Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow makes The New York Botanical Garden even more beautiful.

Snow makes The New York Botanical Garden even more beautiful.

Winter is tough in the garden--any garden--whether it be a community garden, backyard plot, or the Botanical Garden. The ground is hard, tree limbs are bare, there's an absence of color. But add a blanket of snow ... and oh! How lovely it all becomes!
Snow's stark whiteness highlights the architecture of the landscape. It provides a perfect background for the long shadows cast by winter's low-slung light. Its smooth, wind-scoured surface and billowing drifts contrast with the rough bark and berries of the trees. Snow snuggles into the cracks and crevices of the Garden's monumental rocks, frosts seed heads, and sparkles gaily on a bright day.
It's easy to think of snow, especially snow in New York City as something to dread, but at The New York Botanical Garden, it is something to celebrate! Take a winter walk through the Forest, find a warm corner of the Conservatory during the marvelous Holiday Train Show, wander amidst the beautiful Perennial Garden or the evergreen collection of Ornamental Conifers, and then warm up at one of the Garden's two Cafes with a steaming cup of hot cocoa or a spin through the Shop in the Garden. Come revel in the beauty of winter with us!

To plan your visit and learn more, click here.

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