Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fab Five Photoshop shortcuts

For something new here on the blog, I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. The idea here is that people will share their top five in the comments area and we can get an idea of many more keyboard shortcuts than we ever could have found out on our own (unless of course you are some Photoshop guru like The Photoshop Guys and the trainers/instructors of the world that do this for a living and already know all the shortcuts.)

So, anyway, here’s my Friday Fab Five Photoshop shortcuts and what they do:

CMD/CTRL+J = duplicates your existing layer

CRTL+ALT+SHIFT+E = Stamp Visible This takes all your visible layers and merges them onto a new layer. Increases file size, but very cool

CMD/CTRL+’ = (yes, that’s apostrophe) - it activates the grid in your preferences. Since my grid is set to every 33.33% and one subdivision, it basically shows a Rule of Thirds grid overlay on my images - very handy for compositional cropping

Left and right brackets - decrease and increase your active brush, whether it’s for clone stamp, healing brush, eraser, history brush - whatever

Alt+Eyedropper = you can drag the eyedropper outside of Photoshop to sample a color in another application (great for color matching)

So, those are my five for this friday - what are yours? Sound off in the comments!

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