Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Stitch Panoramics Using Photoshop

How To Stitch Panoramics Using Photoshop

by scottbourne

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Guest Post by Richard Harrington

The Photomerge command lets you take several photographs and combine them into a seamless panoramic image. You can use the command to merge images that are tiled horizontally or vertically.

Use the following steps to merge properly shot photos into a panoramic image.

1. Choose File > Automate > Photomerge. You can also select multiple images in Adobe Bridge and choose Tools > Photoshop > Photomerge (then skip to step 4).

2. Click the Use menu and choose Files or Folders.

3. Click the Browse button and navigate to the files or folder you want to use.

4. Select a Layout option to merge the photos. For most situations, Auto works well.

5. Choose Blend Images Together to have Photoshop attempt to seamlessly blend exposure and color. If you want to create layer masks manually, leave this option unchecked.

6. Click OK to begin the Photomerge process

Other Options

* Vignette Removal: This option can remove darkened edges that can be caused by lens flaws or improper lens shading.

* Geometric Distortion: This option attempts to correct the distortion caused by certain lenses (such as wide angle or fisheye).

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