comfortably and in weather appropriate clothing, since we will be outside shooting after dark for several hours on the first night.
Level: Advanced beginner and up
Jill Waterman
Jill Waterman is a photographer, editor, author and educator based in New York City. She works for PDN Custom Media and Events as editor of the ASMP Bulletin, PDNedu, as well as numerous education and events projects. Jill has presented seminars and taught workshops for organizations such as PDN’s PhotoPlus Expo, the Society for Photographic Education, regional photography centers and schools nationwide. She has reviewed portfolios at Fotofest (Houston), Photo Lucida, FotoFusion, among many other photographic conferences. Jill's widely exhibited photographic work, The New Year’s Eve Project, has received notable press, including a 2003 appearance on NBC’s The Today Show. A night photography specialist, Jill’s first book, Night and Low Light Photography, was released by Amphoto books in August 2008 and has since been released as foreign language editions in Chinese and Czech. Her web addresses are: NewYearPhotos.com and NightPhotographyBook.com
Price: $185.00Schedule: Sunday, March 28, 2010 2:30PM - 10:00PM and Wednesday, April 7, 2010 6:00PM - 8:30PM Location: The Adorama Building, 42 West 18th St., 5th floor, for the afternoon classroom session and for the review session.
Overcoming Fear of Flash: Lighting Boot Camp
Overcoming Fear of Flash: Lighting Boot Camp Arlene Collins
Tuesday April 20 and Tuesday April 27, 2010 5:30PM - 8:30PMPrice: $150.00 [includes model fees]
Registration deadline for this Workshop is April 18, 2010
Course Description:
Do you suffer from ‘fear of flash’? Your strobe unit can and should be used creatively, not just as the main source of light when photographing indoors. Today’s sophisticated on-camera strobe units can appear to be complicated to master, but in fact are very simple. The Automatic, Manual and TTL modes are very useful--if you know how and when to use them. Most DSLR/SLR camera systems allow for easy use of wireless off-camera strobe and multi-strobe set ups. Now you can create a studio lighting set-up with on-camera strobe units, light an interior or paint with light outside -- completely wirelessly-- the creative possibilities are endless.
This Workshop will teach you how to master your on-camera strobe in the most challenging light situations. After reviewing a selection of your photographs, Arlene will discuss TTL, Automatic and Manual modes, bouncing light, and the use of light modifiers and gels. You will learn to use the strobe as the main source of light, for example photographing under low light situations at parties, using the strobe as a fill light to open up the shadow areas when photographing people outdoors under bright light, and multi-strobe set ups to create portrait lighting or to light a large interior and exterior area.
You will photograph models in real life situations during the Workshop session, using single and multi-strobe set-ups and will learn how to light an interior. This Workshop will give you the skills that will encourage you to be confident and creative with your strobe.
Participants must be able to use their camera in the manual exposure mode, setting the shutter speeds and aperture settings. And during the classes, participants will be required to use their flash in the TTL mode, as well as use their flash in a wireless multi-strobe set up.
For the first session, participants should bring a sample of their work, 10 images maximum (can be prints or jpeg files on a flash drive--make sure your images are in a folder with your name on it-- or CD) that illustrate lighting problems you've encountered with your photography.
Also for each Workshop session, bring your camera, lenses, strobe, an incident light meter is optional and all instruction manuals—don’t forget to include extra batteries and sufficient memory cards for the shoots. And bring items for note taking during both sessions of the Workshop. This Workshop is open to both digital and film shooters.
Level: Advanced Beginner on up
Biography: Arlene Collins
Arlene is a New York City based photographer, educator, lecturer, and freelance technical consultant, who specializes in editorial, documentary and commercial photography. Her strengths include teaching technique, composition, editing, night and low light photography and the use of compact strobes on location.
Arlene teaches master classes in her studio and leads travel photography workshops around the world. Having studied with Lisette Model, Arlene currently teaches at Parsons School of Design, the International Center of Photography, the Santa Fe Workshops and the Maine Photographic Workshops. Arlene has also taught at the Centro de la Imagen in Mexico City and the Photography Center in Istanbul, Turkey. Her web address is: http://www.arlene-collins.com/
Price: $150.00 [includes model fees]Schedule: Tuesday April 20 and Tuesday April 27, 2010 5:30PM - 8:30PMLocation: The Adorama Building, 42 West 18th Street, 5th floor.
Liberate Your Speedlight
Liberate Your Speedlight -- David Piazza, Technical Advisor, F.J. Wescott, Inc. Tuesday May 11, 2010
Afternoon Session: 2:00PM-4:00PM
Evening Session: 5:30PM-7:30PMPrice: $25.00
Registration deadline for this Seminar is May 9, 2010
Each attendee will receive a $25.00 coupon at the Seminar in exchange for a copy of their registration receipt. The coupon will be valid for 30 days towards the purchase of any merchandise when presented at either Adorama’s retail store at 42 West 18th Street, New York, or for an online purchase at www.adorama.com
Seminar Description:
Do you own a portable electronic flash for your DSLR, but don't like the results of keeping it on top of your camera? Do you feel that you are just not enjoying the full capability of your 580EXII or SB800, or any other expensive flash you bought for your camera?
Then the "Liberate Your Speedlight" is the Seminar for you. Take control of this powerful and adaptable light source, and learn how to use light modifiers and sophisticated exposure techniques to obtain stunning images.
Join David for a complete discussion of exactly how electronic flash works in conjunction with your camera, and how you can take advantage of the wireless capability of most of these little lighting powerhouses. Learn how to use your flash in manual mode, with radio slaves, as fill light outdoors, and other intriguing methods and techniques to get everything out of your flash that it is capable of doing.
Bring your camera with a mid range zoom lens, and speedlight(s), so you can learn first hand and see the results of different techniques and light modifiers. There will be a live model, and light modifiers will be provided so you can get the most out of this informative Seminar. Attendees should have a basic understanding of manual exposure and be able to set their DSLR for "custom" white balance.
Biography: David Piazza
Gaining a love for photography during high school, David Piazza received formal photographic training at Newcastle Polytechnic in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. Now with over 30 years of experience in the photographic industry, shooting weddings, portraits, event photography, and managing color labs, and presently Westcott Technical Advisor, David has also had the unique opportunity of working with the most renowned photographers in our industry today. Dave will walk you step by step through the basics of image capture and lighting into some of the most desired lighting techniques.
For more information: www.fjwestcott.com
Price: $25.00
Each attendee will receive a $25.00 coupon at the Seminar in exchange for a copy of their registration receipt. The coupon will be valid for 30 days towards the purchase of any merchandise when presented at either Adorama’s retail store at 42 West 18th Street, New York, or for an online purchase at www.adorama.com
Schedule: Tuesday May 11, 2010 Afternoon Session: 2:00PM-4:00PMEvening Session: 5:30PM-7:30PMLocation: The Adorama Building, 42 West 18th Street 5th floor.
Spring 2010 Workshops
I will post details about a couple of them later...
Spring is almost here...and our Spring 2010 Workshops@Adorama registration is on! Spring is almost here, and we've scheduled lots of great Workshops@Adorama events for this session. It's been a crazy winter, hasn't it? But fear not, spring is just around the corner and you can get ready to warm up your photographic skills by taking one of the many Workshops@Adorama. We've just posted our schedule of Workshops through May, including plenty of new courses, the most popular favorites, and very special upcoming sessions with Joe McNally and Moose Peterson! Click here for a complete list of the Workshops@Adorama Spring session.
There's still time to sign up, and a few spaces available for these March Workshops:
Mar 17: The Nikon D90: Engineered for Artistry...Unleash Your Potential(Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
Mar 18: The Magic of Photography: When It All Comes Together, An Evening with Joe DiMaggio (Sponsored by Adorama and Sigma)
Mar 21: Introduction to Portrait Photography with Pauline St. Denis
Mar 21 & 23: Capturing the Beauty of Orchids with Allen Rokach
Mar 25: Hands-on with Nikon Wireless Flash...Something you will want to try at home!with Paul Van Allen (Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
Mar 28: Digital Food Photography: Creating Delectable Images with Lou Manna
Mar 28: ABC's of Digital Photography and Digital SLRs with Steven Hirsch
Mar 28: Photowalking in Lower Manhattan with Joe DiMaggio
Mar 28 & April 7: Seeing New York in a Different Light: Night and Low Light Photographywith Jill Waterman
Highlights of the April Workshops:
April 8: The Canon PowerShot G-series: G11 & G10 In-depth (Sponsored by Adorama and Canon). We have both an afternoon and evening session for this event.
April 25: Photowalking with Joe DiMaggio: Exploring Brooklyn's DUMBO
April 25: Still Life Photography: Making Products Sparkle with Just One Light with Lou MannaApril 29: Filmmaking with the Pentax K-7: The Making of Uncle Jack(Sponsored by Adorama and Pentax)
Our new April Workshops:
April 13: Adobe Photoshop Elements for Windows and Mac with Scott Citron
April 22: Intro to Sports Photography (Sponsored by Adorama and Canon)
April 28: Taking Photo Printing to a Higher Level with Canon's Pro Series Mark II Printers(Sponsored by Adorama and Canon)
And back by popular request in April:
April 14: Capture NX2: Powerful Tools for Quick & Easy Photo Editing(Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
April 18: Digital Wedding Photography: Art, Business, and Style with Steve Sint April 20 & 27: Overcoming Fear of Flash: Lighting Boot Camp with Arlene Collins
April 21: Adobe Photoshop for Beginners with Maria Ferrari
Special Events with Joe McNally and Moose Peterson in May:
May 5: An Evening of Big Light from Small Flashes with Joe McNally(Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
May 13: It's the Person Behind the Camera that Counts! An Evening with Moose Peterson (Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
May 14: A Stroll in the Park with Moose (Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
Highlights of the May Workshops:
May 6: The Canon EOS-1D Mark IV: Speed. Strength. And Stunning Images.(Sponsored by Adorama and Canon)
May 11: Liberate Your Speedlight (sponsored by Adorama and Wescott)We have both an afternoon and evening session for this event.
May 12: Printing Your Photography for The Fine Art Market: Shooting Your Way to Success (Sponsored by Adorama and Pictorico). This is an afternoon event.
May 16: On Photo Safari with Joe DiMaggio: A Photowalking Day at the Bronx Zoo
And a number of our most popular Workshops are back in May:
May 2: ABC's of Digital Photography and Digital SLRs with Steven Hirsch
May 2: Digital Food Photography: Creating Delectable Images with Lou Manna
May 16: Digital Portrait Photography: Art, Business, and Style with Steve Sint
May 23: Making Great Print-on-Demand PhotoBooks with Jean Miele
May 23: Photowalking in Lower Manhattan with Joe DiMaggio
May 25: The Nikon D90: Engineered for Artistry...Unleash Your Potential (Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon)
May 26: D300s/D300/D700-Evolution In Motion (Sponsored by Adorama and Nikon) Seating is limited; our Workshop events sell out quickly, so sign up now and don't be disappointed!
Be sure to visit the Workshops@Adorama homepage often to explore the latest listing of courses and to register.Advance registration is required for all WorkshopsUnless otherwise indicated, Workshops take place in The Adorama Building, 42 West 18th St (on the 5th floor), New York, New YorkWe look forward to seeing you!If you have any questions or need assistance in registering, please contact Carl Nilson, Monday-Thursday, from 9:00AM-6:00PM by email at carln@adorama.com or by phone at 212-741-0401 ext. 2216.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
An evening with Canon Explorer of Light Parish Kohanim
Elevating Your Creative Voice
An evening with Canon Explorer of Light Parish Kohanim
Wednesday March 31, 2010, 7:00–10:00pm
In his presentation renowned commercial photographer Parish Kohanim will share his life-long experiences, philosophy and transcendence through the art of photography. He will address how to stay ahead in this competitive and changing economy. Parish gives inspiration and challenges each person to do their absolute best and continue to grow in their art.
Parish Kohanim has worked commercially for many Fortune 500 Companies, IBM, Coca-Cola, and DeBeers just to name a few! Parish's work has appeared on the pages of Vogue Magazine, Harper's Bazzar, Forbes, Time, and Newsweek. Having an insatiable desire to explore and expand his artistic horizons, he still remains true to his approach to simplicity and to the visual dialogue that is intuitive and innate. Check out the feature article about Parish and his work in Digital Photo Pro. This is an evening you do not want to miss...
LOCATIONLens Pro to Go152 Commonwealth Ave.,Unit M-1, C,Concord, MA 01742
Please check their Directions page for parking directions.
Registration: 6:00–7:00pmProgram: 7:00–10:00pm
Cost: CIPNE + ASMP Members, Free; Non-members; $10.
Pre-registration is required for this program.
(Non-members may pay by PayPal)Please note: on-line registration closes march 29th.
Monday, March 15, 2010
WORKSHOP with Sean Kernan Creativity for Photographers
WORKSHOP with Sean Kernan Creativity for Photographers and Others
March 27, Saturday, 10am - 4pm$125.
click to visit the gallery calendar page and sign up for this workshop.You may also email Art@JenniferJaneGallery.com to sign-up or request more info.This one-day workshop is an exploration, through direct experience, of the creativity that happens long before our photographs. It is an on-your-feet experience for photographers and artists in any medium, using theater improvisation, music, movement, brushwork, observational note-taking, etc. The point is not to do these things well, but to get us into the expansive experience that is the creative state and to get us to trust processes that we can't see or describe.Most photographers hope that a flash of such awareness will show up at the right time, but, you don't have to wait for it to happen. There are ways to go looking for it, and we'll explore them.It is serious, but it is also play, kind of like a day of Arts Summer Camp, but in Winter.
For more info and to sign-up please email ART@JenniferJaneGallery.com
from Tim Grey
Directly from Tim Grey's DDQ
Today's Question:
Regarding yesterday's question, given that Bridge comes as part of Photoshop and so is completely integrated, what possible reason could there be to use Breeze Browser anyway? I know Mr. Morris is high on Breeze Browser but I can't see the benefit of a separate application when I've got one built in. Is there something I'm missing?
Tim's Answer:
I wouldn't say there's something your missing, per se, but rather that there are obviously a variety of solutions available for a given set of needs, and a variety of reasons a photographer might choose one solution over another. Some of this comes down to familiarity and comfort level. In the case of Arthur Morris, he has developed a very efficient workflow for sorting and reviewing his images with Breeze Browser. He is very familiar with the many different features and capabilities of Breeze Browser, and thus is able to take full advantage of what it has to offer. So in his case, the question might be, "Why make a switch to something I'm not familiar with, even though it offers some benefits in terms of integration?" Sure, Bridge comes with Photoshop at no extra charge, whereas you would need to buy Breeze Browser, so it might not seem very compelling. But Breeze Browser is considerably faster at a variety of tasks compared to Bridge, so there is most certainly some very real advantages.
One of the things I attempt to underscore on a regular basis is that there often isn't a single correct answer for all photographers under all circumstances. And sometimes there isn't even necessarily a clear winner, despite the fact that when you get down to some of the specific details there are certainly differences. I also try to remind photographers that in many cases the best solution is the one you're already using, because it is a solution you're familiar with and comfortable with. There's no sense changing just for the sake of change, and if something is working for you, you'd really need a strong reason to make a switch (or at least I think it is a good idea to ensure you have a strong reason).
So, if you feel like Bridge is meeting your needs, I don't think you should be compelled to make a change. However, if you find there are frustrations (such as that Bridge can be a bit slow at times) or features you'd like that aren't available (for example, geo-tagging images, which is supported by Breeze Browser).
I do think it makes sense to periodically take a look at alternative solutions to see if something better (for your specific workflow and needs) might be available. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases you can download a free trial version of software applications to try them out for yourself and see whether it might provide a good solution for you.
There are many arguments in favor of many different solutions. Some of these come down to perceived stability of the company that produces the software, personal preference, specific performance metrics, particular features, and many other considerations. Often a choice comes down more to nuance than clear advantages, and I think that's OK. The bottom line is, I don't think you should feel compelled to consider any particular application, but I do think it is a good idea to be aware of what's out there so you gain a better sense of what your best option is, and so that your decision is a deliberate one.
Become a Member
The Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter is free to receive, but paid Ask Tim Grey Members receive special benefits, including:
Discounts on all purchases made through the Tim Grey online store
Opportunity to submit questions to be considered for inclusion in the Ask Tim Grey eNewsletter.
Discounts and special offers available only to Members.
Access to the full archive of previous emails (going back over eight years) with search capability.
The knowledge you are supporting this valuable service.
Details on becoming a member can be found here:www.timgrey.com/asktimgrey/
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fun place to visit
The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California. It is a circular area of effect around 150 feet or 46 meters in diameter. Within the Mystery Spot you will be stunned as your perceptions of the laws of physics and gravity are questioned. But don't take our word for it, come and decide for yourself!
The Mystery Spot was discovered in 1939 by a group of surveyors and opened to the public in 1940. The Mystery Spot has amazed and perplexed hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world, and many return time and time again to experience these puzzling variations of gravity, perspective, and height.
Some speculate that cones of metal were secretly brought here and buried in our earth as guidance systems for their spacecraft. Some think that it is in fact the spacecraft itself burried deep within the ground. Other theories include carbon dioxide permeating from the earth, a hole in the ozone layer, a magma vortex, the highest dielectric biocosmic radiation known anywhere in the world, and radiesthesia. Whatever the cause is, it remains a mystery.
The Mystery Spot is fun for all ages! It is a great place to spend a few hours with the whole family from the 45 minute fully guided tour to our wonderful hiking trail. We have a gift store with all things Mystery Spot and more! Come and join us for a refreshing day of outdoor fun!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
New eBook, Digital Wildflower Photography
Lisa's note: I have not read this book, just passing along information...
New eBook, Digital Wildflower Photography, is now available! $12.95
Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll learn in this 55-page eBook:
- What equipment you need for photographing wildflowers.
- How to setup your shot to create pleasing compositions and maximize sharpness.
- How to choose the right aperture to ensure all parts of the flower are tack sharp, and to isolate the flower against its background.
- How to find the perfect exposure by using tools like the RGB histogram (complete with a step-by-step example).
- The secret to getting perfect light, and what to do when you can’t wait for that perfect light.
- How to photograph butterflies (including how to maximize sharpness and how to get closer to butterflies without scaring them away).
- How to compose landscapes of wildflowers and include the three essential elements.
- How to post-process your photos with Adobe Photoshop to reduce noise, increase contrast and saturation, make small adjustments to exposure, and make your images super sharp (tutorials apply to both Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements 8).
Steve Berardi is a naturalist, photographer, computer scientist, and founder of PhotoNaturalist. You can usually find him hiking in the beautiful mountains and deserts of Southern California. His photographs have been used by the National Wildlife Federation and Nature Photographer Magazine.
5 great apps for nature photographers
5 great apps for nature photographers
Steve Berardi is a naturalist, photographer, computer scientist, and founder of PhotoNaturalist. You can usually find him hiking in the beautiful mountains and deserts of Southern California.
Friday, March 12, 2010
All of these from a great site: http://www.atncentral.com/
Topaz releases Topaz Adjust 4, the easiest way to make your photos pop. (Our review contains a special, limited time offer.) Now through March 15, get this great Photoshop plug-in for $10 off the regular price (a $49.94 value for $39.95) through this Adjust 4 offer using the coupon code "newadjust".
Photographer's SEO Book, a new electronic manual providing step-by-step search engine optimization for photographers. Your guide to getting your images seen and purchased by those who need them. Provides tons useful information in a succinct, easily digestible format.
Photomatix Pro, the leading HDR conversion program, is available at a special price to Action Central users. Go to HDRSoft, enter the discount code "atncentral" at checkout and receive a 15% discount.
Grab a 15% discount on rtall Nik Software plug-ins and suites. Enter Promo Code "atncentral" at checkout. Try the trial version of Viveza2! If you purchase, be sure to enter promo code "atncentral" to get 15% off.
Nik Software offers dozens of free presets for Silver Efex Pro. If you are new to this great tool, you can download a free trial version. If you decide to buy, be sure to enter "atncentral" at checkout for 15% discount.
Two outstanding photography programs, both from National Geographic
In the coming week PBS will be airing two outstanding photography programs, both from National Geographic.The first is "At Close Range" with staff photographer Joel Sartore. Though it's a repeat, the imagery is just as stunning, the story just as interesting the second (or third) time around. You can read my previous post on Joel here.The second is a new show "Top Ten Photos of the Year", in it editors and photographers discuss the stories and details behind National Geographic's ten most memorable photos of 2009.
To find out when these programs will be on in your area you can check your local listings here.
10 Places to Find Photographic Inspiration
"One thing that will kill your creativity faster than anything else is the critic. Ignore negative people. They exist for one reason – to steal your inspiration. Look at them and treat them like thieves. Stay away from them. Exclude them from your life. The trolls can’t do what you can do so they have no choice but to try to make themselves feel better by cutting you down. Don’t fall for it. The most inspirational thing you can do is surround yourself with people who support your photographic efforts. Find people who are rooting for you to win – not people who are hoping (and helping) you find find failure."
Read the whole article here: 10 Places to Find Photographic Inspiration
NASA Creates Stunning Images of Earth in New ‘Blue Marble’ Series
NASA Creates Stunning Images of Earth in New ‘Blue Marble’ Series
To see full resolutions of the images, and to read more about the teamwork and technology used to capture them, visit NASA’s Visible Earth website. After that, make sure to compare them to the original 1972 “Blue Marble” picture taken by the Apollo 17 space crew.
Connecticut Association of Photographers presents Spring Workshops
classes are filling up, register soon!
Connecticut Association of Photographers Presents Spring Workshops, Saturday, April 17, 2010 Holiday Inn, 201 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT
Morning Seminar Choices – Pro Show Gold or Basics of Digital Photography
Each seminar is $35 for CAP members and $45 for non-CAP members ($45 seminar fee includes seminar and membership in CAP through July 2011)
Choice One: 9-11:45 Pro Show Gold presented by Lisa and Tom Cuchara
One of the advantages of digital photography is that you can take LOTS and LOTS of photographs. But one of the disadvantages is that you have LOTS and LOTS of photographs IN YOUR COMPUTER! Yes you print a few, email a few, perhaps you even have a Flickr or Smugmug account and share your photos with friends and family, but most of your photos are probably stuck in your computer, seen by few people. This is where ProShow Gold comes in. In just a few minutes you can drop your photos and favorite music into ProShow Gold and have a MOVIE for everyone to see. Take photos from a recent trip, birthday, graduation, holiday, or family event or a special selection of your best that you want to showcase and let us show you how EASY making a movie with ProShow Gold really is.
Lisa and Tom will discuss how to: create slideshows for different purposes, combine photos, music and text, organize photos for your slideshow, drag and drop photos into your show, add motion to still photographs, add intrigue to your photos with special effects and some of the 280 transitions, and how to output your slideshow and share it with other people via DVD, Blu-ray, CD, or output your show to portable devices like iPhones, Blackberry, etc.
We highly recommend that you bring your laptop for this workshop. If you do not have a laptop and are someone that can learn from watching please feel free to register and follow along.
Please come with your computer loaded with a FREE trial version of ProShow Gold (you can download it at http://www.photodex.com/downloads/products/proshow/gold).
Choice Two: 9-11:45 Basics of Digital Photography presented by Harold Sisken
This is a basic introductory program to increase your understanding of the digital camera. Topics that will be covered are, ISO, white balance, file formats, such as Raw, and JPEG, and an explanation of histograms to give an understanding of the important exposure information provided by your camera. The program will cover techniques for taking better pictures, composition, lighting, and other items to improve the quality of your photographs. There will be a discussion of close-up photography, zoo photography, and other areas of photography.
11:45- 1:15 Lunch (many choices along Washington Avenue or at Harry’s Restaurant within Holiday Inn)
Afternoon Seminar Choices – Photoshop CS3/CS4 or Photoshop Elements
Each seminar is $35 for CAP members and $45 for non-CAP members ($45 seminar fee includes seminar and membership in CAP through July 2011)
ChoiceOne: 1:15-4:00 Photoshop CS3/CS4 presented by Lisa and Tom Cuchara
Lisa and Tom will discuss the use of Photoshop as a tool in the “digital darkroom”. They will demonstrate “non-destructive” editing techniques. They will walk you thru adjustment layers like levels, hue/saturation, color balance and black and white, show you some of the most often used filters (such as artistic, sharpen, blur) and demonstrate some popular editing tools (such as crop, clone, patch, heal, dodge, burn). In addition they will show you how to apply an effect to a selected area of your photograph. They will introduce you to masking via a simple approach using black and white and color. This program is designed for people who are computer literate and assumes that you are familiar with the basic computer skills common to all program such as file open, close, minimize, maximize, etc.
We highly recommend that you bring your laptop for this workshop. Please come with your computer loaded with a Photoshop CS3 or CS4. If you do not own Photoshop then please download the free trial of CS4 at http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/photoshop/ before the class. If you do not have a laptop and are someone that can learn from watching please feel free to register and follow along.Choice Two: 1:15-4:00 Photoshop Elements presented by Hazel Meredith
You've bought your first copy of Adobe's Photoshop Elements. Now what do you do with it? This seminar will review the basic functions of the program and help you organize, find, and edit your images. I will be demonstrating using version 7, but the techniques apply to most versions of Elements. We will begin with downloading your photos from your memory card to the Organizer in Elements. We will review the workflow of your image, beginning with Layers - why they are important and what they do. Next, I will demonstrate basic editing techniques - cropping, resizing, straightening; fixing color and lighting; fixing "problem" areas (reducing wrinkles,
zapping blemishes, enhancing eyes); a few basic filters; and finally, sharpening. As time allows we will move in to some of the more "creative" techniques of combining two photos (changing the sky, changing the background); frames; adding type; and more.
We highly recommend that you bring your laptop for this workshop loaded with Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 or 8. If you do not have a laptop and are someone that can learn from watching please feel free to register and follow along.
• Each seminar is $35 for CAP members and $45 for non-CAP members ($45 seminar fee includes seminar and membership in CAP through July 2011). If a non-CAP member selects two seminars (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) the second seminar will be at the member price.
• Registration fee is non-refundable after April 14, 2010. Contact capinct2@optonline.net to cancel
• Seating is limited. Register early. Registration deadline is April 1, 2010.
• If you are using a laptop you might find having a mouse and mouse pad more comfortable. Power strips will be provided at each workshop table for use with your laptop. If you do not have a laptop and are someone that can learn from watching please feel free to register and follow along.
• Questions Contact: Antoinette Gombeda at capinct2@optonline.net
Reservation Form
Send Reservations and Check to: CAP, Inc., P.O. Box 124, Cheshire, CT 06410
Each seminar is $35 for CAP members and $45 for non-CAP members ($45 seminar fee includes
seminar and membership in CAP through July 2011).
Registration Deadline April 1, 2010
Morning Seminar Choices (Circle One) – Pro Show Gold or Basics of Digital Photography $____
Afternoon Seminar Choices (Circle One) – Photoshop CS3/CS4 or Photoshop Elements $_____
Name ____________________________________
Phone Number __________________
E-mail __________________________________
Thursday, March 11, 2010
25 Million Digital Cameras to Be Sold in U.S. in 2010
As part of the recently completed PMA 2010 trade show, the Worldwide Community of Imaging Associations has released its U.S. Photo Industry 2010 forecast report, and it contains some interesting information regarding the American photography market for the upcoming year. The forecast says: 22.7 million point and shoot cameras and 2.1 million DSLR cameras are expected to be sold in the United States in 2010.
Read the rest here: 25 Million Digital Cameras to Be Sold in U.S. in 2010
Canon’s Instant Savings Now In Effect
Not to be outdone by Nikon’s instant rebates, Canon has also released a number of instant savings deals, many of them focused around the EOS 7D and EOS 5D Mark II, especially when combined with a Canon lens. These instant savings are effective the moment you purchase the camera, so there’s nothing to print out or mail in. Check out the links below at B&H Photo to explore the various savings, good till April 3.
Canon EOS 7D at B&H Photo $100 Instant Savings
w/ EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens $200 off.
w/ EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Image Stabilizer USM Autofocus Lens $100 off.
w/ EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Lens and EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens $200 off.
w/ EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens $100 off.
w/ EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens and EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens $200 off.
Canon Telephoto EF 200mm f/2L IS USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $500 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $1000 off.
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Lens at B&H Photo $65 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $130 off.
Canon Zoom Super Wide Angle EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $100 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $200 off.
Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $130 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $260 off.
Canon Fisheye EF 15mm f/2.8 Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $45 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $90 off.
Canon Normal EF 50mm f/1.2L USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $100 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $200 off.
Canon Telephoto EF 100mm f/2.0 USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $30 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $60 off.
Canon Telephoto EF 135mm f/2.8 Autofocus Lens Soft Focus at B&H Photo $35 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $70 off.
Canon Zoom Wide Angle-Telephoto EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Autofocus Lens at B&H Photo $80 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $160 off.
Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8 Normal Tilt Shift Manual Focus Lens for EOS at B&H Photo $80 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $160 off.
Canon Speedlite 580EX II at B&H Photo $25 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $50 off.
Canon 430EX II Speedlite TTL Shoe-Mount Flash at B&H Photo $15 Instant Savings
w/ Purchase of Canon EOS 5D Mark II $30 off.