"Chances are have probably never heard of Electronic First Shutter Curtain or EFSC for short, but don’t worry, most people that have it don’t even know anything about it. Here’s the important thing to understand about EFSC: it can make a major difference in image quality by completely eliminating image blur due to shutter vibration. After using EFSC for a couple of months now I have one word to describe it, amazing!"
"The reason you haven’t heard about EFSC is that Canon and Sony promote it as a feature that reduces shutter noise and not about shutter vibration reduction. Popular sites like DPReview and imaging-resource only discuss the noise reduction aspect of the EFSC and don’t even mention the elimination of shutter vibration and the resulting benefit in image quality."
What Cameras Have EFSC?
Canon DSLRs: Canon 5DII, 5DIII, 7D, 6D, 40D, 50D, 70D, and entry level models (rebels in the US) have EFSC. The 60D has EFSC but it does not reduce vibration. None of the 1D series has EFSC except for the 1DX.
Sony A and E mount cameras. There is a big issue right now with the new Sony A7/A7R. It turns out that while the A7 has EFSC the A7R does not.
Panasonic MFT cameras with EFSC or silent mode are limited to a few bodies.
Nikon: Only a single Nikon camera, the Nikon 1, has EFSC (actually the Nikon 1 has a full electronic shutter). Its hard to believe that Nikon doesn’t offer a single DSLR with EFSC!
Read the whole article here: EFSC: Why it’s Amazing, and Why You Need to be Using it
For more information on EFSC, including comments from Chuck Westfall, see Charles Krebs site: http://www.krebsmicro.com/Canon_EFSC/
1 comment:
Just an FYI that Nikon has finally released a DSLR with this feature, the new D810. One difference from Canon is that it can be enabled anytime you are in Mirror Lockup mode rather then being limited to Live View.
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