Tuesday, February 17, 2009


From Ben Willmore (we saw his seminar on Sunday and he was very very good! Besides scott Kelby he was the best photoshop presenter I have ever seen!)

From: http://www.digitalmastery.com/content/view/112/75/

For folks who are shortcut-shy, and could use some encouragement, here's a shortlist you can practice with so you feel like you're really cooking at the keyboard.

I'll list all the ones I can think of in the off chance that at least a few of them will help you. Then in hopes of surprising you, I'll list in brackets (][) what happens if you add the Shift key to each command. Since I'm on a Mac you should know the Command key is the same as Control on Windows and Option is the same as Alt. If you happen to be one of those people who uses both operating systems, you're welcome to download the keyboard layout illustration, which shows the diffence between the two keyboards (Mac and Win).

DownloadKeyboard Layout (316K)

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