Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Images: Andy Ly and Alvin Ing, Light and Motion Photography
Music: "A Sky Full of Stars". Coldplay
This is awesome!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Come join us at a Macro and Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop

Come join us at a Macro and Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop

  • Come join us a Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop.
    Photograph Glassware, Fruit, smoke, dancing paint, water drops, flowers, still life, etc., etc.
    Bring your camera & tripod, Tom and Lisa will help you create great images! We will help you with your settings, compositions, etc. We will be walking around helping you create great images. More INFO and Sign up here
    When: Sunday Jan 25th: 10:30-5

Monday, December 15, 2014

Night photography and Christmas and HDR inside Gillette Castle.

Night photography and Christmas and HDR inside Gillette Castle.

Still spots open for Night photography outside and the Holiday decorated Castle inside. Night photography and Christmas and HDR inside Gillette Castle.
Sign up here: 

Hope you can join us!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Selling Nikon D600 Camera Body in excellent condition - $999.

Selling Nikon D600 Camera Body in excellent condition - $999.
24.3MP FX format CMOS
Full Frame Camera

Complete with:
En-EL15 Lithium Ion Battery & Charger
USB Cable for Nikon
Monitor Cover, Rubber Eyecup
Nikon Strap (new)
Body cap, Eyepiece shield, Nikon View NX2 CD Rom
Original Box, Manuals

In Addition selling Kirk L-Bracket for Nikon D600 - $90

If interested contact Lisa Keller 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Art in the Hallway Photo Show

Art in the Hallway Photo Show

Please come see my show at Art in the Hallway (old AT&T building in New Haven)!
Denise Saldaña

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Fred Rosenthal

Fred Rosenthal is having a photo show featuring images from his month long trip to Austria. Please join him for his artist's reception! The show ill be on display until January 31st. 

Topaz Glow

Topaz Glow
Let's end 2014 with glowing colors!

From December 9th through December 31st, we're running a promotion on our newest product: Topaz Glow.  Please use the coupon code 'INTROGLOW' and take advantage of the introductory price of $49.99 (regularly $69.99).

and Mac lovers will be pleased, as they can finally have a Fractalius look for their photos

Glow can be used as a stand-alone or a plugin to transform your photos from dull to dazzling. Containing more than 70 unconventional and quirky filters, you can infuse your images with neon, graphic, liquid and other electrifying effects.

The technology behind Glow seeks out the unexplored lines and patterns in your images and illuminates them.

Please use the coupon code 'INTROGLOW' and take advantage of the introductory price of $49.99 (regularly $69.99).

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Come join us at a Macro and Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop

Come join us at a Macro and Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop

  • Come join us a Photo Hi-Jinx (photo setup) Workshop.
    Photograph Glassware, Fruit, smoke, dancing paint, water drops, flowers, still life, etc., etc.
    Bring your camera & tripod, Tom and Lisa will help you create great images! We will help you with your settings, compositions, etc. We will be walking around helping you create great images. More INFO and Sign up here
    When: Sunday Jan 25th: 10:30-5

Monday, December 1, 2014

PSA offers free image evaluation

PSA offers free image evaluation for their members through their web site

Just click on the “Education” tab on the PSA homepage and check out the Image Evaluation section.

You can send up to three images at a time. Feedback is very prompt.

Yes, you have to be a PSA member.

Kitchenography: The Art Of Kitchen Photography

Kitchenography: The Art Of Kitchen Photography

"you don’t have to travel too far afield to encounter worthy subject matter, it now occurs to me you don’t even have to leave your home! Take your kitchen (or mine) for example: here is to be found fruits & vegetables, glassware, cutlery, pots & pans, things in bottles, etc., all kinds of good stuff. If you really get into this, you could take your (hand-held) camera to the farmer’s market or grocery store and take external shots (as I did with several of these). Certain vegetables (and fruits) seem to lend themselves to this sort of thing." Read the entire article here: Kitchenography: The Art Of Kitchen Photography

Red Cabbage

"Consider this as a challenge or assignment: open your refrigerator and see how many items could work as subject matter (do enough of this and you’ll never look at certain fruits and / or vegetables the same way!). Additionally, some vegetables, if they’ve been around for awhile (or not stored properly), can develop roots or new sprouts. Pattern possibilities abound." Read the entire article here: Kitchenography: The Art Of Kitchen Photography

Garlic Rootlets

Uncooked Spaghetti

Read the entire article here: Kitchenography: The Art Of Kitchen Photography

Today’s Takeaway:

1) If you can see it, you can photograph it.
2) It ain’t the camera, it’s the eyeball / brain (imagination) behind it.

Take Care & Stay Aware (starting in your kitchen!), Warren

Warren Krupsaw, a one-time student (and house guest) of Ansel Adams is a nature photographer concentrating on landscape & detail. After participating in the first year of a new graduate program in Photography at M.I.T. with Minor White, he earned his M.F.A. in Photography under Harry Callahan at the R.I.S.D. in 1968. Gallery: Book: Portraits of Passion and Other Dalliances

Sunday, November 30, 2014

EOS 7D Mark II Tutorial Series

EOS 7D Mark II Tutorial Series

Learn how to use the features and functions of the EOS 7D Mark II in these instructional tutorials, hosted by Canon Digital Learning Center Technical Advisor, Rudy Winston. These videos will give you the information you need to make the most of this camera, and hit the ground running in any shooting situation.

Topics include:

  • Taking advantage of the broad AF area coverage
  • Utilize the functions in the intelligent viewfinder
  • Controlling AI Servo AF to track your moving subjects
  • Using the new Full HD video features in real life situations
  • Controlling the look of your images with the new exposure control functions
  • Fine tuning custom controls to get it to respond with certain features to the way you like it to work in your hand

(6 Videos) EOS 7D Mark II Tutorial Series

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gitzo tripod for sale

please contact Jim if you are interested...

Hi Lisa,

I'm passing this on to local friends.

Because I'm a Bogen/Gitzo dealer I can get a personal purchase every couple years.  I've been using the Gitzo 3530LSV for a few years.  Last year I bought the latest model of the same pod just because I can and planned to sell my old one.  Still using the old one as it's just as good but figured I might as well put it into use.  New one goes for over $900.   I have the box and anything that came with it like the accessory video bowl as well.

It shows signs of use for sure but only cosmetic and works perfectly.

It's also customized with a disk under the legs that keep them from folding under the pod when you fold and lift over your shoulder etc.  I wouldn't use one without this mod.  It can easily be removed though if someone doesn't want it.  It also is a safety so even if the top plate came loose it wouldn't go anywhere.

I'd like to get $500 for it.  If you know anyone that might want one I'm always glad to do local instead of online.  Great pod.  I just put in my newsletter which is local too but first come first served for sure. 


The Fat Robin Wild Bird and Nature Shop
3000 Whitney Ave.  Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free U.S.  1-866-Fat-Robin 

Jim Zipp Bird Photography

Friday, November 28, 2014

Check out the Black Friday Sales at Hunt's Photo.

Check out the Black Friday Sales at Hunt's Photo.

Topaz Sale -- all 15 products

Topaz Sale. Tom and I use Topaz all the time, our favorite plugin! Check out their plugins here

From November 28th through December 1st, the Topaz Photography Collection (all 15 products) is on sale for only $249.99. Whether you want to achieve stunning photo enhancements or apply artistic effects, this unique collection has you covered.

Use coupon code 'BLACKFRIDAY2014'

Check out their plugins here

All 15 products for only $249.99! (originally$429.99)
Get 50% off the Topaz Photography Collection
purchase here
Whether you're a new user or you've been waiting to complete your collection, the time to buy is now! Don't miss out on our Black Friday/Cyber Monday* deal (over 40% in savings) by applying the code BLACKFRIDAY2014 at checkout.

TheTopaz Photography Collection includes:

Adjust - Magical contrast, detail, and color adjustments. InFocus - Sharpen your image by removing shake and motion blur.
B&W Effects -Develop stunning black and white photography. Lens Effects - Creative effects derived from real-world lens and filters.
Clarity - Flawless image definition through intelligent contrast. ReMask - The quickest and easiest way to mask your photo.
Clean - Creative smoothing effects with edge and texture control. ReStyle - Over 1000 unique photographic effects.
DeJPEG - Increase the image quality of your JPEG photos. Simplify - Create art by selectively removing image details.
DeNoise - Excels at removing noise while preserving image detail. Star Effects - Add realistic star and lighting effects to your photos.
Detail - Creative detail enhancement with no halos or artifacts. photoFXlab - Standalone image editor specializing in image effects.
Impression - Turn your photos into art with real brushstrokes.

BP4U guides on sale


black friday-2014-BP4U

It's our BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! Save 93% off ALL photography products! This weekend only!! Use code SAVE93 to redeem this deal. Offer ends at midnightPST on Monday, December 1st! >>>

Michael Frye, Your Digital Guide to Yosemite Photography

The Photographer's Guide to Yosemite iPhone App

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mirror Lockup

Mirror Lockup

  • If you use a high quality tripod, mirror lockup makes no difference at all.
  • On unsteady or cheap tripods and heads, mirror lockup made a profound difference but the difference was ONLY noticeable between 1/80th down to 3″ shutter speeds. Same if you are trying to hand hold 1/80th, 1/60, 1/30th.
  • The shutter speed most prone to vibration problems was 1/40th on the cameras I tested.  
  • All other shutter speeds showed no difference in sharpness with or without mirror lockup.  At fast shutter speeds, mirror lockup makes no real difference because there simply isn’t much time for the vibration to impact the photo.  At longer shutter speeds such as those used for night photography, the vibration only occurs during a tiny fraction of the overall exposure time, so it isn’t noticed.
  •  It is important to remember that using mirror lockup certainly will not hurt the sharpness of your pictures, but I find that being overly burdened with too many camera settings negatively impacts my ability to make a great photo.
  • If you don’t yet have a professional tripod and ballhead then MLU is one setting you should pay attention to when using shutter speeds between 1/80 and 3 seconds.
Read the whole article here: Mirror Lockup Is a Conspiracy

About Jim Harmer. Jim Harmer is the founder of Improve Photography, host of the popular Improve Photography Podcast, author, and complete photography geek.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Back Button Focusing – Easier than you think!

Back Button Focusing – Easier than you think!

In this article you’ll learn what back button focusing is, and how to back button focus for Canon and Nikon cameras.

What is back button focusing?

The camera usually focuses when the shutter button is pressed half way down, and then the photographer takes the picture when the button is pressed in fully.  Back button autfocus makes it so the shutter button doesn’t control the focus activation at all, but instead assigns another button on the back of the camera (hence the name) to activate focusing on the camera.

Read the article here: Back Button Focusing

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Totally Rad sale

Totally Rad sale 

I love their DIRTY PICTUREs, actions and LR presets

This Friday, November 28, 2014, save 35% off everything in our store. Don’t miss this chance to stock up on Pro Photographers’ favorite editing tools.

Enter BLACKFRIDAY2014 at checkout and save 35% on your entire purchase.


We make tools for photographers of all levels, workflows and styles. Whether you want fast, one-click editing, simple and powerful portrait retouching, or the most accurate film emulation on the market, we have a tool for every photographer.



Click here for the Totally Rad sale 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Topaz Sale

Topaz Sale

Tom and I use Topaz all the time, our favorite plugin!

Check out their plugins here

From November 28th through December 1st, we're offering our Topaz Photography Collection (all 15 products) for only $249.99. Whether you want to achieve stunning photo enhancements or apply artistic effects, this unique collection has you covered

Use coupon code 'BLACKFRIDAY2014'

Check out their plugins here

EFSC: Why it’s Amazing, and Why You Need to be Using it

EFSC: Why it’s Amazing, and Why You Need to be Using it

"Chances are have probably never heard of Electronic First Shutter Curtain or EFSC for short, but don’t worry, most people that have it don’t even know anything about it. Here’s the important thing to understand about EFSC: it can make a major difference in image quality by completely eliminating image blur due to shutter vibration. After using EFSC for a couple of months now I have one word to describe it, amazing!"

"The reason you haven’t heard about EFSC is that Canon and Sony promote it as a feature that reduces shutter noise and not about shutter vibration reduction. Popular sites like DPReview and imaging-resource only discuss the noise reduction aspect of the EFSC and don’t even mention the elimination of shutter vibration and the resulting benefit in image quality."

What Cameras Have EFSC?
Canon DSLRs: Canon 5DII, 5DIII, 7D, 6D, 40D, 50D, 70D, and entry level models (rebels in the US) have EFSC. The 60D has EFSC but it does not reduce vibration. None of the 1D series has EFSC except for the 1DX.

Sony A and E mount cameras. There is a big issue right now with the new Sony A7/A7R. It turns out that while the A7 has EFSC the A7R does not.

Panasonic MFT cameras with EFSC or silent mode are limited to a few bodies.

Nikon: Only a single Nikon camera, the Nikon 1, has EFSC (actually the Nikon 1 has a full electronic shutter). Its hard to believe that Nikon doesn’t offer a single DSLR with EFSC!

Read the whole article here: EFSC: Why it’s Amazing, and Why You Need to be Using it

For more information on EFSC, including comments from Chuck Westfall, see Charles Krebs site:



Why is my viewfinder blurry?

Why is my viewfinder blurry?

Next to your viewfinder, there is small dial with a plus(+) and minus(-) sign next to it. This is called the diopter and it measures the optical power of the lens.


Photographers Ephermeris Desktop

Photographers Ephermeris Desktop Program was discontinued in September 2014

The Photographer's Ephemeris depended on Google Maps for Flash API and Google discontinued Google Maps for Flash API as of September 2014.  TPE desktop program will no longer function.

However, TPE did create a web-based app to replace the desktop program you have installed on your computer. And, it's still free!
Click here for more information.

Tutorial: Back Button Focus for Canon

copied from :
"Canon was the first camera manufacturer to implement back button focus in 1989 and has put the feature in all DSLR models made in the last 8 or 9 years (yes, even the Canon Rebel XT and XTi)."
"In the Canon camera menu, you’ll look for an option called “Shutter/AE Lock Button” and then in that menu you’ll see a whole host of options.  The one you’re looking for is called “Metering Start / Meter + AF Start.”  Could they have possibly made that any more confusing for us photographers?  No… I think not."
"The following is a cheat sheet from the Canon Learning center where you’ll find the menu option on your Canon camera to set up back button focus.  If your camera is not listed here, just poke around a bit and I’m sure you’ll find it easy enough."
EOS Rebel T3: C.Fn 7 (option 1 or 3)
EOS Rebel T3i: C.Fn 9 (option 1 or 3)
EOS 50D: C.Fn IV-1 (option 2 or 3)
EOS 60D: C.Fn IV-1 (option 1, 2, 3, or 4)
EOS 7D: C.Fn IV-1 (Custom Controls — Shutter, AF-ON, AEL buttons)
EOS 5D Mark II: C.Fn IV-1 (option 2 or 3)
EOS-1Ds Mark III: C.Fn IV-1 (option 2 or 3)
EOS-1D Mark IV: C.Fn IV-1 (option 2 or 3)
"More advanced Canon cameras have a dedicated button on the back of the camera that will be the button used to activate the focus on the camera, and other Canon cameras (such as Canon Rebels, Canon 60D, etc) will use the AF-L, AE-L button as the button that will activate focus after this option is selected."
how to back button focus your DSLR camera
About Jim Harmer. Jim Harmer is the founder of Improve Photography, host of the popular Improve Photography Podcast, author, and complete photography geek.