Monday, January 19, 2009

Carl Heilman workshops

Happy Winter! We've had a few extra busy months here since I wrote last. Both the 'Coast of Maine' book and the 'Lake George' book are at the publisher / printer and things are starting to settle down some here in the office. I hope everyone had a good holiday season and is enjoying the winter. We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground here - fairly consolidated with about 6" of fresh powder on top. It's been great backcountry skiing and snowshoeing when I've had the chance to get out.

I thought I'd write to make mention of a couple of upcoming events.

First is the 'Extreme' snowshoeoing clinics we'll be doing this coming Martin Luther King weekend (Jan. 17, 18) at the Mountainfest in Keene Valley. It promises to be the best year we've had in some time now for the Mountainfest weekend. Cold temperatures right through the weekend will make for plenty of ice for the climbers - though a bit brittle - and plenty of snow for doing some steep climbing and glissading on snowshoes! If interested, register through The Mountaineer at .

On Sat. Jan 24, I'm doing a morning program and book signing, and an afternoon photography workshop at The Wild Center in Tupper Lake. There are a few great places nearby to photograph in the afternoon - and I'm looking forward to getting up to the Wild Center again to introduce a viewing of 'The Wild Adirondacks'. If interested in the afternoon photo workshop, please contact the Wild Center directly at - and click on Upcoming Events.

Next, we have our winter digital weekend coming up Feb. 14, 15... Yes - that is Valentines Day weekend which might make it tougher to get away for the weekend - but it is also the holiday - Presidents weekend. We will extend the 'early bird' discount through all of January ($425 vs. $465. after). Information on the class - Photoshop and photography - is on the web at .

There is one space left right now in the Winter Landscapes workshop on Feb. 21 .

And the Spring Landscapes class has been filing up quickly. One day is full already, and 4 spaces left on May 16. It's possible that we will schedule an additional day on May 17 as well if there is enough response.

Please note that for anyone interested in attending the Maine workshop at the end of June, I really need to know by March 15. If I don't have enough people sign up by then I need to cancel so we aren't responsible for costs with the hotel for facilities that would be under contract.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions! The whole listing of 2009 workshops can be found on our website at .

Looking forward to seeing you out on the snow this winter!! (That is - for those of you who are in the north country and enjoy snow). For those in the warmer climates, I wish you lots of nice warm sunshine.

Best wishes,
Phone (518)-494-3072
Mon - Fri 9 - 5 Eastern Time

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