Creating Pleasing Blurs by denise ippolito
This course covers the basics of creating pleasingly blurred images, the factors that influence the degree of blurring and a variety of both in-the-field and Photoshop techniques
that can be used to create pleasingly blurred images. I will teach you many creative ways to move your lens during the exposure to create a variety of artistic blurred images of flowers, trees, water, birds and landscapes. I will teach you to recognize situations where subject movement can be used to your advantage. You will learn how shutter speed affects the degree of blurring and how to control the amount of blur.
Today we live in the digital world and creating pleasingly blurred images is a great way to express your creative side. Join me for this online course and unleash the artist in you.
How does this course work? Each week you will be sent a PDF of information outlining your assignments along with all the information you will need to complete the weekly assignment. At the end of the week you will submit images for critique to the instructor. Your instructor (in this case Denise) will critique the images and give you her thoughts and suggestions for improvement. You will then move on to the next step. Due to schedules and time constraints students will be asked to complete the weekly assignment in a timely manner.
4 WEEK COURSE $179.00
What This Course Covers:
Week 1: What key elements are needed to create pleasing blurs.
In this week we will cover the fundamentals of blurs. We will go over aperture, shutter speed, lighting conditions and tripod use. We will also go over what you should look for in the field and what conditions are best for blurred images. An outline of equipment that can be helpful but not necessarily needed. We will get started creating just the right amount of blur. Learning to control the amount of blur will be paramount.
Week 2: Getting started.
For this week we will cover camera movement and start to get more creative with our images. Lots of different camera movements to go over and try. It should be a fun week! We will cover tips and tricks for capturing flocks of birds as well as groups of flowers. Camera settings, lighting and composition will all be covered this week also.
Week 3:Movement:
Zoom Blurs, Panning Blurs and Motion Blurs will be our focus for this week. There are lots of different motion blurs including water and wind blurs. We will be covering all of the above during this week..
Week 4: Fine tuning Your Blurs.
This week we will cover processing your blurs with the help of Photoshop. Cropping and sharpening as well as noise reduction. Adding more drama to your blurs in Photoshop. How to create a zoom blur in hotoshop. Detailed critiquing of your images from the week.
Recommended Gear:
A digital DSLR camera
Zoom lens (you can still take this course with out one)
Photoshop Elements or CS. (It is not required but it can be helpful in the processing)
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